UTGrad said:
Radar said:
UTGrad said:
I shot a Parker Legend today with 50# draw weight and it was very comfortable. I shot a couple of nice groups and shot with my eyes closed to "feel" the bow. The Parker felt nicer when I picked it up than all of the other bows in the archery shop.
Sounds like that is the bow for you . Did they check your draw length ?
No, just a test run. I told them I am just learning technique and didn't want to get into draw length till I have proper form. I don't know if this is similar, but I would rather develop a sound golf swing then get fitted for a set of clubs than have a poor swing and get fitted.
You need to try a bow at the correct draw length . It's like trying on shoes that don't fit if you don't get your draw length measured first .
It is VERY IMPORTANT ! Trust me . Just to get close , get an arm span measurement from the website I linked to one of your posts .
If you don't try out bows at the correct draw length , you will not get an accurate assessment of the draw cycle and feel of the bow .
UTGrad , here is a good selection guide to help you choose the right bow for you . If you read anything regarding compound bows , this is worth your time .