Crow Terminator said:
Rickym said:
Guess I just never got into the grade school stuff about talking about other groups of folks.
Ummm I think you just did.
Here's the thing man. The older I get, I don't care what other people think about brands and I don't care if they like what I shoot. And I don't care what they shoot. I know what works for me and what I like and I will chose whatever that may be, no matter what brand it may be. We need more people with the capability to think for themselves instead of being like sheep that follow the other sheep and their opinions on things. Who should care if other people like something or don't like something? If you like it...who cares what other people think about it? Shoot it to the best of your ability and be happy.
Very well said Crow! It would be nice if we had more people that could or would choose to think for themselves because there are way too many sheeple in America today!
Shooting a bow and discerning it's characteristics is highly subjective and extremely hard to quantify! Sure we can measure many things on a bow such as speed, but the feel, balance, pin float, holding on the spot, and grip are open to vastly different interpretation by the individual shooter. So goes the the argument of which is better, blondes, brunettes, redheads? When it comes to women....well obviously my answer would be all of them! If you ever want a good demonstration of subjectivity, just watch an Olympic sport judged by human beings!
As for bows I like lots of them and yes I have opinions about them based on over 40 years of shooting bows!!!
Here are a few JustJerry-isms about some of the products offered on the market:
Mathews is still cluelessly shipping bows with an oversize grip!
Hoyt and PSE have the best grips on a bow on the market!
Mathews is WAY BEHIND the curve by (10 years behind) not bringing out an updated Target/Tournament bow.
Try a Mathews Apex 7 for a while and you'll need an orthopedic surgeon for the vibration damage caused by the bow!
Mathews brought the Triumph to the market with a KNOWN LIMB POCKET DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING FLAW!!!! They chose not to recall the Triumph, but to only repair any sent in for a warranty claim! The pros sure didn't embrace the Triumph!
Mathews, advertised its way to the top and has payed out more contingency money that most other companies...and that folks is the American way. Jack Wallace said it best, "Mathews is an advertising company that builds bows! Hoyt is an engineering company, that builds bows!"
Put a Mathews bow, such as a Z7 in a EZ-Press and watch the riser visually flex a substantial amount! The Hoyt risers don't do this because of the tec bar.
Mathews is EXTREMELY generous in posting the speed of their bows and I'm having a hard time remembering the last one that did hit advertised speed!
Hoyt's speed rating are on the conservative side! As an example one of my Hoyts has an advertised ATA rating of 315 fps, but the real ATA speed rating turns out to be 327-328 fps!
Take a look around at archery as a whole and the winningest bow out there is clearly a Hoyt and that is not subjective! You can check that on YouTube for yourself!
The latest mid year offering from Mathews to me looks like a company that has exhausted its fresh ideas and once again repackaged older ideas into a package advertised as "NEW" and "BETTER!" I submit to you that you cannot polish a turd by any end that you would propose to pick it up!
Shoot whatever you like and I will do the same! Your opinion may differ from mine and I agree that we can disagree! YMMV!
Try being informed, NOT just opinionated!
I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on.....................but I am off to shoot some foam this morning! So just remember that in my absence from this guild of literary excellence you may attempt to burn me in effigy to no avail whilst wearing my nomex suit! I shall return with quill in hand fully prepared to.............................................................................................................................................................................................!