Looking for opinions on season date changes

The 3 grand divisions shouldn't be treated the same in regards to deer. That's the main issue I have always had. Being able to hunt in East Tennessee with a rifle as long as it's allowed is absolutely absurd. But yet I can't take a doe with my bow (or any other weapon) after the first Sunday in December at some of my farms? What? How much sense does that make? If you have a deer density problem get the rifles outta the woods earlier. But as long as the TWRA is a separate entity and essentially a business, it will continue to be ran in a fashion that produces the most revenue. TWRA doesn't care about e quality of the resource they care about the money it produces.
Take muzzleloader out completely, let people shoot a rifle if they want. Muzzleloaders wound and lose more deer than all other weapons combined.

Muzzleloaders should be used for civil war reenactments and boat anchors.
I agree to an extent...make it "Shotgun/Muzzleloader". I do support the true purist who wants to hunt with patch & ball...I get it
No way, no how. If deer season is too long for you, don't hunt. I think we should be allowed to harvest three (3) bucks. After all, there is an archery, muzzleloader and big gun season. They could get creative, (yeah right) and impose antler restrictions on the third buck. Just thinking out loud.
I like the 2 buck limit. But if I could make a change, here's what I would want. Don't open the season until the 1st weekend of October--its way too hot in September-- and let us hunt the whole month of January. But I would add a week to ML season, make rifle end, first weekend in January, and be bow only before before ML and from weekend in January until the end of January. You miss a lot of great days to hunt in January when there is still some good rutting activity.
I can tell you for certain the farmers in TN would have plenty to say on this. If anything, they would be all for extending the season out to the end of January. The crop damage that deer cause is for real!
Just my opinion.....I absolutely love the way things have developed the last 20 years in my section of TN (western Montgomery County). These are the "good ol' days" of deer hunting. The 2 buck limit is the sweet spot. It allows me to be somewhat particular, but if a nice mature buck comes by I can shoot him, knowing I can still shoot another buck. The majority of years I eat that second buck tag and I am fine with that.

If the state wanted to change things to help hunters with maximizing opportunity during the rut I'd be happy with that. The heart of the rut on our place always happens during ML season. It would be nice to have a rifle in my hands during that time. It would be nice to be able to use our weapon of choice during the rut. Other parts of the state have a later rut so maybe some changes could be made there. But, for my money, TWRA has done a pretty solid job in the 21st century with how they've handled deer season.
Just wondering where you get your figures on "Muzzleloaders wound and lose more deer than all other weapons combined"? I kill one or two every year with a muzzleloader and so far have not lost one I shot at.
I've also been fortunate and been very successful with killing deer with a muzzleloader. However, there is always little to no blood trail whatsoever. Less experienced hunters are more likely to "give up" or simply not look for the deer after a short walk and not seeing any blood (when the deer is likely 100 yards or closer and deader than a door knob). Additionally, I shot a deer at 10 yards this year where I was able to surgically place where I wanted to put the bullet. The problem was, I overestimated the power of the bullet and the shoulder took the impact. That was 3 weeks ago and still haven't found that deer. With a rifle, dead in his tracks - no question about it. That changed my whole perspective of muzzleloaders.
I talk to atleast 2-3 hunters every year that lose a deer from a muzzleloader. And those are the ones that know they hit the deer.

A lot deer don't bleed when shot with a muzzleloader. I've found plenty of them and talked to people that have found plenty of them.
Just my opinion.....I absolutely love the way things have developed the last 20 years in my section of TN (western Montgomery County). These are the "good ol' days" of deer hunting. The 2 buck limit is the sweet spot. It allows me to be somewhat particular, but if a nice mature buck comes by I can shoot him, knowing I can still shoot another buck. The majority of years I eat that second buck tag and I am fine with that.

If the state wanted to change things to help hunters with maximizing opportunity during the rut I'd be happy with that. The heart of the rut on our place always happens during ML season. It would be nice to have a rifle in my hands during that time. It would be nice to be able to use our weapon of choice during the rut. Other parts of the state have a later rut so maybe some changes could be made there. But, for my money, TWRA has done a pretty solid job in the 21st century with how they've handled deer season.
I like these answers. I almost never kill more than one buck each year, but I like having the option to do so, even if I rarely take that opportunity. I would also love to be able to hunt the peak of the rut with my weapon of choice. I've never felt an in-line MZ really limited me, but I would enjoy having a modern centerfire rifle in my hands instead.
Leave it alone. The 2 buck limit is fine. The season dates are fine.

I work 5-6 days a week and I'm on call 24/7 I can't always take vacation when I plain to. I got a baby on the way. I think most hunters are in a similar situation.

I'm glad I got a long season to get out as much as possible. Even if something happens where I have to miss a couple weekends it's not a big deal.
I would LOVE to be able to use a rifle the first 2 weeks of November. No doubt in my mind the deer I shot on 11/13 would have dropped in his tracks. Instead, he was never found. Partially my fault being overly confident with my setup, but found out the performance from my muzzleloader wasn't nearly as good as I thought (never lost one prior with a muzzleloader, but also never shot one at that angle). I'm convinced he's dead and will continue to look after the season. Muzzleloaders are just poor performers compared to rifles. I think the buck limit is perfect.
Guys I know your likely referring to Black powder MZ's and I somewhat agree they are def inferior to a Centerfire rifle. That said I shoot a Smokeless MZ with a good 250 grn bullet, and 200 yards and in I will put it up against most anything else I own for performance on killing deer. They simply are devastating and greatly accurate. I would recommend the upgrade to anyone looking.
Guys I know your likely referring to Black powder MZ's and I somewhat agree they are def inferior to a Centerfire rifle. That said I shoot a Smokeless MZ with a good 250 grn bullet, and 200 yards and in I will put it up against most anything else I own for performance on killing deer. They simply are devastating and greatly accurate. I would recommend the upgrade to anyone looking.
Tn already does hold great age class bucks. they're just not easy to get to. plus shortening the season could have a negative impact on the amount of licenses sold. for example : why would i buy a license if i may not be able to hunt that year cause of a short season? and the one buck thing would be great and all but unless they allow more antlerless hunts then that is pretty poor, especially if you're someone who wants to consume more deer. I personally think that TN has got it figured out. just needs a few more years to marinate. so i can't say i agree with any of that.
also important to note that the number of deer actually taken each year is less than what's permitted.
I respect your opinion
No and no.

There are places that are managed for trophies, and that's a good thing.

But on a statewide level, herd health and hunter opportunity are the goals. Gotta have something for every type of hunter while keeping the deer herd as a whole in mind.

I heard land is cheap in Kentucky, you could always start house hunting up there. Then you'd have your one buck limit and shorter gun season that you want.
It's ok, I like Tennessee. Thanks for financial advice.
Guys I know your likely referring to Black powder MZ's and I somewhat agree they are def inferior to a Centerfire rifle. That said I shoot a Smokeless MZ with a good 250 grn bullet, and 200 yards and in I will put it up against most anything else I own for performance on killing deer. They simply are devastating and greatly accurate. I would recommend the upgrade to anyone looking.
Correct on the black powder. Ok, I already feel myself going down the rabbit hole. Yep, there I go. I'm PMing you.
Absolutely not! I'm not for anything that is going to further limit my hunting opportunities just because someone wants to say they shot a deer with X amount of inches. Shoot what you want. Walk what you want. But I get a little tired of the whole "improve our buck class" thing. I didn't start hunting deer 39 years ago to measure antlers. It's not a contest, but that whole line of thinking makes it feel like one. We voluntarily restrict ourselves on our lease by majority agreement, but I would be happy with any deer. Make no mistake, I enjoy shooting the big ones too. It looks to me like plenty big ones are being shot as it is. Hunt for food and for the experience, what you make of that is up to the individual. I just don't like someone else's obsession mitigating my circumstances.
I respect your opinion but, a majority agreement is the opposite of voluntary. Jus sayn. I'm not making rules, just trying to see what other hunters think. Thanks for your input.