My opinion on broad heads this year!

Archery and hunting are two different sports. Just happens we bowhunt where the two sports meet.

I'm not saying I'm some awesome hunter, but in regards to archery I'm not a rookie neither a pro. The old timers on here like to jump on folk that are trying new expandable broadheads or the newest bows on the market. Soemtimes the old timers can come across as "holier than thou".
fourwheeler431 said:
UTGrad said:
I will say archery has been my passion for a few years now and I'm not a rookie anymore. It gets old being treated like a rookie.

How many years is "a few years"? 2,3 at the most. most of these guys have 25+ years of experience,hell I'm still a rookie compared to most of them and I have 20 years myself.

Err one of you should respect my authority. I'm rockin about a whole month of experience :)

I appreciate people who are smart, not really talking about 102, I never have paid mind to his posts but by what you guys say he is smart. In fact, I didn't join this forum to make friends. I got interested in reading people like BSKs posts and knew it would be a great oppurtunity to learn. Therefore I feel we should ignore 102s annoying way of emphasizing words and pay attention to what he says...

For example-Ive been shooting my bow sighted in to shoot my broadheads different than my field points. As you probably seen earlier in this thread someone(tndeerguy) told me this shouldn't happen. I looked in my manual, adjusted my nock point and now my broadheads are flying right.
UTGrad said:
I'm not saying I'm some awesome hunter, but in regards to archery I'm not a rookie neither a pro. The old timers on here like to jump on folk that are trying new expandable broadheads or the newest bows on the market. Soemtimes the old timers can come across as "holier than thou".

There is a extremely vast difference between the knowledge and experience of someone that has been in the sport 2-3 years and someone that has been doing it for 20 plus years�that realization will come with time. In addition, it is very hard to put a personalization through the internet and certain things can sometimes can be taken the wrong way because of the void of tone and expressions�that's the downside of the ethernet cable world. That being said, I'm sure that you mean just as well as others everyone else on here, otherwise we wouldn't be here, but there have been many times the same could be said about topics you have brought up (the apperance of being "holier than thou")�the long stabilizer that everyone must try, a lightning fast bow that everyone must have, Rage broadheads and so forth. In certain cases, it may have been a delivery problem on your end, or a problem with the interpretation of the message by the end reader, but that is the world we live in on here and we just have to deal with it�you mean no harm, everyone here knows that. I know you meant only to help, or to offer another perspective, but several times it just didn't come across that way and others with vast experience only pointed out, for the benefit of others, certain weaknesses in the reasoning of the topic. I see no problem with anyone sharing what they have seen, witnessed or learned�that is how we all learn, but I see it all to often in many situations in life where people get upset because someone with alot more experience has shared something that they have learned through life and someone else gets upset because it goes against what they have known so far. They are not expecting you to change, unless you are blantantly wrong, just to open your eyes to see another side of a situation and be open to change and not expect that others just pile on and do as you do.

I hope this hasn't been taken as a knock on you, that certainly isn't the intent, because there are many times that the same "holier than thou" thing could be said of any of us because we believe so much in the what we do and the products we use that it sometimes is a good thing to a fault.

This entire post is a general statement that applies to everyone at all parts of our lives, and I think it needed to be said. Plus, I feel like I'm having a "zen" type of morning anyway. Keep'em flying straight and one week to go!!!! :)
scn said:
Great post TNDeerGuy. The internet is great for dispensing information (both good and bad), but really sux at giving a look at the posters tone, attitude, etc.

Agreed X2 scn.

I "lurk" around this forum? I am confused. Is "lurking" checking out interesting topics and then adding to the discussion where one wants to interject? If so...I am guilty.

And capitalizing to emphasize is a bad thing?

O-k, I did not know that. Although I did get "schooled" on the fact that typing in caps is akin to shouting. I heard this several years ago when Tndeer was new.

In response to UTGrad's statements towards me, I am surprised.

I only wish to help. Not to criticize or condemn at random. I truly only wish to share my experience and knowledge to teach those who might need help in ANY area of archery, ESPECIALLY with regard to bowhunting white tailed deer.

When I read posts from others, it always helps me to know a little about them. for instance, I have learned from BSK himself that he, by his own admission, knows a great deal about deer. And about deer management. But he freely and openly admits he is a gun hunter, and, according to him, not a very good one.

So when BSK writes about deer behavior or management, I listen and pay attention to what he writes. This information, translated, helps me hunt successfully.

Bowriter has tremendous experience all over North America chasing and bowhunting game. He is very experienced hunter and I think has probably forgotten more about hunting deer than most will ever know.

I know a few other really good hunters on here that are killing machines, probably good hunters. Deer Assassin, scn, and Wes P to name a few are also reputed to me by a reliable source to be good at hunting.

I do not intend to act like a "know it all". If I have impressed anyone that I am a know it all, then so be it.

But again, I can only try to help.

I will tell you one thing for sure. NOBODY...not one hunter in the world, knows it all. But there are many, many, that know a whole bunch because they have been hunting a long time, and killed a whole bunch of deer. And been around a whole bunch of deer killing. And are good at getting close to and putting a killing shot on deer, regularly.

I know several like this. And when they talk, I pay attention.
ESPECIALLY if they are handing out free advice!!!

If anyone says they have an opinion on a broadhead, or bow, or tree stand, etc., I may or may not reply.

But if someone states a "fact" about something of which I am very familiar, through experience, trial and error,(like trailing gut shot deer), I will probably chime in.

Again, if killing over two hundred deer by arrow, several P/Y, many more mature, many public land deer, and several gun deer over a 30 year span does not cause you to pay attention to what that hunter says, then I suggest you ignore me, bowriter, deer assasin, scn, Wes P, and SEVERAL others here on Tndeer.

And while I am writing what may well be my final farewell to talk forums (me too Radar), let me add this from thie "OLD TIMER".
I have kept up with technology, Over the three decades of bow hunting I have used 17 different bows, COUNTLESS broadheads, and different KE set-ups. Not to mention competed at the National level and extreme competition at the local and State level.

I am now shooting a Mathews with a carbon arrow and Magnus Stinger head.
I have killed more deer with mechanicals and fixed than you can imagine.

And one of my favorite aspects of this sport is playing around with different KE set-ups and broadheads.

Yes, I am older than several of you, but not as old as you think.(mostly I use the age thing to help get my deer out)
Hope you are not a stranger, 102. When you speak, I listen, because I know it is the voice of experience. And, I know that experience reflects both the good and the bad. The posting by folks like you and Radar is not an ego stroking IMO. It is freely giving information to help newcomers benefit from mistakes you have made along the way or seen made in your years of bowhunting. FWIW, you have NEVER come across as a know it all to me.

One of the deals with young folks is learning when they should be listening instead of talking. Fortunately, it isn't a terminal affliction in most cases and most eventually grow out of it. I'd venture a guess that most of us have gone through the stage, and time and the school of hard lessons has worn off some edges.

I know that you, like me, post to help newcomers out just like you and I were helped many years ago. Again, its really hard on a keyboard to get that tone across.

I need to learn some more, 102, becasue contrary to what you may have been told I have a lot to learn about our great sport. I remain fully able to screw something up every time I hit the woods.
Wow...this thread really went somewhere,

Hope to keep hearing from radar and 102.

Like utgrad's post and intensity too. That being said, remember how little he knew a few short years ago...and how much people here were willing to help. Hate to see the getting crosswise with some that have great knowledge to share and immense experience.

I've pm'd with 102 and cam tell you he is humble and more than willing to help.

On point, I think the broadheads game is changing with the performance of today's bows and arrow combos.

I've got a review of killzones coming soon as I have now killed 2 with them, trailed 2 more and also shot 3 with a rage in that time.
I have enjoyed helping newcomers get started in bowhunting through this forum , hoping that they did not repeat the same mistakes that I have over the years . Im still learning to this day through my own experiences and from other hunters as well.
As for the way I post , I do like to rib UTGrad a little , but I mean no harm or disrespect . Its a far cry from blasting someone . I will debate , and like any debate , it should not be taken personal . I'm quiet in person and do not intend to be a know it all .
I just like to help others , not stroke my ego . One more thing , I don't agree with everything that 102 posts about his choice in broadheads , because they differ from my personal choices , I do however respect him as a fellow Bowhunter with a great deal of experience .
PM me when you get an arrow through one. If you don't see it fall and need a little "verbal support", I might be able to help.

And Radar, about the broadheads, one of the BEST heads is a 2 inch COC, rearward deploying (looses less energy on deployment), mechanical shot out of a WELL tuned bow.

OR...a Muzzy.

OR...a Thunderhead!

OR...any head that goes through BOTH lungs of a deer, about mid lung.

BUT...I like ECONOMICAL value.

I like to shoot often. At deer, turkey, coyote.

And I simply am too cheap to shoot expensive heads.

If I can find FREE heads, that work very effectively, that is what I shoot.

That is why I shoot Magnus Stinger 4 blade COC fixed.

But...(again with the buts) I highly value your opinion. Especially when it comes to bows and equipment. I know you know your stuff.
Jumped a big shooter this morning after the hunt from the stand on the first day of the Mo. Season . He was no more than 100 yards from my truck and bedded only 30 yards from a well traveled access drive . Lesson learned , I should have just walked back to the truck instead of scouting along the drive to see where they were crossing . Biggest buck I have seen while hunting in Mo. So far . Just hope I didn't bump him out of the area , but they are used to the landowners in the area.
Good luck to everyone this season . Shoot the broadhead you have confidence in , and put it in the vitals !
Radar said:
Jumped a big shooter this morning after the hunt from the stand on the first day of the Mo. Season . He was no more than 100 yards from my truck and bedded only 30 yards from a well traveled access drive . Lesson learned , I should have just walked back to the truck instead of scouting along the drive to see where they were crossing . Biggest buck I have seen while hunting in Mo. So far . Just hope I didn't bump him out of the area , but they are used to the landowners in the area.
Good luck to everyone this season . Shoot the broadhead you have confidence in , and put it in the vitals !

Amen and good luck...hope you get him
double browtine said:
Going to go buy some new heads tomorrow. I am torn between the nap killzones and the schwackers. I have used nap products in the past with success, thunderheads and spitfires. Every nap product hit just like my field points in the past. Has anyone shot both and have an opinion? Great thread by the way!

I can say this about ThunderHeads, they don't weight what they claim and I called them on it and it was confirmed. A 100 weighs 106-8, that's 6% more. It is a difference enough to make flight change from points to heads and also why I'm not all that concerned about the two hitting the same spot. Just saying you could experience a change in flight with the killzone and that could be the reason why, still could be a killing machine.
scn said:
richmanbarbeque said:
At times it appears 102 comes across as cocky, arrogant and whatever you want to think. in the past I have felt the same way. I now look at him as trying to get across his experiences so other people learn not to make mistakes he may have made in the past. I am sure he will admit he doesn't know everything but him and his hunting buddies have a lot of experience. Now, when he starts chasing gut shot deer like Bowriter and name dropping we can all kick him in the nuts but until then I will try to learn what I can.

x2 on 102, Rich.

I think this is my 43 consecutive bow season. I've seen a lot of changes and waded through a lot of bs during those years. You learn to recognize knowledge. When 102 and Radar speak about bows and bow hunting, I listen and learn.

I haven't been around any of you enough to know what you know, but I do know he's right about sharpness. Rapid blood lose is the key to a short track job and razor sharp is the best at doing that.

There is nothing sharper than a broken toilet believe it or not and if anyone is ever cut by one you won't know it till you see the blood flowing rapidly all over. Razor sharp is it.
You guys do realize we've been arguing this for no real reason. Tennessee size whitetail deer are like shooting through a wet paper bag. Our average doe is what, 70-80 lbs field dressed? Our biggest bucks might go 150 field dressed...MIGHT. I dare say the average 2-3 yr old TN buck is 125-130 lbs. I've killed 2 that scored in the upper 120s and one in the 130s that field dressed what they scored lol

A well placed .177 cal pellet from an air rifle will kill one. I've killed two so far with just knives. You ain't lived til you've tried to put down a car hit deer that you think is about already dead...that comes back to fight for every ounce of life left in it.

What concerns me most are hearing and seeing more hunters making statements like "just put an an arrow in it somewhere and the Rage will take care of the rest". Usually made after they completely gut shoot one.
Such an emphasis on sharpness and cutting diameter, when a flint arrowhead got the job done well. lol As the saying goes, maybe its the indian and not the arrow or maybe its the margin of error that keeps decreasing as broadheads keep getting more efficient. Whatever it might be, I'll be shooting rages again this year and maybe switching to Ol Hanks Swackers.