
Yes! Exactly my point! I have multiple Buddies I went to school with that I have taken with me, and they are like " This is what you do?" This is soooo boring. I don't understand it the younger the generation the softer we seem to be getting.
I have a lot of friends that hunt, but I do know a lot of people who think it's boring. That's not a big deal to me. If you don't want to go sit in a tree I completely understand.

What I don't understand is the looks I get from people when I tell them I shed hunt. I've never had anyone look at me like I was weird for hunting, but many have looked at me like walking around the woods looking for antlers is the weirdest thing they've ever heard of. These same people also often like to throw in the enjoy hiking. Which is practically shed hunting without purpose to me you remember what your life was like back on August 25th before TNDeer? 😂

You're in it now

I have a lot of friends that hunt, but I do know a lot of people who think it's boring. That's not a big deal to me. If you don't want to go sit in a tree I completely understand.

What I don't understand is the looks I get from people when I tell them I shed hunt. I've never had anyone look at me like I was weird for hunting, but many have looked at me like walking around the woods looking for antlers is the weirdest thing they've ever heard of. These same people also often like to throw in the enjoy hiking. Which is practically shed hunting without purpose to me
I am always shed Hunting when i am scouting its a good way to honestly scout.
My last post was not meant as an attack. I'm sorry if anyone took it that way. It was an attempt to illustrate the importance of good grammar. Obviously, the attempt failed.
At least my posts have generated quite a lot of conversation here. 😉
I'll just chalk this whole thing up as another symptom of the decline of America.
I'm done here now, and will not come back to this thread. So, have fun.
Okay. I stand by my statement. Your writing is definitely a reflection of yourself. Your writing brings up an image of an ignoramus with only about a third grade education. If you talk the same way that you write then I don't see how anyone would hire you for any position of authority.
Maybe you have seen some reruns of the old TV show, "The Beverly Hillbillies". Think of the character Jethro Bodine. He made it through the 3rd grade.
Do you send your resume when you apply for a job? The hiring agent will take one look at it and if he/she sees writing like you post on here, then he/she will immediately surmise "this guy is only fit for digging a ditch."
I have my doubts that you are college educated, as you say. If, indeed, you are, then your lack of writing skills points to a very poor education system. And, that could well be the case. The American education system has certainly declined severely over the last 40 or 50 years.
There are many on this website who could use a refresher course in proper English grammar. I am not an English professor, myself, and my own grammar and punctuation leaves much to be desired, but what you wrote in the opening of this thread was some of most awful, almost unintelligible gibberish I have ever read.
Do you proof read your writing before you post?
Maybe you were drunk when you began this thread, or high on something.
In a more recent post you used "ain't" over and over again. That does not show a good college education.
Maybe you are only putting on a act of playing the backwoods moron.
Stupid is one thing. There is no cure for it. But, there is no excuse for ignorance. I have very little tolerance for ignorance.

I don't know you and you don't know me. Lets leave it at that.

Now lets continue with the original thought of this thread.

The whole hunting scene has changed drastically since I began hunting back in 1958. Back then most of my male family members and many of my friends all went hunting. Little by little they died off or simply put away their guns. Now, nobody I know hunts. A few talk about it, but they don't do it.
Why? "Nature Deficit Disorder?" Boredom? Electronic gadgets take up their time? Not so many places to go hunting these days? Guns and other gear too expensive? No mentors to help them along?
H&!! I don't know.
I like mustard on my biscuits and red eyed gravey too 😋

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