
richmanbarbeque said:
JayMc said:
Ya'll ingnore Rich. He and I hunt together and I'm a diehard Mathews fan. 90+% of his comment was to get me riled up. He's quite envious of my Mathews collection and wants to buy one, but his wife won't let him.


You figured me out. :grin:

I thought about buying a Mathew's...........then I flushed. :/

I like mine . Smoothest bow I own .
bobthebowhunter said:
I love getting mathews folks riled up.
GR I've shot plenty of mathews just not for me. I don't care for that big honking grip. My speed remark was aimed more towards people going from slow bows to fast bows. Speed will humble you. I put the STS on my bow and it's no louder than the mathews you just have to know how to set one up. Too i got my bowtech brand new for $550. I've never seen a new mathews for that. Well I was just getting folks fired up.

IMO Bowtech bows are the best bow FOR ME!!

As I said before TO EACH HIS OWN so calm down.
I give a sh!t what you or anybody else shoots.

Good luck to you this season. Be safe.

I have never seen a Mathews or a Bowtech for that brand new jump on that what ever it is!!..This is a funny one...For someone that wants get Mathews owners fired up...he sure can't take the heat...I just love getting bowtech people rapped around the axle as well...It is good to know that you "give a !@$# what I and everyone else shoots"...Because man to begin to think that no one cares what I shoot that would suck!!!
bobthebowhunter said:
Too i got my bowtech brand new for $550. I've never seen a new mathews for that.

I found some nice people on AT that bought their son a Drenalin,and he could not draw it. It had never been used or hunted with. It had the DL and limbs I wanted,and i bought it for $425 delivered. I had to trust the seller,and it was a bit of a risk,if there was something wrong with the bow,and they were crooks. I normally don't buy used for that reason,but it saved me too much cash to pass it up for a new one.

If you want a deal on a used bow,check AT classifieds daily. A lot of bows are sold there. I bought it within hours after it was listed,and got lucky.
Never found a deal like this anywhere including Ebay or Craigs List, etc.
Mathew's make great bows and I may even buy one one day. I enjoy the bow I have now and have found that most bow manufacturers have great bows. Enjoy what you have and get to be as efficient as possible and have fun!
richmanbarbeque said:
Mathew's make great bows and I may even buy one one day. I enjoy the bow I have now and have found that most bow manufacturers have great bows. Enjoy what you have and get to be as efficient as possible and have fun!

I agree.
For some reason there are a lot of Mathews bashers.
No one bashes other bows,even the brand that made a lot of bows that had limbs cracking causing a recall.

If you don't want to buy a Mathews,then don't.
Just spare us from the Mathews suck comments.
Some people come here for good advise,and are influenced by ignorant comments.
Grim Reaper said:
bobthebowhunter said:
I love getting mathews folks riled up.
GR I've shot plenty of mathews just not for me. I don't care for that big honking grip. My speed remark was aimed more towards people going from slow bows to fast bows. Speed will humble you. I put the STS on my bow and it's no louder than the mathews you just have to know how to set one up. Too i got my bowtech brand new for $550. I've never seen a new mathews for that. Well I was just getting folks fired up.

IMO Bowtech bows are the best bow FOR ME!!

As I said before TO EACH HIS OWN so calm down.
I give a sh!t what you or anybody else shoots.

Good luck to you this season. Be safe.

I have never seen a Mathews or a Bowtech for that brand new jump on that what ever it is!!..This is a funny one...For someone that wants get Mathews owners fired up...he sure can't take the heat...I just love getting bowtech people rapped around the axle as well...It is good to know that you "give a !@$# what I and everyone else shoots"...Because man to begin to think that no one cares what I shoot that would suck!!!

Not to continue this silly debate, but I was shocked to find my alley for $550 too. I got it in jan of 08. it was an 07 bow. I got it from some fella in penn. He was getting rid of his back stock. Found him on ebay, but then did the transaction over the phone. I just filled out the reg card and put his shop on the card so i wouldn't void my warranty.

Any who got lucky on that on. Yall enjoy the season.
All the mathews bashers are extremely jealous, plain and simple!! Am i mistaken or did bowtech just sell out to Savage?? Mathews promotes the school archery program and gives back to the community, does anyother company do the same I may ask? Seeing as how bowtech cant afford to keep their own doors open, I doubt it!!
If the only bow I had was a BowTech, I'd carry a sling shot. BowTech looks like one anyway. I have more confidence that I could kill a deer with a Taco Bell fart than I could with anything but a Mathews. Even through my scentblocker, cause you know you can still smell it.
Yes the BowTech recall was a very innovative way to give those of us with some intellegence another reason to be glad we got a Mathews
Until bowtech had to recieve a bailout from savage!!!!!! Just think there would be no more BOWTECH had savage not felt sorry for them and bought them out!!!!!
Hunters that own Bowtechs can be just as good as one that owns a Mathews. All they need to do is sign up for an Ebay account, unload that garbage that they have on some poor guy who doesn't know any better, and go see the nearest Mathews dealer.
Well you all can just keep misreading articles and those of us that don't get caught up in the propoganda will continue to shoot the better bows. But hey if you wanna shoot what your neighbor does go ahead.

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