Looking for opinions on season date changes

I'm happy with the season as it is. For many of us, it is about more than just putting a tacky dead animal on the living room wall. And even in CWD counties, you are still dodging deer on the rural roads all year.
With a long season, there is no pressure to get out there before the season closes.
I don't know where in Tennessee you was killing 15 bucks a year during that time frame but around these parts seeing 15 a year in the woods was a feet in itself for most.

Christ almighty didn't even through this season and already the all about me interior decorators are up and out

So I guess for all these years biologists, scientists, ranchers/farmers, hunters in general, etc have been doing it all wrong. Been wasting years and billions of dollars on the ignorant notion of it taking overall good health, genetics, habitat, nutrition,etc for any animal species to thrive and prosper. When all you got to do is cuts days off a season and the number allowed to be killed and then bang rainbows and cotton candy for everyone.

I suggest before you go hunting a certified state official has to come into your home. Then you have to show where you want the mount to go. Then the official takes into consideration your annual household income and figures out your debt to income ratio, the square footage of your home and how much allowable wall space you have to place a mount, how much and quality of land you can hunt, number of days you can hunt, and types of weapons you can hunt. Then plug all this into their IPAD and issue a permit for the specific day, weapon, and animals species and size you can kill and mount. See problem solved and all can live happily ever after eating cotton candy under the rainbow
I heard land is cheap in Kentucky, you could always start house hunting up there. Then you'd have your one buck limit and shorter gun season that you want.
Cheap? I have friends in North Western KY and they say the farmland around them has been auctioning for $12k+ per acre.
I'm happy with the season as it is. For many of us, it is about more than just putting a tacky dead animal on the living room wall. And even in CWD counties, you are still dodging deer on the rural roads all year.
With a long season, there is no pressure to get out there before the season closes.

I've guided all the US. I just feel( again just my opinion) one trophy buck per hunter is plenty. Wanting two in a yearis glutenous If you're after meat shoot doe's.
One other thing to bear in mind, our big game gun license does not include any does. Unless you buy a sportsman's license or the 094 special season antlerless permit or hunt under landowner exemption, you cannot shoot any does with a gun. It isn't a factor for everyone, but I'm sure there are some that this would negatively impact.
I wouldn't mind a one buck limit here in MY area. We don't have the deer density like the rest of the state, at least in the area where I hunt, National Forest. I would also like to see the muzzleloader season back in October like it was years ago. I don't bow hunt anymore so the archery season is fine with me. I and the couple of friends I hunt with just don't shoot small bucks anymore, haven't for years. Just my .02
We absolutely need tweaks in my county to help the struggling deer herd. For one, let us shoot a bear with a muzzleloader or rifle. Doe opportunities need to be severely restricted until we can recover in my county. Buck limit is already the best compromise.

I agree 100 %. Scott County, is recovering, but slowly. Some of you complain about limits. In my area, in the late 60s up until about 72-74, it was one deer only in archery either sex, and if you killed a buck with a bow. you could not buy a gun stamp.
I just want to hunt with a rifle during muzzy season...I don't have a muzzle loader and in my years hunting Hickman county those are by far the best days of hunting.
Me and my boys used to hunt bow season everyday we could but when they dropped the bucks from 3 to 2 me and my boys just lost interest in going during bow If you kill one with a bow makes for a long season and you get tired of going just to watch them walk by just to try to be able to stay hunting. My opinion is to leave the season dates alone take it back to 3 buck tags for the season with any weapon meaning if you wont to kill 3 with bow go for it 3 with muzzleloader great or save them all for gun that might get some folks back into archery. Also someone talked about wounded deer / lost deer during muzzleloader how about archery and the velvet hunt there's more lost or wounded then than muzzleloader In my opinion. And yes I tag out about every year but I put in my time to do it. Way I see it you got a bunch of city hunters that think you should be able to go out 1 time and kill a trophy and that is why it got dropped. Take catman he tags out about every year on public because he puts in the time. Its hunting
Take muzzleloader out completely, let people shoot a rifle if they want. Muzzleloaders wound and lose more deer than all other weapons combined.

Muzzleloaders should be used for civil war reenactments and boat anchors.
If you aren't getting blood trail or loosing deer you need to sight in your gun or change bullets. Muzzloaders weren't ment to shoot as far as a rifle there were for closer range it's like them 80yrd turkey guns you hear about every year and they wondered why the bird flew off
If you aren't getting blood trail or loosing deer you need to sight in your gun or change bullets.
While there may be some validity in this, I completely disagree. Muzzleloader's have a popular reputation of not leaving good blood trails. I've killed dozens with a muzzleloader and fortunately only ever lost one. None of them left a good blood trail. That is with 4 different combinations of bullet/powder.