baby brother paid crazy prices to hunt, I was his guest. I had the children, he never did. One year he and 15 others he was in leases with paid 16,000 in addition to other leases. It was 800 acres, but not just any 800 acres. The neighbor was the 200,000 acre Shenandoah National Park, Va....the Smithsonian of parks. Property was owned by a lawyer who was rehabbing the mansion on it. It was an old plantation, still with rough roads and share crop homes on it. Day before I got there a friend took a 560# black bear. The next year, it went for way more than 16,000. They were out of it. Whoever said lawyers and doctors were pricing people out...I think it was lawyers who went more than 16,000. The mansion It was under reconstruction and we were allowed to look around it.
Point being, do the scouting, make a plan, know the shot, practice the shot and make it, it maybe the only shot you ever get there.