I am not a scientist, so giving you EXACT, scientific details on knife sharpening just isn't going to happen.
What I can do is take HUGE amounts of information, say from a data pool of FIVE HUNDRED BOW KILLED deer, and translate THAT information into something PRACTICAL.
And here is what I have learned.
Dull broadheads simply PUSH veins and arteries out of the way, rather than slicing through them thus causing more severe bleeding and a quicker death.
Afterall, archery killed deer die from BLOOD LOSS. (unless it is asphyxiation due to lung collapse and diaphram damage)
I have recovered over 200 arrow killed deer personally and been involved with HUNDREDS more, gun and bow. I am pretty sure I have seen about every wound channel imaginable, and some that should NEVER be imagined.
DULL blades kill deer. And VERY effectively when you are talking about BOTH lungs. But, according to MY experience, NOT AS EFFECTIVELY as VERY SHARP HEADS.
And finally, I will add this. So many times I have heard hunters say, "hey, I hit that deer way too far back and he dropped after running ONLY a few yards". Yet they had NO CLUE that even thought they did indeed hit the animal high and back, toward the guts, the arrow sliced through the KIDNEYS, A LETHAL but VERY low percentage shot. Or maybe "hey, I GUT shot that deer RIGHT THROUGH THE STOMACH, and it fell after only 75 yards". And yet the hunter had NO IDEA that they sliced the pyloric artery in half.
Luck always plays a role in killing. But luck plays little role in killing effectively, humanely, purposefully, and CONSISTENTLY!!!
SHARP, WIDE (as you can afford), ACCURATE.