Meigs Warden caught baiting

I'm sure there's more to the story cause not much info on here. Could be paying this guy back for opening his mouth on here about the TWRA officer who knows.
So TWRA "entrapped" him how? Tricking him into not wearing orange while he trespassed and poured out bait? How'd they get him to do it in front of his own camera?

Wouldn't it have been easier for TWRA to just ignore the case than to manufacture a case? And this was reported news- nobody cares about what happens on tndeer. That TWRA prosecuted one of "their own" should tell you what you need to know about the integrity of the vast majority of the employees there.
That's awesome!!!
Wasn't he the one that stole some baseball gloves from someone and wouldn't return some vhs tapes to kenbob ?
I'm pretty sure he used to make walking sticks and ripped off @scn and maybe others that paid for, but never got their sticks. I could be mistaken…
I was reading away until about page 3 when I realized it was an old post that got bumped.
Naturally I jumped to the last post and read backwards.....boy did it get interesting!!
My, my the web we weave!
And he wasn't wearing hunters orange.... glad they threw that charge in there.:)
had a warden in Johnson county threaten me with a ticket because i had a blaze orange bandanna around my head. "you have to go buy a hat!" he did the same because my orange vest wasn't orange enough to suit him. no ticket, and one irate power-mad warden...:D the judges/court clerks in Mountain City hate them.
Well, that surprises me!

I have always found that officer to be friendly and level headed. He is high profile.

Being ethical is doing the right thing when nobody is watching.

However, it can be difficult to justify paying a high nonresident fee to simply hunt a day with family or friends.

Luckily, the TN native license helped me and my siblings. BUT, the same courtesy should be extended to rural nonresident landowners. When our kids turn 17, we will have issues. It is difficult to justify spending 100's of dollars to sit in the freezing woods for an annual morning deer hunt on family land that you own. WAKE UP TWRC
He was also caught in Arkansas hunting ducks with no licenses. He is a real example.
I was charged for hunting over bait, when I wasn't even hunting at the time (long story I had deleted here). It cost me hundreds (I fought it), the loss of my rifle, and one year of hunting privileges. I will definitely be contacting TWRA for this, laws need to apply to all.
Same boat for me, kept license and bow, but paid$1000 fine 1yr probation in oneida years ago was a stupid scenario and first and last i hope i ever go through anything like that. If someone is not law enforcement I don't really care what the consequences are for things like this but a game warden should be immediately terminated. Any law enforcement individual that knowingly or intentionally breaks the law should be fired I don't even care if they pay a penny. Don't come out here writing me tickets harassing me when they can do what they want. That's all they do is harass they don't educate, try to help anyone. When they fill their form out they a lot of times know proclamation and law codes but can't give any direct response to a question on a specific law is always indirect answers.