My pattern (pics)

a shotgun in the price range of a remington should shoot exactly where the shooter is looking if the gun is "properly fitted/mounted", if its not doing this I would either return the gun or trade it off
Catman is just learning...and is a great young man.

I guess you killed a deer at 450 yds on your first hunt and you probably walked before you crawled.

Some have it...but most of us dont.

Choose your words more carefully...when talking about a young man who is very excited about getting into the positive towards him.

Thank you...that is all!!

Brad C. said:
Not trying to be rude, but you need to back off at 40yds and see what is going on. And you also need to shoot a way bigger piece of paper or cardboard. That way you know what is going on with your load and choke. 20yds really doesn't prove much.
Thanks all for the kind words, the rude ones, the encouragement and the criticism. I do like to hear both sides, gives me more view points which helps me learn better.

Common sense tells me I should try a few 40 yard shots if I want to be more comfortable with my accuracy, but also I could likely get a good shot on a turkey if he's within a decent range and I am careful when placing the shot. The 6 shot is another option like I said and will probably have some of that before season too.
I apologize for my rude comments. Newbie or not, I should know better. If I can be of any help to you, just let me know.
Catman alot of people on here want to see you be success full so if money is the issue for ammo then i am sure there are a few people on here that would be willing to help you out and give you a few shells to try out. I know what the college years are like so i fully understand the money issues.
Looks like your throwing a good pattern... Just a little left! Might try some different shells, or maybe some adjustable sights??? Keep at it! You'll get her dialed in!
Very nice of you to correct the comments.

Thank you.

Good luck this season.

Brad C. said:
I apologize for my rude comments. Newbie or not, I should know better. If I can be of any help to you, just let me know.
Catman, its good to be able to shoot out to 40 yards just in case the bird hangs up. But it will definitely be to your benefit if you can remain patient enough to let the bird work its way under 30. I think its much better to start out as a new turkey hunter saying your going to try to get him to 20 than saying your going to try to shoot him at 60.

I know lots of folks on here are telling you otherwise, but the first three years of turkey hunting I had I used an old gun that shot to the left just a few inches. If I put the bead where it was just touching the very edge of his neck on the right side, I would center my pattern. I just said to myself, "Put it right on on the right" to remember where to hold. I could have probably killed the birds, by just holding it on them, but i wanted my patterned centered and didnt have the $ to pay for sights.

After getting a new gun a few years later, I learned as REN has said that differnt loads will have a different point of impact as well. I am sure it would be a good idea to shoot at other ranges and more loads if you can, but if not, I still think youve got a gun that will do the job. Good luck to ya.
i 1000% agree with voss as far as how far to shoot one. I have never shot at a bird over 30yds, thats more birds then i have fingers and toes for. 40+ yds is great but not really needed.

my only fear of your POA issues is making it work when it counts. A lot goes through your mind at crunch time and that may be forgotten. And to add I am not a fan of guessing when it comes to aiming. Shooting is all in confidence and if you are guessing where to put the shot that is not going to help in confidence.

as i stated before, the other issue is how far to aim right depending on how far the bird is. It may be off an inch at 20yds which could mean dead on at 10 or +3inches at 35yds.

I cant remember if you posted what shells you are shooting but i think i have some extra Federal lead #5's as well as some remington 5's and 6 lead that you can have if you need them to test out.

You seem to have the passion it takes to be sucessful so i am pulling for you this year man and if you somehow make it up to the Wilson Co area let me know and I will see if we can work out a hunt on one of my spots.
catman, next time you are in town you and Burd come by my house and we will shoot. I got a good backstop with plenty of cardboard and targets. We can shoot as far or as close as you want to. I got plenty of different loads and you are more them welcome to try em out and see what best fits. If you can't get in touch with Burd and want to come by just get my number from him or you can PM me. I still have to pattern a new gun my Dad bought so I am going to do it anyway. The offer stands anytime. Just get in touch and we can work something out. We still have a couple weeks left.
catman this is going to be my first full year to turkey hunt and i have learnd to listen to what you think and what people you trust that is what has worked best for me
i think the average of all my shots on a bunch of turkeys is like 27 yards. like ruger said, you might try a different load, choke, or maybe an optic to move your shot. i wouldnt worry i have to aim just a hair to the right and have never missed a bird yet.
Thanks all. and REN and Wingnut, I appreciate it. Wingnut, I should be around there sometime this week. I'll be scouting the WMA 15 mins down the road so I can head over to chapel hill whenever works for you and/or Burd. Again I apprecaite it very much. I think you all definitely have a point that I need to be confident with the shot so I don't mess it up on a bird.
Cat, I think I would try some different loads, some type of hevi shot in #6 would be a good start. I too would back on up to atleast 30 and maybe 40 yards just to see what your gun does at that distance. Congrats on getting started and good luck!
Update here, I just got back with 2 more boxes of win. supreme 3" loads, one of 5 shot and one of 6 shot to try and compare. I should have a few more to spare for target practice now and see if I like the 5 or 6 better and try at longer distances.
REN said:
Catman alot of people on here want to see you be success full so if money is the issue for ammo then i am sure there are a few people on here that would be willing to help you out and give you a few shells to try out. I know what the college years are like so i fully understand the money issues.

I'd donate to catmans success

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