Lease prices

My belief is that Amp, Basecamp and other 3rd party lease outfits are driving up the lease costs. They are going to raise the price every year. Previously a private landowner or even some timber lease may not have raised their fee for years. Once private landowners hear of the money that Amp gets you they go up as well.
I lease 20 acres in Williamson County (all woods) for $ 11.50/acre. It's like hiking Mt Everest to get to the 'good spot'. Too hilly to navigate on SxS or ATV, so I use the JetSled when I harvest a deer. I suppose it'll either keep me in decent shape or it'll kill me. 🙄
Fishing is right behind it, if not ahead. Yesterday I went to Academy to use my 20% discount on some fishing supplies and was shocked at how expensive many of the lures, hooks and such have gotten. I hadn't needed anything in some time but dang, what a jump on some items.
It's the same on everything you buy since The Biden Regime shut down the Country! Skyrocketing sinse the first day the fool took office. They planned and broke the supply chain.
I lease 20 acres in Williamson County (all woods) for $ 11.50/acre. It's like hiking Mt Everest to get to the 'good spot'. Too hilly to navigate on SxS or ATV, so I use the JetSled when I harvest a deer. I suppose it'll either keep me in decent shape or it'll kill me. 🙄
I had 22 acres I hunted for years in WillCo that regularly produced 150" deer. Great spot. It sold for over 2 mil.
I'm telling you guys your wasting your money. Just get you a thermal and hunt everyone else's land from the road. TWRA has your back on it. Those smart hunters were out here firing rifles in the street night before last. Do you think anything happened to them? Nope
I'm telling you guys your wasting your money. Just get you a thermal and hunt everyone else's land from the road. TWRA has your back on it. Those smart hunters were out here firing rifles in the street night before last. Do you think anything happened to them? Nope
I would be in jail! Sorry you have to deal with that crap brother
440 acres adjacent to mine was recently lease for over $25 an acre. That seemed crazy high to me, but not so much after reading through this thread. Prices do seem to be all over the map though!
baby brother paid crazy prices to hunt, I was his guest. I had the children, he never did. One year he and 15 others he was in leases with paid 16,000 in addition to other leases. It was 800 acres, but not just any 800 acres. The neighbor was the 200,000 acre Shenandoah National Park, Va....the Smithsonian of parks. Property was owned by a lawyer who was rehabbing the mansion on it. It was an old plantation, still with rough roads and share crop homes on it. Day before I got there a friend took a 560# black bear. The next year, it went for way more than 16,000. They were out of it. Whoever said lawyers and doctors were pricing people out...I think it was lawyers who went more than 16,000. The mansion It was under reconstruction and we were allowed to look around it.

Point being, do the scouting, make a plan, know the shot, practice the shot and make it, it maybe the only shot you ever get there.
Went and looked at a property to possibly lease yesterday, its 130 acres about half woods and one big field the owner cuts hay off. He has no idea what to tell me as far as a price goes and I dont want to insult him. He did throw out a number of 2500 which I though was a little steep. Its in deer lodge and he also requested no hunting on sunday. What kinda price would you be willing to pay. Its nice flat land.
I lease 1200 acres and I pay $17 per acre. That's close to McEwen tn.
I lease 1200 acres close to McEwen and we pay $17 per acre. Small piece of property in a good area will probably bring more $$ per acre.
I lease 1200 acres close to McEwen and we pay $17 per acre. Small piece of property in a good area will probably bring more $$ per acre.
Just yourself? No way a man could know 1,200 acres much less hunt all of it in a year.
I own the property that adjoins the 1200 acres. The previous guys who leased it were constantly on my property by "accident". I ended up taking over the lease and formed a hunt club on it for my buddies. The price is split by 10 members. I'm one of the members. This way my buddies have a place to hunt and I know where hats going on over there. My son and I don't walk up to poachers on our property any more
I own the property that adjoins the 1200 acres. The previous guys who leased it were constantly on my property by "accident". I ended up taking over the lease and formed a hunt club on it for my buddies. The price is split by 10 members. I'm one of the members. This way my buddies have a place to hunt and I know where hats going on over there. My son and I don't walk up to poachers on our property any more
Nice. That's about a perfect setup.
Yes the land owner will be allowed to hunt if he wants. Thats how my Dad has always done it on his leases, an incentive to the owner if you will. Ive always hunted with my Dad on his leases for free this is my first one, he did go in half with me, but now I can throw around some ideas with planting a small plot and stand placement.
All I've seen from Mennonites and Amish is that if it's brown it's down. I hope this works out for you but leasing property that you don't have exclusive rights to sounds super iffy to me. I would expect there will be a lot of activity on this place that you aren't anticipating. Hope not.

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