Last hunt Coyote and Longbeard!


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
Middle Tennessee
I get to my listening spot this morning and hear several gobblers in two different directions. I hear one gobbler out one ridge and several out the other way. I head out the ridge with the most bird thinking the odds would be better. I get setup and they are gobbling their heads off. They fly down in a open valley below me about 200 yards. I head off the ridge and setup about 100 yards from them. I see their are 2 Long beards, 3 jakes and 7 hens. The long beards run the jakes off in my direction and the hens carry the toms the other way. I decided to play with them a little and do a little soft calling. They bit and came my way at about 50 yards they start to get nervous and go to putting. I look to my right and see a coyote coming down the wood line. It gets to around 15 yards and I popped it. It was a small female so I was glad to help the population out a little. After everything settles back down I head back down the ridge where I heard the single gobbler that morning. I get back to my listening spot and he gobbles about 200 yards from me. He is on the edge of a hay field and I can see one hen with him. So I go all the way around the hay field and setup about 100 yards from him. I see his head come up at the edge of the field so I make a few soft yelps and he comes running down the fence. I get ready and next thing I know I see hens about 50 yards from me. They were in a low spot in the field and I just didn't see them. I'm setting behind a big log up against a big oak so they don't even know I'm around. I do a little purring and leaf scratching. They come on in to me. I have hens at around 15 yards and the gobbler is at about 25 yards. He gave me a good head on shot so I take him. This was my last gobbler and a great hunt. 11 1/8 beard 7/8 and 1 inch spurs and I didn't weigh him but I'm guessing around 17 pounds.The good lord blessed me with a great season!

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