Marginal hit = sleepless night. Dadgum it!!!

Good deal, nice deer, good job.

Did you look at what vitals you did hit? I had a similar situation one time and he was 20 yards from where I quit looking. The coyotes got him that night. I'll never leave the trail again with blood like I had, I'll sit and wait, track, sit and wait, maybe another shot,

Real curious on what vitals were actually hit
I watched him for over an hour alive after 2 shots!!! I can't explain it. I was second guessing my shots and pretty upset with myself until I saw it up close

Sometimes it's unexplainable. Wouldn't think it's possible to send a broad head through the rib cage and the animal have any chance to survive, but they do. Glad your didn't. Losing a deer after watching an arrow pass through it is a gut punch heartbreak I wouldn't wish on anyone.
Been light a while, surely he has found it by now?

Yeah, last night was thinking the same but didn't want to post that to add to any anxiety. Would be really lucky around here if coyotes didn't push or finish off the deer.
I left a hit deer one late afternoon and found him at first light and nothing left but head and bones!