Let's hear you creepy stories

At a remote park/boat ramp off the Cumberland River near Ashland City one night a buddy and myself were frog gigging on the river and in the creeks. Using a trolling motor to slip around we rounded a corner near the park that had no lights. With a full moon,We were only using our spot light to spot the banks. Upon turning on the spotlight, lo and behold we see a SECOND MOON! This woman's backside was an axe handle wide that had never seen the sun!! Well she scrambles about and there was a pencil of a man scrambling as well!! We had enough so quickly back towards the boat ramp before our sides started to hurt 👀
You guys ever see the movie Casino?
Remember the end where Joe Pesci and his brother got beat to death?
The last 3 years I lived in Illinois, I belonged to a hunting club and our lease was in Pembroke Township Illinois, an all black farming community.
We were 20 minutes from where Tony and Michael Spilotro, Pescis character in Casino were uncovered.
Nasty area. We'd camp out during gun season, one guy had a camper, the rest of us slept in our cars.
We all slept with our slug guns and a pistol.
At least twice we've been woken up by cars pulling into our lease. Probably gangs.
They have found bodies on our lease in the past.
Wanna know why I moved to Tennessee?


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A word of warning about owls, I got hit 2 times about 30-45 minutes apart, first time it hit a claw under each eye about 1/2" and on my nose, 2nd time caught something against the stars and ducked, 4 punctures in the top of my head. I had spotted a good deer in this hollow and got in it over a hour before daylight, I suspect it thought I was a squirrel. I had on a hat and a face mask first time and hat got knocked off, 2nd time only mask, screamed like a MF lol . hawk came over about 10 and jumped the owl out of the top of a tree about 30-40y away, might have shot it had I known it was still there. I came close to losing my eyes that morning, have hated owls ever since lol
A word of warning about owls, I got hit 2 times about 30-45 minutes apart, first time it hit a claw under each eye about 1/2" and on my nose, 2nd time caught something against the stars and ducked, 4 punctures in the top of my head. I had spotted a good deer in this hollow and got in it over a hour before daylight, I suspect it thought I was a squirrel. I had on a hat and a face mask first time and hat got knocked off, 2nd time only mask, screamed like a MF lol . hawk came over about 10 and jumped the owl out of the top of a tree about 30-40y away, might have shot it had I known it was still there. I came close to losing my eyes that morning, have hated owls ever since lol
That would be truly scary.
A word of warning about owls, I got hit 2 times about 30-45 minutes apart, first time it hit a claw under each eye about 1/2" and on my nose, 2nd time caught something against the stars and ducked, 4 punctures in the top of my head. I had spotted a good deer in this hollow and got in it over a hour before daylight, I suspect it thought I was a squirrel. I had on a hat and a face mask first time and hat got knocked off, 2nd time only mask, screamed like a MF lol . hawk came over about 10 and jumped the owl out of the top of a tree about 30-40y away, might have shot it had I known it was still there. I came close to losing my eyes that morning, have hated owls ever since lol
On a level of 1-10 how confused we're you as to what the heck was going on.
8 lol , never seen anything the first time just blam , 2nd time eye caught something against the background of stars, very clear morning perfect weather imo. another member of the lease heard me 1/2 mile away , I ended up killing a doe there with my xbow at a later date,, seen the ass end of the buck and refused to shoot it with my xbow. If I hadn't had a hat on the first time I think I may have lost both eyes.
When I was 6-8 years old I would go to a neighbor's pond and either catch bullheads or shoot frogs with my BB gun. The landowner and another neighbor would sneak into not the woods below the pond and shake bushes and squall like a cat to watch me run.
This was a regular occurrence until I got older and could carry a pump pellet gun.
Back in the late 60's or early 70's, can't remember exactly.
My huntin buddy and me were bow hunting in Jackson County. My buddy had a VW bus that he had converted to a camper We had permission to hunt on a very large tract of land.
We had driven the bus about three or four miles back on this logging road, and it was starting to get dark so we decided to stop and camp there for the night.
After we ate supper we decided to turn in and get up early the next morning. It was early bow season and still fairly warm so we had the windows down on the camper.
Well just as we got settled down and about asleep, way off in the distance we heard the most blood curdling sound you could imagine. We both sat straight up and said what in the heck was that. Then about that time we heard it again, a scream like I had never ever heard before.
It sounded like it was closer that time, well we both jumped up and got dressed and went outside the camper.
Then we heard it again, even closer and it would make your hair stand up. The sound was coming from the direction that we had came in on the logging road. Well it kept coming closer and closer and still screaming.
Finally I saw some lights coming toward us on the logging road, and this truck finally drives up. It was the landowner and a couple of his buddies, they were laughing so hard they couldn't hardly talk. One of his buddies was an old man that I had never seen before and he was the one that was doing the screaming, he could put a banshee to shame.
They had a jug of moonshine and really got a kick out of scaring the piss out of us.
I've told some of this story once on here but I'll put more detail into it this time. This happened probably 96/97 or so and I was about 17/18. I had this piece of property that I had hunted all my life and it was several hundred acres surrounded by many more. I hunted a lot, like almost every day me and my buddy were there probably doing more harm than good but we loved being in the woods. The guy that owned it lived next to my grandpa and was not a hunter. My grandpa was a man of God, in church all the time and gave me plenty of talks about the Lord. One day early bow season I had stopped at his house to get something to eat and he told me the next time I go hunt to watch out for the devil worshippers and he kinda laughed. I half heartedly took his advice and asked what he was talking about and he said the landowner had been over there and saw where some devil worshippers had been. I honestly thought he was joking and just trying to make me nervous so I didn't think much of it. Well, couple days later me and my buddy are going in to a place we called boomballa holla because we killed tons of deer in this hollar. This particular hollar is an old creek bottom that's all hardwoods with ridges on both sides that are surrounded by "bowater" pines on the tops and each end. Perfect place. We always got a creepy feeling walking into that place anyway and never knew why. My buddy was and still is scared of the dark so he was always right on my heels and first to stop and climb a tree. So that morning to mess with him as we're walking in I tell him what my grandpa said and he thought I was joking also. As we approach where the pines turn to hardwoods I'm leading and have my headlamp on and I notice something weird on the ground. Rocks were out of place that hadn't been there before. Not pebbles but bigger rocks. I immediately stop and say wth is this and we shine our lights and we're standing directly in the center of a pentagram made of rocks. Talk about freaking out! We shine our lights around and there's a place they had a small fire built with about 10 or so candles half burnt. Keep in mind this area is miles from any dwelling or access besides the property we had permission on. We investigate a little more and notice stuff hanging from a few trees, it was dead kittens! My buddy panics, takes his stand off his back and hooks it on a tree. I said what the h'$@ are u doing and he said I'm getting the h$&;: off the ground and in this tree! I said you're stupid and left him there to keep going and hunt my usual spot. Never saw or heard anybody in there ever again. Weird. Scared us to death for a little bit. Oh ya, the part about the kittens didn't happen but I thought it sounded cool while typing this 😂. But the rest of it is 100% true.
A word of warning about owls, I got hit 2 times about 30-45 minutes apart, first time it hit a claw under each eye about 1/2" and on my nose, 2nd time caught something against the stars and ducked, 4 punctures in the top of my head. I had spotted a good deer in this hollow and got in it over a hour before daylight, I suspect it thought I was a squirrel. I had on a hat and a face mask first time and hat got knocked off, 2nd time only mask, screamed like a MF lol . hawk came over about 10 and jumped the owl out of the top of a tree about 30-40y away, might have shot it had I known it was still there. I came close to losing my eyes that morning, have hated owls ever since lol
Did you buy your hunting cap off Amazon? Ha!

A word of warning about owls, I got hit 2 times about 30-45 minutes apart, first time it hit a claw under each eye about 1/2" and on my nose, 2nd time caught something against the stars and ducked, 4 punctures in the top of my head. I had spotted a good deer in this hollow and got in it over a hour before daylight, I suspect it thought I was a squirrel. I had on a hat and a face mask first time and hat got knocked off, 2nd time only mask, screamed like a MF lol . hawk came over about 10 and jumped the owl out of the top of a tree about 30-40y away, might have shot it had I known it was still there. I came close to losing my eyes that morning, have hated owls ever since lol
It saw your eyeballs. My dad had that happen to him - same scenario. The owl thought his little eyeballs were a small mouse or some other little critter.
I've told some of this story once on here but I'll put more detail into it this time. This happened probably 96/97 or so and I was about 17/18. I had this piece of property that I had hunted all my life and it was several hundred acres surrounded by many more. I hunted a lot, like almost every day me and my buddy were there probably doing more harm than good but we loved being in the woods. The guy that owned it lived next to my grandpa and was not a hunter. My grandpa was a man of God, in church all the time and gave me plenty of talks about the Lord. One day early bow season I had stopped at his house to get something to eat and he told me the next time I go hunt to watch out for the devil worshippers and he kinda laughed. I half heartedly took his advice and asked what he was talking about and he said the landowner had been over there and saw where some devil worshippers had been. I honestly thought he was joking and just trying to make me nervous so I didn't think much of it. Well, couple days later me and my buddy are going in to a place we called boomballa holla because we killed tons of deer in this hollar. This particular hollar is an old creek bottom that's all hardwoods with ridges on both sides that are surrounded by "bowater" pines on the tops and each end. Perfect place. We always got a creepy feeling walking into that place anyway and never knew why. My buddy was and still is scared of the dark so he was always right on my heels and first to stop and climb a tree. So that morning to mess with him as we're walking in I tell him what my grandpa said and he thought I was joking also. As we approach where the pines turn to hardwoods I'm leading and have my headlamp on and I notice something weird on the ground. Rocks were out of place that hadn't been there before. Not pebbles but bigger rocks. I immediately stop and say wth is this and we shine our lights and we're standing directly in the center of a pentagram made of rocks. Talk about freaking out! We shine our lights around and there's a place they had a small fire built with about 10 or so candles half burnt. Keep in mind this area is miles from any dwelling or access besides the property we had permission on. We investigate a little more and notice stuff hanging from a few trees, it was dead kittens! My buddy panics, takes his stand off his back and hooks it on a tree. I said what the h'$@ are u doing and he said I'm getting the h$&;: off the ground and in this tree! I said you're stupid and left him there to keep going and hunt my usual spot. Never saw or heard anybody in there ever again. Weird. Scared us to death for a little bit. Oh ya, the part about the kittens didn't happen but I thought it sounded cool while typing this 😂. But the rest of it is 100% true.

Why was he so adamant to get off the ground? 🤣 he's still afraid of the dark?
I just thought of another incident that was a real head scratcher and made for a very strange morning in the woods. Bout five years ago, about an hour before daylight I headed in to my ladder stand in some pines that bordered large hardwoods. I got up in my stand and turned to hang my backpack on the hook and saw an orangish red light off in the pines about 150 yards or so. I immediately started thinking someone had put up a blind and the orange light I saw was a flashlight glowing inside the blind. Of course my blood pressure went up cause I didn't want anyone dropping anchor on my spot. It was still dark but I got my rangefinder out and was trying to keep an eye on the activity. Thirty minutes or so has gone by and nothing ever moved an inch so I was baffled. At this point I had decided it wasn't a hunter but something else. I wanted to get down and go look real bad but didn't want to mess up my hunt. The light was about three feet of the ground and right before daylight was glowing like a fire. This thing was starting to freak me out. I wasn't sure if the woods were about to catch fire or I was going to be rushed by some space alien. As the morning got brighter the light vanished and I couldn't pin point where it was at any longer. When I got down after hunting I walked over to the area I thought it was at, nothing. No signs of anything burning or otherwise. My best guess was either lighting had struck the tree or a meteorite had fallen and smashed in the the tree and buried up in the tree. I did manage to take a couple pictures on my phone. They are bad pictures due to darkness and a crappy phone but it shows kind of what I'm talking about. First is no zoom
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I met a guy in a Walmart parking lot one time. Dude drove up in a burgundy Ford, looked like a homeless Sasquatch with dip in his lip. 😂. Creepy man….glad to be alive.

@Chippy was there shortly after and can attest to the creepiness.

@Hduke86 miiiight have been there too 😂
I met a guy in a Walmart parking lot one time. Dude drove up in a burgundy Ford, looked like a homeless Sasquatch with dip in his lip. 😂. Creepy man….glad to be alive.

@Chippy was there shortly after and can attest to the creepiness.

@Hduke86 miiiight have been there too 😂
I'm clean shaven now so I just look homeless
I met a guy in a Walmart parking lot one time. Dude drove up in a burgundy Ford, looked like a homeless Sasquatch with dip in his lip. 😂. Creepy man….glad to be alive.

@Chippy was there shortly after and can attest to the creepiness.

@Hduke86 miiiight have been there too 😂
Heavy on the creepiness but glad the squatch was there to help me load the 4 wheeler up , the other guy that was there jumped in the bed of the truck and just mumbled instructions at us like uncle joe!

That's how I remember it anyway, how bout you @Hduke86 ?
Heavy on the creepiness but glad the squatch was there to help me load the 4 wheeler up , the other guy that was there jumped in the bed of the truck and just mumbled instructions at us like uncle joe!

That's how I remember it anyway, how bout you @Hduke86 ?
Not only did we have the lift the atv into the bed of the truck but ol grandpa himself had to have assistance to get in the bed of the truck.

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