Mossberg 535 pattern?


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
Went and bought me a 535 and went to pattern it the other day. Well after 5 shots (Which is all I could take of the 3.5" #5's) the pattern is high and to the right. So I give it a few days to let my shoulder heal up and shoot 5 more times and its the same, high and right. The gun came with a XX full turkey choke and I was shooting Winchester supreme 3.5 #5 shot. Is it the choke and shell combo that causes it to shoot like that? Or could it be the gun? I can compensate on my aim(low and left) to get a good pattern in the kill zone. Any suggestions on what I need to do? With season opening Saturday I know this is kind of short notice to be askin all these questions but I just need a peace of mind when I go in the woods.
You need either adjustable sights or a scope so that you can center your pattern to where you are aiming. If you can't do that, adjust your aiming point, but that is tough to do.
My 535 also shoot high and right. Last year I put a cheap Tasco scope on it (its already tapped and takes Marlin mounts) killed all 3 turkey I shot at, this year I have a red dot scope on it. I also had better patterns shooting 3" shells than 3 1/2" and they are easier on the shoulder!!
Try tightening the magazine cap tight as you can with your hand. Then take a piece of leather and wrap the cap, use a pair of pliers and tighten it 3-4 more clicks.

If that doesn't help, try a different choke/shell combo and see what that does.