
pretty much everyone I know around my age wouldn't dare kill an animal much less kill and eat it hahaha I guess it may just be my area I am in.
My daughter, a 21-year-old senior in college, finds this to be very true. In fact, her deer hunting actually keeps her from dating. All the guys she meets are horrified (and probably intimidated) by the fact she hunts, kills, butchers and eats deer. They're also intimidated by her knowledge of football. They don't seem to like a girl knowing more about the game than they do.
My daughter, a 21-year-old senior in college, finds this to be very true. In fact, her deer hunting actually keeps her from dating. All the guys she meets are horrified (and probably intimidated) by the fact she hunts, kills, butchers and eats deer. They're also intimidated by her knowledge of football. They don't seem to like a girl knowing more about the game than they do.
Yes! Exactly my point! I have multiple Buddies I went to school with that I have taken with me, and they are like " This is what you do?" This is soooo boring. I don't understand it the younger the generation the softer we seem to be getting.
I'm 35. I only know one person right off hand that hunts as much as I do and puts as much time in the off season as I do. I am constantly putting stands up or moving stands trying to figure out the best approach, set up for wind direction, etc. I love planting food plots and running cams, etc. I know lots of people that hunt but aren't into near as much as I am. It doesn't bother me but I do laugh when it's September and October and they are saying "I can't wait til deer season" and I let them know deer season has been in a while now. Some folks have different or bigger priorities and hunting isn't their main focus. For me I hope it's never the case for me.
It is like people just have no interest in it, but they wont people to think they do. Which makes absolutely no since at all to me! I have a buddy that "Hunts" and his idea of hunting is siting on his back porch with a heater on and drinking a cup of coffee with his Gun on the table watching tv! hahaha. Oh what is this world coming too! I find his idea of hunting pretty comical!
My daughter, a 21-year-old senior in college, finds this to be very true. In fact, her deer hunting actually keeps her from dating. All the guys she meets are horrified (and probably intimidated) by the fact she hunts, kills, butchers and eats deer. They're also intimidated by her knowledge of football. They don't seem to like a girl knowing more about the game than they do.
Sounds like a keeper to me!
The "huh?" comment, I assume, is in reference to your poor grammar, use of "there" when you meant "their", and your total lack of punctuation.
I'm not meaning to criticize, but you would probably do better in life if you get an education and learn how to write a coherent sentence.
So now we're grading punctuation and grammar? THATS funny (sorry ' )


Just like y'all did that last statement. Unless @Bambi Buster corrects it, it ain't wrong.
So now we're grading punctuation and grammar? THATS funny (sorry ' )


Just like y'all did that last statement. Unless @Bambi Buster corrects it, it ain't I just

So now we're grading punctuation and grammar? THATS funny (sorry ' )


Just like y'all did that last statement. Unless @Bambi Buster corrects it, it ain't wrong.
I love the part about getting an education and doing better in life i about died sitting in my office when I read that yesterday!
I love the part about getting an education and doing better in life i about died sitting in my office when I read that yesterday!
Okay. I stand by my statement. Your writing is definitely a reflection of yourself. Your writing brings up an image of an ignoramus with only about a third grade education. If you talk the same way that you write then I don't see how anyone would hire you for any position of authority.
Maybe you have seen some reruns of the old TV show, "The Beverly Hillbillies". Think of the character Jethro Bodine. He made it through the 3rd grade.
Do you send your resume when you apply for a job? The hiring agent will take one look at it and if he/she sees writing like you post on here, then he/she will immediately surmise "this guy is only fit for digging a ditch."
I have my doubts that you are college educated, as you say. If, indeed, you are, then your lack of writing skills points to a very poor education system. And, that could well be the case. The American education system has certainly declined severely over the last 40 or 50 years.
There are many on this website who could use a refresher course in proper English grammar. I am not an English professor, myself, and my own grammar and punctuation leaves much to be desired, but what you wrote in the opening of this thread was some of most awful, almost unintelligible gibberish I have ever read.
Do you proof read your writing before you post?
Maybe you were drunk when you began this thread, or high on something.
In a more recent post you used "ain't" over and over again. That does not show a good college education.
Maybe you are only putting on a act of playing the backwoods moron.
Stupid is one thing. There is no cure for it. But, there is no excuse for ignorance. I have very little tolerance for ignorance.

I don't know you and you don't know me. Lets leave it at that.

Now lets continue with the original thought of this thread.

The whole hunting scene has changed drastically since I began hunting back in 1958. Back then most of my male family members and many of my friends all went hunting. Little by little they died off or simply put away their guns. Now, nobody I know hunts. A few talk about it, but they don't do it.
Why? "Nature Deficit Disorder?" Boredom? Electronic gadgets take up their time? Not so many places to go hunting these days? Guns and other gear too expensive? No mentors to help them along?
H&!! I don't know.
Okay. I stand by my statement. Your writing is definitely a reflection of yourself. Your writing brings up an image of an ignoramus with only about a third grade education. If you talk the same way that you write then I don't see how anyone would hire you for any position of authority.
Maybe you have seen some reruns of the old TV show, "The Beverly Hillbillies". Think of the character Jethro Bodine. He made it through the 3rd grade.
Do you send your resume when you apply for a job? The hiring agent will take one look at it and if he/she sees writing like you post on here, then he/she will immediately surmise "this guy is only fit for digging a ditch."
I have my doubts that you are college educated, as you say. If, indeed, you are, then your lack of writing skills points to a very poor education system. And, that could well be the case. The American education system has certainly declined severely over the last 40 or 50 years.
There are many on this website who could use a refresher course in proper English grammar. I am not an English professor, myself, and my own grammar and punctuation leaves much to be desired, but what you wrote in the opening of this thread was some of most awful, almost unintelligible gibberish I have ever read.
Do you proof read your writing before you post?
Maybe you were drunk when you began this thread, or high on something.
In a more recent post you used "ain't" over and over again. That does not show a good college education.
Maybe you are only putting on a act of playing the backwoods moron.
Stupid is one thing. There is no cure for it. But, there is no excuse for ignorance. I have very little tolerance for ignorance.

I don't know you and you don't know me. Lets leave it at that.

Now lets continue with the original thought of this thread.

The whole hunting scene has changed drastically since I began hunting back in 1958. Back then most of my male family members and many of my friends all went hunting. Little by little they died off or simply put away their guns. Now, nobody I know hunts. A few talk about it, but they don't do it.
Why? "Nature Deficit Disorder?" Boredom? Electronic gadgets take up their time? Not so many places to go hunting these days? Guns and other gear too expensive? No mentors to help them along?
H&!! I don't know.
Why the attack? Don't see a need for 3/4 of your reply. Ever heard the term "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"??

Uncalled for IMO < that's short for IN MY OPINION since you're a grammar Nazi.
Everything changes with generations. I was just visiting my 17 year old grandson. He has a ridiculous haircut. But I kept my mouth shut. Because I remember the fights I had with my Dad over my long hair in the 60's.

When he matures he will understand that even though there is a bunch of noise now about how people shouldn't judge others on their looks; they absolutely do. We all do it, its human nature. You will be judged on how you look, what you say, how you perform your job, among many other things. I think my generation understood that a little better and at an earlier age that youngsters do today.

I also try not to say something to someone on an internet forum I wouldn't say to their face. I think that's kind of a generational thing.

But my generation is bad about getting threads off topic and rambling about things that have nothing to do with the original post. 🤣
@CCAGLE95 remember the "green stripe" thing I told you about? This guys a good candidate for that. You can ignore him. He doesn't represent 99.99% of the people on here.

Click on his name, hit the "ignore" button. striped
@CCAGLE95 remember the "green stripe" thing I told you about? This guys a good candidate for that. You can ignore him. He doesn't represent 99.99% of the people on here.

Click on his name, hit the "ignore" button. striped.
I honestly am getting a kick of this guy that he has nothing better to do with his life other than to sit and write me a full blown novel! This is just crazy. I guess he knows me better than I know myself haha
Why the attack? Don't see a need for 3/4 of your reply. Ever heard the term "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"??

Uncalled for IMO < that's short for IN MY OPINION since you're a grammar Nazi.
Well said sir I agree 100% I swear some on here are as bad as they are on 24hourcampfire