Let's hear you creepy stories


Why was he so adamant to get off the ground? 🤣 he's still afraid of the dark?
He claims he could be up where they couldn't see him and be able to strike first 😂. And yes, he's still nervous as a cat walking in the woods in the dark. To the point now that where he rarely does it, and yet still kills good deer.
Speaking of owls…..Have you ever compared owls to ghost stories?
Owls have round heads and their wings make no noise.
Most depictions of ghost have round heads and glide silently through the air.
Owls hoot, screech, and make several eerie sounds.
Ghosts go boo, whooo, screech, and make several other eerie sounds.

A group of Hispanics were tearing down an old schoolhouse several years ago in White Pine. They kept hearing strange sounds and white objects kept attacking them. It got to the point that they refused to continue working because of the ghosts.
Further investigation found a barn owl nest with several young owls and the adults protecting them.
Barn owls make a lot of different sounds, especially when agitated.
The young birds were captured and taken to rehabilitation. Adult birds left. Problem solved, worker returned with no further hauntings.
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Speaking of owls…..Have you ever compared owls to ghost stories?
Owls have round heads and their wings make no noise.
Most depictions of ghost have round heads and glide silently through the air.
Owls hoot, screech, and make several eerie sounds.
Ghosts go boo, whooo, screech, and make several other eerie sounds.

A group of Hispanics were tearing down an old schoolhouse several years ago in White Pine. They kept hearing strange sounds and white objects kept attacking them. It got to the point that they refused to continue working because of the ghosts.
Further investigation found a barn owl nest with several young owls and the adults protecting them.
Barn owls make a lot of different sounds, especially when agitated.
I would pay money to have watched that action!
I would pay money to have watched that action!
I picked up a couple of the young birds at the local Police Dept. some of the local firefighters and officers were standing outside when I went to pick them up. They were afraid to go back in after the birds started hissing and screeching. Lol
It's been a while; hello to the folks I haven't met, and good to see you again to the old timers.

Creepiest story I have is one day, just rambling about the Cedar State Forest near Lebanon. It was in early March of 1994, still cold enough to keep bugs at bay. 12ga loaded with #4 shot in case a coyote got unlucky.

I walked up a trail near the edge of the forest and found a really nice place to set up and maybe call a coyote. Sign there indicated anything coming In would come along the ridge and be in a perfect spot about 20yards in front - 10 o'clock with me at 6 and straight in front at 12.

Very shortly after the song of the mortally wounded rabbit ceased, I heard something coming. Unmistakable sounds of canine feet trotting up the trail, even a little panting. The cover from the trail was about 50yards either side from the trees, wide open, so I just looked, waiting for what I figured would be a wandering family pet dog to emerge. Nothing emerged, though I heard the sound come closer. The sound didn't stop, change, or have any difference as it came directly towards me, cut slightly to the left and went around and away from me. I never saw anything. The cover was very sparse, rocks and a few sparse little cedars.

At that moment, I wasn't creeped out, just thought it weird. I left and went home, which was close. It was a few days later when creepy met weird, and over the years I've pondered what I really experienced there.