Marginal hit = sleepless night. Dadgum it!!!

You make a good point. I don't mind tracking blood at night but I don't like grid searching in the dark. I fear there won't be a lot of blood so I've chose to wait. Although I might as well went and looked because I sure haven't slept any. Haha
I wish you good success this morning!!
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Been light a while, surely he has found it by now?
Hope you find him and sure hope the coyotes havent found him first,good luck!!
Yeah, last night was thinking the same but didn't want to post that to add to any anxiety. Would be really lucky around here if coyotes didn't push or finish off the deer.
First shot looks perfect. 2nd shot looks perfect. Watched him for an hour before I got down. Both shots quartering away… they are tough for sure.. he was 30yards from last sighting and I guess he was dead before I got down. Low to mid 50's last night and found him at daybreak. Hams and straps in the cooler! And thanks for the offers to help, advice, and support. He's not a trophy in inches but the challenge was extremely rewarding!

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