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Let's Talk Catoosa


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2024
I've got the upcoming muzzleloader hunt starting the 24th. I haven't been in a good long while, and I keep hearing negative statements about it. Then I got curious, on the short 9 day bow hunt, the area killed 70 deer, and at least 2 bears. I don't know how many hogs, I didn't check. So I scrolled through all wma data and nowhere put up comparable numbers; of the which, most have been open all season. Some of those had done had some muzzleloader hunts. Now granted it wasn't a large number of bucks taken, but given the fact the bowhunt there is probably the worst part of the year to see mature bucks. I say mature because antler requirement puts them on the mature side. So why do so many say it sucks now?
I've got the upcoming muzzleloader hunt starting the 24th. I haven't been in a good long while, and I keep hearing negative statements about it. Then I got curious, on the short 9 day bow hunt, the area killed 70 deer, and at least 2 bears. I don't know how many hogs, I didn't check. So I scrolled through all wma data and nowhere put up comparable numbers; of the which, most have been open all season. Some of those had done had some muzzleloader hunts. Now granted it wasn't a large number of bucks taken, but given the fact the bowhunt there is probably the worst part of the year to see mature bucks. I say mature because antler requirement puts them on the mature side. So why do so many say it sucks now?
We go there sometimes. It's big, thick, and tons of people wanting to hunt the same spot.
We usually try to find an area that no one is in.
We've seen deer, but never killed anything but time there.
Don't hate it...but didn't put in for it this year.
Going to chuck Swan instead.
We go there sometimes. It's big, thick, and tons of people wanting to hunt the same spot.
We usually try to find an area that no one is in.
We've seen deer, but never killed anything but time there.
Don't hate it...but didn't put in for it this year.
Going to chuck Swan instead.
Chuck Swan is a little more irritating to me to hunt. However, I have a soft spot for it. I really just wanted a place the resembles an old hunt camp to take my son in law. He wasn't raised hunting, but he's fell in love with it. So I thought he might enjoy the experience of staying in a tent with all the wood fires burning and taters and onions cooked on the ol coleman.
Chuck Swan is a little more irritating to me to hunt. However, I have a soft spot for it. I really just wanted a place the resembles an old hunt camp to take my son in law. He wasn't raised hunting, but he's fell in love with it. So I thought he might enjoy the experience of staying in a tent with all the wood fires burning and taters and onions cooked on the ol coleman.
Sounds like fun. I'm sure he will enjoy it either way.
We have only hunted CS once before. Seen deer, but nothing taken. I hunt with my daughter, so we try to hunt places reasonably accessible...and not a long drag back out.. she's not much help.. 😂
Best of luck to you. And be careful...can get crazy there at times. ML probably not that bad...but rifle... different story.
There is no telling how many people it took to kill those 70 deer. Catoosa is normally packed solid with people. There will be a few good bucks killed on the gun hunts but 2000 people get drawn. I hunted it when I was younger but just don't care to fight the crowds anymore. There are some good deer but I would have a plan A,B, C , D etc.......Personally I wish they would cut the numbers in half on the gun hunts to make for a better quality hunt . Good luck and try to avoid the crowds if possible, the camping should be fun and you never know up on the mountain what may show up!
You have to look at the acreage vs the amount of deer and people out there.
So compared to Prentice Cooper or LBL? People, acres, or just not liking the terrain? Because LBL has been open and they haven't put up those numbers. Nor has any other management areas. That is my point. I know a lot of people don't enjoy hunting inside those clear cuts. But as far as deer killed it seems to still be better early on than any of the others. The only one with as many killed and more bucks is Old Hickory. And that is with season open with regular seasons. So in essence, 20 more days of hunting.
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I had one of my most memorable hunts there probably 30 years ago. We hunted right behind the campground off otter creek. I can't recall the name anymore. There was never any pressure behind the campground but that day, on the way in I waited for my partner to get ahead of me before I entered and a couple hundred yards in a buck came running over a rolling hill, stopped, stomped angrily, then snorted and ran the other way. I could hear him run up and do the same to my partner. Then he ran back and did the same to me again but it was too thick for a shot but he turned again and I could hear him running when my buddy's shot went off. I walked over and my partner was on the ground shaking with the buck skidded to his feet. The deer had charged him, horns down while he was sitting at the base of a tree with an old hawken rifle, and hit the deer at about 10 feet. It was a decent 8 pt. The deers skull had been broken right down the middle and was completely loose on one side. When we skinned him, he had puncture wounds all over his body. I suspect brain damage from the skull fracture caused the violent behavior he displayed. Anyways, I never hunter there a lot, and its been a long time ago, but we always saw the most deer close to the roads and behind the campgrounds, where no one thought to hunt.
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There is no telling how many people it took to kill those 70 deer. Catoosa is normally packed solid with people. There will be a few good bucks killed on the gun hunts but 2000 people get drawn. I hunted it when I was younger but just don't care to fight the crowds anymore. There are some good deer but I would have a plan A,B, C , D etc.......Personally I wish they would cut the numbers in half on the gun hunts to make for a better quality hunt . Good luck and try to avoid the crowds if possible, the camping should be fun and you never know up on the mountain what may show up!
So 480 acres per hunter is too small? I believe what most people are really upset about is deer density, not Hunter density. Granted you may night find optimal areas to suit you, but I don't really think that for a draw hunt it's overcrowded.
So 480 acres per hunter is too small? I believe what most people are really upset about is deer density, not Hunter density. Granted you may night find optimal areas to suit you, but I don't really think that for a draw hunt it's overcrowdedS
Some hunter frustration with Catoosa comes from the fact - many years ago, Catoosa held a considerable number of brute bucks. I suspect, but probably nobody knows, it was because they stocked Catoosa with deer from Wisconsin, which were a slightly different strain from deer that normally run around down here. As time went on, and that strain of bucks was washed out of the gene pool, coupled with the fact of hunters killing any buck that walked by - Catoosa really didn't produce the big bucks it once did. Around 1998, they implemented a "4 point on one side rule" - many folks thought that rule was going to produce Godzilla bucks all over Catoosa, but it never happened. I would bet there are less big, mature bucks killed there since the rule, than there were before the rule. NOW, I don't know that for sure, as I haven't looked at the numbers...but that's the perception. Couple that with seeing orange vests everywhere you walk AND orange vests walking by you when you are sitting in a tree - all hours of the morning and a lot of folks got disheartened with Catoosa. I stopped hunting up there when I figured out my chances of killing a mature buck were much greater on other properties I hunt then they are there. I still love it, and I want to get back to hunting it some - but, it's just doesn't really seem to be what it ought to be AS FAR AS holding big bucks. Part of that, I think, is the "four on one side" rule has people shooting the first 8 point they see - thereby culling the most promising 2 year old bucks on the place. But, I'm not an expert. Anyways, I think that's what causes much of the frustration with hunters concerning Catoosa. I got drawn on two hunts, but so far, I haven't had a chance to get up there and scout at all. I don't know if I'll make it up there or not.
So 480 acres per hunter is too small? I believe what most people are really upset about is deer density, not Hunter density. Granted you may night find optimal areas to suit you, but I don't really think that for a draw hunt it's overcrowded.
You can't hunt every acre on the place, it's some rough country in spots and some of the clear cuts are not huntable. On paper yep it looks fine but just wait til you get to your spot early and 3 or 4 vehicles pull in and come right with you. Again not trying at all to discourage you at all some good deer in the place , find you a spot that you don't think others will be and you should be fine. Just my experience, people tend to congregate to the same areas at Catoosa . I wish you the best of luck and hope you guys both kill a dandy! Just saying you could cut the number of people and add another hunt and it would probably be better quality hunt for all involved . Again just an opinion.
So 480 acres per hunter is too small? I believe what most people are really upset about is deer density, not Hunter density. Granted you may night find optimal areas to suit you, but I don't really think that for a draw hunt it's overcrowded.
I dont think your math is correct. It's more in the 40's acre per drawn hunter, recognizing not everyone shows up. You seem pretty set on it so just go for it and you may well have some luck!
I've got the upcoming muzzleloader hunt starting the 24th. I haven't been in a good long while, and I keep hearing negative statements about it. Then I got curious, on the short 9 day bow hunt, the area killed 70 deer, and at least 2 bears. I don't know how many hogs, I didn't check. So I scrolled through all wma data and nowhere put up comparable numbers; of the which, most have been open all season. Some of those had done had some muzzleloader hunts. Now granted it wasn't a large number of bucks taken, but given the fact the bowhunt there is probably the worst part of the year to see mature bucks. I say mature because antler requirement puts them on the mature side. So why do so many say it sucks now?
just curious- was there a season for bears in catoosa or were they shot as a nuisance kill? I'll be out at catoosa for both MZ and rifle...have several spots picked out for what everyone is saying here about the crowds. apologies in advance if I walk past yall in the tree- I'll be on the ground and will be respectfully quiet, but with all these people, moving around is part of the deal whether we like it or not...would have to agree with the others about TWRA maybe thinking about hunter density or different timing to make for a better/safer experience for us all.
So 480 acres per hunter is too small? I believe what most people are really upset about is deer density, not Hunter density. Granted you may night find optimal areas to suit you, but I don't really think that for a draw hunt it's overcrowded.
I can tell you've not been there. It's not 480 per acre unless you're a rabbit. Most of it is cutover that you can't get in and other parts ( bicolor) is super steep. I've hunted it for years and have killed bucks and have had awesome hunts there. I will tell you it took homework and boots on the ground. I go with a group every time I go I've killed 4 times the rest of my party between 6 guys on many hunts have killed 2 times and they were in spots that I put them. There is pockets that hold deer but they're few and far between. If you hunt catoosa any time at all you know it's not what it used to be. The early bow hunt in my opinion is by far your best opportunity to kill.
I can tell you've not been there. It's not 480 per acre unless you're a rabbit. Most of it is cutover that you can't get in and other parts ( bicolor) is super steep. I've hunted it for years and have killed bucks and have had awesome hunts there. I will tell you it took homework and boots on the ground. I go with a group every time I go I've killed 4 times the rest of my party between 6 guys on many hunts have killed 2 times and they were in spots that I put them. There is pockets that hold deer but they're few and far between. If you hunt catoosa any time at all you know it's not what it used to be. The early bow hunt in my opinion is by far your best opportunity to you
You must think I ain't been around lol. I have hunted it since 1985. I don't think the full picture of what I'm getting at is coming through. And yes my math was off earlier post one too few zeros as I fat thumbed the calculator. As far as what I am trying to get is success so far this season compared to other wma's. Plus the constant complaining i hear about clear cutting. It's been managed that way since I first hunted it in 85. So how far back are you going when you say used to be?
just curious- was there a season for bears in catoosa or were they shot as a nuisance kill? I'll be out at catoosa for both MZ and rifle...have several spots picked out for what everyone is saying here about the crowds. apologies in advance if I walk past yall in the tree- I'll be on the ground and will be respectfully quiet, but with all these people, moving around is part of the deal whether we like it or not...would have to agree with the others about TWRA maybe thinking about hunter density or different timing to make for a better/safer experience for us all.
Bears are allowed on open Archery hunt.
I hunt it several times every year and have for quite a few years. You can get away from people but in my experience you have to pay attention to roads and access trails. There is a lot of access 4 wheeler trails all over the place.so some think they are all by themselves but walked 1.5 miles only to be 50 yards off an access trail without knowing it till a 4 wheeler comes by. I have had chances at some really fine bucks and somehow blew it every time. I've got to get the monkey off my back at catoosa. I've had 5 opportunities in last 4 years only for something to go wrong at the last minute. Weather has been awful these last few years out there. I'll be there god willing for both the rifle hunts. I like the hunt. I grew up camp hunting and that's what I like most about it. Hunting and camping with friends and family. Hope it isn't packed like it has been last 2 years.
You must think I ain't been around lol. I have hunted it since 1985. I don't think the full picture of what I'm getting at is coming through. And yes my math was off earlier post one too few zeros as I fat thumbed the calculator. As far as what I am trying to get is success so far this season compared to other wma's. Plus the constant complaining i hear about clear cutting. It's been managed that way since I first hunted it in 85. So how far back are you going when you say used to be?
Hey bud not being argumentative, if it came off that way. I had a neighbor that hunted it in the 70s, 80s and 90s. He always talked how great the place was and he had the wall to prove it, im talking studs. My dad also hunted it back in the glory days and saw what he said was 2 of the largest deer he's ever saw. I've got family that has a farm that borders catoosa they've went from seeing 20 deer an evening to now seeing 2-3 deer a week.So, for that reason I started hunting it in early 00s. I've hunted it and seen some dandy's. Honestly 2 years ago was my best year for sightings but it took years to decipher that area out to give my best accessibility to the spot so that other hunters would push deer to me. I'm not sure without the orange army that I'd even saw deer. I do however get what your saying about deer to hunter ratio for wmas. Tennessee in general is lacking management on public ground. All public ground. 4 on one side or this 9 pt rule crap is not management. I saw a 70 inch 9 pt 2y/o this morning. I've got a 7 pt that may possibly make 120plus that I know is 4.5. If I was a manager which do I shoot. lol. I guess you see why we're a bit aggravated over Twra and the program they've set. I won't get into the rest of it, maybe others will speak up. By the way they may have been clear cuts then to, but they weren't clear cut happy like today. You said you haven't been there for a good long while. Be ready to have the wind took out your sails. It's a clearcut.
I hunt it several times every year and have for quite a few years. You can get away from people but in my experience you have to pay attention to roads and access trails. There is a lot of access 4 wheeler trails all over the place.so some think they are all by themselves but walked 1.5 miles only to be 50 yards off an access trail without knowing it till a 4 wheeler comes by. I have had chances at some really fine bucks and somehow blew it every time. I've got to get the monkey off my back at catoosa. I've had 5 opportunities in last 4 years only for something to go wrong at the last minute. Weather has been awful these last few years out there. I'll be there god willing for both the rifle hunts. I like the hunt. I grew up camp hunting and that's what I like most about it. Hunting and camping with friends and family. Hope it isn't packed like it has been last 2 years.
That's the only reason I really put in for it was for the son in law to experience what I did with my dad.

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