
No debate.
The usual Mathews vs the world of off-brand bows.

Excluding a longbow. Hat's off to you making a kill with it.
LCU said:
No debate.
The usual Mathews vs the world of off-brand bows.
I don't consider the other bow companies besides Mathews "off brands" . There are so many bow companies that are as good or better , they just don't have the same hype as Mathews .
Mathews does have a lot of TV time.
Not sure I call it hype,but they do promote their products well.
I don't see how my Dren could be improved upon.
Maybe a custom grip to fit my hand.
Seminole39 said:
how far will this debate go???

It will go on until the mathews owners have convinced each other that they are shooting the best bows.

I know I'm shooting the best bow. Hence no need to argue other than to get folks riled up. LOL
bobthebowhunter said:
Seminole39 said:
how far will this debate go???

It will go on until the mathews owners have convinced each other that they are shooting the best bows.

I know I'm shooting the best bow. Hence no need to argue other than to get folks riled up. LOL


Seriously. IMO the best bow is the bow that feels the best to you and you can shoot the best.

Bowtech did just that for me. I didnt like the grip on the mathews at all. other than that all of the mathews line was pretty good. I just like bowtech's grip and I have a dealer close.
bobthebowhunter said:
Seminole39 said:
how far will this debate go???

It will go on until the mathews owners have convinced each other that they are shooting the best bows.

I know I'm shooting the best bow. Hence no need to argue other than to get folks riled up. LOL

Which Mathews bow do you shoot?
Buckblaster said:
bobthebowhunter said:
Seminole39 said:
how far will this debate go???

It will go on until the mathews owners have convinced each other that they are shooting the best bows.

I know I'm shooting the best bow. Hence no need to argue other than to get folks riled up. LOL

lol.Seriously. IMO the best bow is the bow that feels the best to you and you can shoot the best.

Bowtech did just that for me. I didnt like the grip on the mathews at all. other than that all of the mathews line was pretty good. I just like bowtech's grip and I have a dealer close.

Yes sir it was the grip that I didn't care for either. I'm bad about torquing the dang bow. The one thing that i love about MOST bowtechs is the back wall. Solid.

Past that i don't really know too much about the mathews to be honest. I have heard that you have to change the whole cam out to adjust draw lenth.

A buddy of mine and I were shooting in camp and he has a switchback i think. I have the 07 Alley. he was pull 70# I am only pulling 60#. I wasn't the only one there at camp that said dang bob you bow is smokin faster over that mathews. Now there was an inch diff in draw length. Mine is longer and I don't know how heavy is arrows were. I will say that is arrow was about 1.5 inches shorter. You do the math.

Ilove my bowtech. Not aruing by the way just stating why I shoot what I shoot.
Buckblaster said:
Have yall heard about the new mathews 2009 brokeback? Its sponsered by obama '08. Check out the cool riser!

Heard it will poke them real good!


Now that we have gone from the ridiculous to the sublime maybe we can end this discussion...
It never ends Coach.
Those of us who shoot Mathews have all heard it many times.

We just keep killing game.
LCU said:
It never ends Coach.
Those of us who shoot Mathews have all heard it many times.

We just keep killing game.

And putting up high 3D scores ;)
bobthebowhunter said:
Buckblaster said:
Dalton said:
Since I dont have an opinion either way, can any of you explain why your brand is better than the other brands?

All I have read so far is "My brand is better because I said so".

None are truly that mcuh better even though there is alot of brand bashing. Shoot what you want to shoot. Picking on brands is just all in good fun. Just like sports team rivalies.

Even though its mathews against everything else :D

W.Seay said:
Buckblaster hit the nail on the head!


But the comment I made about mathews shooters wearing pink panties was true. LOLOLOL

No hard feelings guys. ;)

Good luck with the juvys this weekend. Maybe Im not the only one carrying a bow during Mz season.

Coach and LCU, I expect to see kil pics next time yall head out.

happy huntin
Whackem and stackem

BB out.
Radar said:
LCU said:
No debate.
The usual Mathews vs the world of off-brand bows.
I don't consider the other bow companies besides Mathews "off brands" . There are so many bow companies that are as good or better , they just don't have the same hype as Mathews .

I agree. This is coming from the same guy that said guys that don't have a Mathews can't afford one so they are jealous. The haughtiness in me wants to make a comment about that but I will give it a pass because it would not be right.

I really enjoy archery and have the bow I want to shoot as of right now. I can and will buy a new bow one day and I will buy what I want and the price tag will not be a consideration. The way it sets in my hand and the draw cycle will be the deciding factors.

Jay, for the tournament comment.......your buying lunch.

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