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My first sauger


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
I am sure I have posted this but hey, it's a campfire right? :D

Back when I was growing up my best friend that lived close to me and his parents would take me camping with them.
They would always go to Piney Campground at LBL.
Back then I am pretty sure, going off of memory and my knowledge of the campground now, there was one loop completed.
The rest were under construction or in the planning stages and all of them had gravel roads, except for the one that was complete.

Pretty sure they stayed in what is Blackoak now.
I am also sure my friend and I stayed (in a tent) where Persimmon is now.
They would pull in, get the camper set up and then carry Barry and I over to the edge of the lake, right off the main channel of the river and drop us and our stuff off.
We would put the tent up and take our share of the firewood and we were good to go.
His dad would come get us the next morning and take us crappie fishing.

Anyway we had us a fire built and were fishing off the bank.
I had a rapala j9 and would just cast it out and reel it in. Same spot on the bank, never moving over and over and over.
I caught a big bream and decided to keep it.
Later that night a barge came by and woke me up. I would shine my flashlight at them and they would hit me with their BIG spotlight. Coolest thing I had ever seen in my life. I bet the captain was having fun too.
Anyway I was up so I thought I would fish some more. I caught something else. It was BIG too. LOL probably weighed 1 1/2 pounds maybe? :D
Finally got it in and I was like :shock: I started screaming for Barry to get up.
Picture the two of us huddled near the fire, in our underwear, trying to figure out what kind of prehistoric monster I had caught.
We were convinced it had to be some kind of unknown species never seen by man before.

I mean I was a seasoned fisherman in my 12 years on earth. I had seen it all. Bream, bass, crappie, catfish, you name it. :)

We were forever getting that thing off that rapala and I threw it in our cooler and kept fishing.
Barry went back to bed. He was always different.
Anyway, I didn't know what was going on at the time but later right before the sun started coming up there was a feeding frenzy on shad happening.
I would throw that zebco 33 as far as I could and would get a bite on literally every cast.
I don't remember how many largemouth and smallmouth I caught that morning in the hour and a half it was happening until the sun hit the water but I do remember they called Barry's brother, aunt and somebody else to come for a fish fry that afternoon.
7 adults and 3 kids ate till nobody could eat any more and we still had a bunch of fish left.

I will never forget the look on Barry's dad's face when he got there that morning and I told him I had caught a bunch of fish and he laughed and said let's see them and I opened that cooler. LOL
I wonder what the limit was back then and how much over I was :D
i remember my first. i was a kid fishing for bluecats at Saltillo with pawpaw and pulled one up. he shouted, "gawlee thats a jack salmon". im glad it taste a lot better than it looked.
Dang it man... I'm supposed to be the writer on this platform!

Loved it! :super:

BTW, where is Barry now? No offense if he's a good friend, but I bet he didn't amount to a hill of beans if he slept through a feeding frenzy. :D :stir:
rsimms":3a6c9xcf said:
Dang it man... I'm supposed to be the writer on this platform!

Loved it! :super:

BTW, where is Barry now? No offense if he's a good friend, but I bet he didn't amount to a hill of beans if he slept through a feeding frenzy. :D :stir:

First of all thank you sir. :)

Secondly, if you are bored, in regards of what happened to Barry:

Actually that is a very interesting story in of itself.

Barry moved to the Memphis area, may have been Atoka, can't really remember.
He built, mostly himself, a single car garage, concrete block type, and then added a second story living area above it.
Had an old guy wire it for him that was retired from an electric company.
Place burned down and he moved again... somewhere.

He met a girl and it didn't really work out but he followed her and her job around and ultimately to Hawaii where she moved for her job or something.
He was working as an industrial building contractor of some type, not real sure exactly what he did.

I know he came to my house back in like 1998 or something like that.
First time I had seen him in a very long time.
He was acting actually more "different" than usual and said something to the effect of "you won't see me again and you got to leave?" after I told him I had to leave. My wife and I had prior arrangements for something that I couldn't just blow off. Didn't really think anything of it and what he said till years later.

I have never seen or heard from him again.

His father died and I didn't even know it. I always have regretted not being able to pay my last respects to "Uncle Boob" but it is what it is.
I did find out later that Barry wasn't at the funeral either. They had a rather large "extended" family and NOBODY has seen or heard from him basicaly since the last time I did.

Dang that sounds like I could be a suspect once I write it down. :shock:

I have spent several hours on the internet at different times through the years looking but apparently Barry has lived his life pretty much off the grid because I can't find a trace that he ever existed, much less is still alive.

I know in my heart of hearts that I saw him one other time. (prior to the very last time I saw him at my house)
I have no proof of that other than I knew the guy and spent almost every day with him for our first 18 years of life. Just certain things about a person you just KNOW.
Anyway, it is a very VERY strange story and I won't post it here because it is OUT there and it would be very bad for him to read what I think I saw if it wasn't him. It would explain alot about his "disappearance" though.
Sorry for that bait and switch but it plays into how Barry was perfectly. He did his own thing, everyone else be dammed.

So, I dunno how he turned out or if he amounted to much of anything.
I do miss him though and think about him quite a bit.
Guess it's a good thing because every time I do I end up smiling.

He kicked me in the mouth one day (I deserved it) and I found out chicken shat is very salty. (He had a bunch of it on his shoe)
Made a 57 on my English final my senior year of high school because in between finals we left school and went "rabbit hunting" (Ended up drinking a couple pints of jack daniels) :shock:
Caught my first fish ever in my life with him.
Picked him up at a strangers house after he called and said he had run from the police and ditched his car and was walking home.
Wow I could go on forever.

So there ya go. :)
RUGER":2pfk13gy said:
rsimms":2pfk13gy said:
Dang it man... I'm supposed to be the writer on this platform!

Loved it! :super:

BTW, where is Barry now? No offense if he's a good friend, but I bet he didn't amount to a hill of beans if he slept through a feeding frenzy. :D :stir:

First of all thank you sir. :)

Secondly, if you are bored, in regards of what happened to Barry:

Actually that is a very interesting story in of itself.

Barry moved to the Memphis area, may have been Atoka, can't really remember.
He built, mostly himself, a single car garage, concrete block type, and then added a second story living area above it.
Had an old guy wire it for him that was retired from an electric company.
Place burned down and he moved again... somewhere.

He met a girl and it didn't really work out but he followed her and her job around and ultimately to Hawaii where she moved for her job or something.
He was working as an industrial building contractor of some type, not real sure exactly what he did.

I know he came to my house back in like 1998 or something like that.
First time I had seen him in a very long time.
He was acting actually more "different" than usual and said something to the effect of "you won't see me again and you got to leave?" after I told him I had to leave. My wife and I had prior arrangements for something that I couldn't just blow off. Didn't really think anything of it and what he said till years later.

I have never seen or heard from him again.

His father died and I didn't even know it. I always have regretted not being able to pay my last respects to "Uncle Boob" but it is what it is.
I did find out later that Barry wasn't at the funeral either. They had a rather large "extended" family and NOBODY has seen or heard from him basicaly since the last time I did.

Dang that sounds like I could be a suspect once I write it down. :shock:

I have spent several hours on the internet at different times through the years looking but apparently Barry has lived his life pretty much off the grid because I can't find a trace that he ever existed, much less is still alive.

I know in my heart of hearts that I saw him one other time. (prior to the very last time I saw him at my house)
I have no proof of that other than I knew the guy and spent almost every day with him for our first 18 years of life. Just certain things about a person you just KNOW.
Anyway, it is a very VERY strange story and I won't post it here because it is OUT there and it would be very bad for him to read what I think I saw if it wasn't him. It would explain alot about his "disappearance" though.
Sorry for that bait and switch but it plays into how Barry was perfectly. He did his own thing, everyone else be dammed.

So, I dunno how he turned out or if he amounted to much of anything.
I do miss him though and think about him quite a bit.
Guess it's a good thing because every time I do I end up smiling.

He kicked me in the mouth one day (I deserved it) and I found out chicken shat is very salty. (He had a bunch of it on his shoe)
Made a 57 on my English final my senior year of high school because in between finals we left school and went "rabbit hunting" (Ended up drinking a couple pints of jack daniels) :shock:
Caught my first fish ever in my life with him.
Picked him up at a strangers house after he called and said he had run from the police and ditched his car and was walking home.
Wow I could go on forever.

So there ya go. :)

Wow! And there you have, "The rest of the story." Have you checked for any tents pitched alongside the Tennessee River? (Sorry, just had to wonder that.)
rsimms":3cmm2gqi said:
Wow! And there you have, "The rest of the story." Have you checked for any tents pitched alongside the Tennessee River? (Sorry, just had to wonder that.)

LOL naw. :)
Oh and Barry was a firm believer that if you were camping and when you laid down to go to sleep if you couldn't open your eyes and see stars you weren't really camping. :shock:

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