Bird gobbled at 5:35 and I started easing to him expecting something closer. I keep getting closer and nothing else gobbles except him and a buddy roosted with him. I cross a creek, climb a steeeep ridge, get on top and move to him. Then I see the gravel road I can't cross. Nothing else has gobbled so I decide I'm going to have to call them across the road even though I know that's probably impossible. I set up and hit the Darrin Dawkins aluminum and they hammer back. As does a bird on my side 100 yards away and one behind me about 60. I make another call and all 4 hammer back. I had a feeling about the close one so I turn around and get ready. He flies down, gobbles on the ground a couple times as he's coming straight to the Darrin Dawkins "hen". At 33 yards I let the Hevishot go to work. 22 pounds 14 ounces, 10 inch beard, 3/4 spurs. Dead at 6:30 on my first morning in MO.