Meigs Warden caught baiting

fire the sergeant... fire Chris Combs and I think this thread would go away... but the TWRA has swept it under the rug... shows what type of agency they are. Never forget this... If it was a dirty cop everyone would be calling for his firing... people bash the good old boy network for cops but I have been amazed how many do not care a game warden... and a officer over other wardens get caught breaking the laws they are there to protect and so many on here will say nothing... all they want to do is to suck up to the TWRA
From what I read the guy was fined and had to pay it. Now I do believe they should be held to a higher standard and the warden should be made to resign but everyone is saying it got swept under the rug, the guy got the same punishment anyone else would have gotten.
From what I read the guy was fined and had to pay it. Now I do believe they should be held to a higher standard and the warden should be made to resign but everyone is saying it got swept under the rug, the guy got the same punishment anyone else would have gotten.
Did he lose the weapons? Suspended his hunting privileges for at least a year? Yea, not the same.
From what I read the guy was fined and had to pay it. Now I do believe they should be held to a higher standard and the warden should be made to resign but everyone is saying it got swept under the rug, the guy got the same punishment anyone else would have gotten.
If a fine was all he got it's definitely not the same as you and i would get
Did he lose the weapons? Suspended his hunting privileges for at least a year? Yea, not the same.
I personally know a hunter that got caught baiting. He lost his weapon, his hunting privileges for a year when found guilty, paid a fine and had community service in the dead of winter putting out old Christmas trees under fishing piers. Yea not the same, what's the fine anyways cause I've been told it's something stupid cheap like under $50 but the court cost is like $175-$200
I personally know a hunter that got caught baiting. He lost his weapon, his hunting privileges for a year when found guilty, paid a fine and had community service in the dead of winter putting out old Christmas trees under fishing piers. Yea not the same, what's the fine anyways cause I've been told it's something stupid cheap like under $50 but the court cost is like $175-$200
Can't recall the exact amount, but I lost my favorite Win270 (need to find out if there is a record, cause I've heard stories), a year of hunting, and I think near $1k, and bunch of vacation time, fighting the charges. All to be found guilty in less than 5 minutes. And the SOB lied in court as well...yea, same my behind.
Been a while folks. Hope everybody is doing well. Had a fellow Warden that can't vent do the venting for him and educate everybody on this BS. Opening day of Juvi turkey season TWRA officer Chris Combs was caught by another officer hunting over a full corn feeder with his two sons, one of which had already harvested a bird and attempting with second. He was turned in by that officer and not one dang thing was done to him. They enforce, cite and fine the same laws they don't follow and can get away with it. Hope this spreads to actually force twra to take needed action. No this isn't gossip or I wouldn't feel the need coming back to educate.
At least we know how he and his sons limit out every year on deer and turkeys. Yellow acorns.
Been a while folks. Hope everybody is doing well. Had a fellow Warden that can't vent do the venting for him and educate everybody on this BS. Opening day of Juvi turkey season TWRA officer Chris Combs was caught by another officer hunting over a full corn feeder with his two sons, one of which had already harvested a bird and attempting with second. He was turned in by that officer and not one dang thing was done to him. They enforce, cite and fine the same laws they don't follow and can get away with it. Hope this spreads to actually force twra to take needed action. No this isn't gossip or I wouldn't feel the need coming back to educate.
At least we know how he and his sons limit out every year on deer and turkeys. Yellow acorns. What an example he is setting for his sons and TWRA.
Quite honestly I didn't know Chris other than a dad at the baseball fields but once I helped the officers that were begging me to get this story out, holy crap the stories of this cat I started hearing about. Duck hunters hunting daily and never see a bird but every day Colmes and his bunch would tag out while guys 200yrds away never fire a shot. Ticks me off the most is I learned some of these stories from his own cousin and they've been going on since Colmes became a agent. The ones question the credibility of such a disrespectful act to us. If you're from around here it's no new news but as far as I got up the ladder I realized until someone can make his sidekick DA throw him under the bus nothing will happen. His consequences were a $10 and boys and girls that's it. Little helpful tip I'll share that my general sessions judge that's like my second father shared with met. If you find yourself where you do get cause around bait. Go to you're court date and immediately ask for a jury trial. When that's rescheduled shouldn't be difficult to come across the report and the documented consequences and as long as he's still wearing that uniform everybody only pay that $10 fine so he might have just do some a favor. Bottom line all these officers under him are livid and want him gone but if they open they're mouth he'll put em on the street. Just hope and pray that karma will soon meet up with Rent a officer Combs.
I'm dense and don't get it??? TWRA officer hunting over bait and recently charged city commissioner for trespassing, hunting over bait, and hunting without orange are 2 different people???
The city commissioner is the one who started this thread , then he got caught😁