Near or Far?

You guys go on and bash and demean all you want. I know what I and my gear are capable of doing and given the chance, I will do it again. And I will not apologize to a single one of you who choose to bash and belittle.
Knothead said:
Grizzly Johnson said:
But for the sake of asking, why would you shoot a turkey @ 72 yards, especially with lead shot?

Because I know what my gun will do up to 80 yds. It's all about patterning your gun & having confidence in it and in yourself. It's not for everyone, and that's ok, but if you know you can do it, why not ?

Shooting lead #5's, no gun is going to hold a RELIABLE killing pattern to 80 yards. If you take shots that long, you will cripple more birds than you will kill.
Knothead said:
You guys go on and bash and demean all you want. I know what I and my gear are capable of doing and given the chance, I will do it again. And I will not apologize to a single one of you who choose to bash and belittle.

Not bashing or asking for an apology. However you come into a thread boasting about a shot distance FAR beyond the norm and follow it up by saying you have infact patterned the shot. You had to know people would question it.

You may have a turkey killing machine. I personally have never seen anyone anywhere post an 80yd lead shot or even talk about one that was getting
Ore then 100 pellets in the kill zone at that distance.

I do find it funny you are shooting at turkeys at the same distance I usually get set up to call them into range lol
All of my kills have been at the 24 to 25 yard mark.
All of them were called to the gun by the superb calling skills that I have acquired over years of hunting turkey's and playing the game by the rules.
All of them were clean ethical kills.
All of them were 4 year old birds, except for a couple mis-haps where I killed some 3 year olds. :(
I never tried to get closer than 100 yards from their roost.
I mostly tried to ignore gobbles on the limb so I could adequately hunt them correctly.

Yes, I am a smart donkey. :D
Why is it that when guys come on here going on about shooting deer at 1500 yards with a 300 Weatherby Mag or som crap most say that if the shot was right and the deer aint moving and the wind aint blowing and yadda yadda yadda then yeah they would take that shot. Or the classic, " you gotta have a lotta trigger time to pull a shot like that but it can be done". Why is a long range rifle kill accepted by so many so easily but you guys wanna give other people down the road over a longer than normal shot on a turkey. Yea its not my first choice to shoot at those yardages and sometimes in the heat of the. moment less than desirable shots are made. I would rather cut ones head clean off at 10 yds but if I know my gun patterns at 40 yds and even beyond and Ive got a clear shot im gonna take it. Pshhh, turkey hunters, ill tell ya what.

Oh cant remember my clossest but a me and a buddy called one in this season and he body slammed it at 10 ft.

I have killed at 53 steps 70 steps and 71 steps. Longest shots I have taken on a bird and all 3 died like they where at 20 yds. No chest beatin here just statin the facts.
I had a big long thing typed but nevermind. i will just say if i ddint shoot any turkeys past 40 yards i wouldnt kill many in the open pines of my lease. That is all. As ruger says "keep driving through" LOL
Swamphunter said:
Well said Mississippi Boy. That ain't opinion. That's FACT. Some folks have no respect for the game we pursue.

I'm still waiting on those 80 yard pattern pics.

You'll be waiting a long time, Swamphunter. I don't have to prove a single thing to you, nor anyone That bird rolled like he was shot at 20 yds. It was an ethical, clean kill.
I know what I am capable of doing, I know what I did, and I will do it again, given the opportunity. And that's about all I have to say about that. :)

I'm done debating with all the righteous ones and their 'holier- than- thou' attitudes. Now I remember why I haven't spent much time on here in the past 3 or 4 months. Geez Louise!!
I have decapitated at 5 yards and killed at alittle over 50. I used to prefer a 30 yard shot using lead 5's. I now prefer a 40 yard shot since Ive started using Hevi 7's the last few years. At 40 I have nice uniform pattern wide enough to allow for error and dense enough to kill cleanly.
Knothead I may not personally want to shoot a turkey at that range, but if you are confident in your shots at that distance then I don't care if you kill em like that... I had to let off steam the other day about this holier-than-thou turkey hunter attitude, but I think I learned you just gotta let people have their opinions and keep hunting the way you hunt, long as it's legal. Of course that won't stop me from arguing sometimes when provoked...

Setterman said:
catman529 said:
7 hours? Man I'd have shot him after 3 hours, who cares if some call me unethical, I only take a shot I'm comfortable with anyway and haven't even shot one yet at 30 yards. But if I were a better shot and had a better choke/shell setup, I'd take the farther shot if he made me wait that long.

I don't do things because of what others might think. I do things because of my own personal reasons.

Killing turkeys is about calling birds in close, and I want to make clean ethical kills every single time I pull the trigger. Lobbing shot 60 yards down range is a great way to cripple birds, and something I won't do again.
I think I'm with you on that, I took a long shot (2 in a row actually) and missed a bird at the beginning of last season (my first season) and missed, learned I need to be confident in the shot before pulling the trigger. Now I don't want to shoot anything past 20 or 30 yards. But after 7 hours of waiting for a bird to come closer, I would definitely take the long shot, that's plenty of waiting. I don't know if I can even sit still that long... lol
The original posters name is very fitting. And give me a break you don't have a 70 or 80 yard gun.
booth said:
The original posters name is very fitting. And give me a break you don't have a 70 or 80 yard gun.
:grin:Don't have much respect for anyone who shoots past 50 yards on a regular basis, don't care what kind of gun, choke, or shells you use.
TeamMainStreet said:
Why is it that when guys come on here going on about shooting deer at 1500 yards with a 300 Weatherby Mag or som crap most say that if the shot was right and the deer aint moving and the wind aint blowing and yadda yadda yadda then yeah they would take that shot. Or the classic, " you gotta have a lotta trigger time to pull a shot like that but it can be done". Why is a long range rifle kill accepted by so many so easily but you guys wanna give other people down the road over a longer than normal shot on a turkey. Yea its not my first choice to shoot at those yardages and sometimes in the heat of the. moment less than desirable shots are made. I would rather cut ones head clean off at 10 yds but if I know my gun patterns at 40 yds and even beyond and Ive got a clear shot im gonna take it. Pshhh, turkey hunters, ill tell ya what.

I dont think a 1500yd shot on a deer and an 80yd shot are quite in the same boat, also a rifles whole purpose is to SHOOT FAR. A shotgun as limitations that are known by most. you can build a rifle to be a "sniper" shooter with the right ammo and optics. a better compairison would be people claiming to kill deer at 1000yds with a 30/30 and coreloks they bought at walmart. sure its possible but people would want to see the paper on that claim.

i just find it very odd that there are more then a few on here that claim to have patterned their gun and they know without a doubt what i does at these distances yet no one has any pics of the pattered shot especially when some seem to defy the odds of physics.
Knothead said:
Grizzly Johnson said:
But for the sake of asking, why would you shoot a turkey @ 72 yards, especially with lead shot?

Because I know what my gun will do up to 80 yds. It's all about patterning your gun & having confidence in it and in yourself. It's not for everyone, and that's ok, but if you know you can do it, why not ?

Well if you can get a gun/shell/choke to pattern that far for a clean kill, then great for you. I would also like to see a pattern of yours and some others' at 60-80 yards.

What/how you do it is your business, but please don't go publically posting/telling it so all those impressionable beginners see/hear it and think they can do it too. Irresponsible hunters wounding turkeys for the coyotes to eat is no different than a poacher/tresspasser shooting one, the end result is 1 less bird to be taken by a responsible/ethical hunter.

Long distance issues have gotten to a point on OldGobbler, it will get you banned if you post or talk about anything over 40 yards. It's for the same reason as I said above with impressionable beginners; and because some of the veteran turkey hunters find it unethical/disrespectful to the turkey and/or the sport of turkey hunting.

Knothead said:
You guys go on and bash and demean all you want. I know what I and my gear are capable of doing and given the chance, I will do it again. And I will not apologize to a single one of you who choose to bash and belittle.

I'm not bashing or belittling...... IF you are capable of consistantly taking a turkey at 60-80 yards and CLEANLY, then what you do is your business (refer back to my previous above statement).

But as someone who also buys a hunting license every year and pretty much hunts public land only, imagine if an influx of new hunters started hunting like that WITHOUT taking the time to test their equipment, because they read on the internet where so-n-so's same gun/shell/choke can make that shot, well they can too.... how long do you think it would take to ruin the gobbler population?

I am not bashing, I AM concerned. A lot of time and work has gone into the turkey population of this state. We (as the turkey hunters of Tennessee) don't need a new generation of hunters erasing all that hard work and time because of poor hunting ethics.
Grizzly Johnson said:
Knothead said:
Grizzly Johnson said:
But for the sake of asking, why would you shoot a turkey @ 72 yards, especially with lead shot?

Because I know what my gun will do up to 80 yds. It's all about patterning your gun & having confidence in it and in yourself. It's not for everyone, and that's ok, but if you know you can do it, why not ?

Well if you can get a gun/shell/choke to pattern that far for a clean kill, then great for you. I would also like to see a pattern of yours and some others' at 60-80 yards.

What/how you do it is your business, but please don't go publically posting/telling it so all those impressionable beginners see/hear it and think they can do it too. Irresponsible hunters wounding turkeys for the coyotes to eat is no different than a poacher/tresspasser shooting one, the end result is 1 less bird to be taken by a responsible/ethical hunter.

Long distance issues have gotten to a point on OldGobbler, it will get you banned if you post or talk about anything over 40 yards. It's for the same reason as I said above with impressionable beginners; and because some of the veteran turkey hunters find it unethical/disrespectful to the turkey and/or the sport of turkey hunting.
Good post
TeamMainStreet said:
Why is it that when guys come on here going on about shooting deer at 1500 yards with a 300 Weatherby Mag or som crap most say that if the shot was right and the deer aint moving and the wind aint blowing and yadda yadda yadda then yeah they would take that shot. Or the classic, " you gotta have a lotta trigger time to pull a shot like that but it can be done". Why is a long range rifle kill accepted by so many so easily but you guys wanna give other people down the road over a longer than normal shot on a turkey. Yea its not my first choice to shoot at those yardages and sometimes in the heat of the. moment less than desirable shots are made. I would rather cut ones head clean off at 10 yds but if I know my gun patterns at 40 yds and even beyond and Ive got a clear shot im gonna take it. Pshhh, turkey hunters, ill tell ya what.

I'm not a big fan of the long range deer shots either, or kids taking 200-400 yard shots on deer.... too many things could happen and end up with a wounded deer.... but there are far more deer than turkeys in this state. I'm not calling names in particular, but just because you/they can do it, doesn't mean you/they should do it..... it's one thing to shoot a metal plate that isn't moving, it's another thing to be shooting at a living, breathing, moving animal.
Knothead said:
Swamphunter said:
Well said Mississippi Boy. That ain't opinion. That's FACT. Some folks have no respect for the game we pursue.

I'm still waiting on those 80 yard pattern pics.

You'll be waiting a long time, Swamphunter. I don't have to prove a single thing to you, nor anyone That bird rolled like he was shot at 20 yds. It was an ethical, clean kill.
I know what I am capable of doing, I know what I did, and I will do it again, given the opportunity. And that's about all I have to say about that. :)

I'm done debating with all the righteous ones and their 'holier- than- thou' attitudes. Now I remember why I haven't spent much time on here in the past 3 or 4 months. Geez Louise!!

So how many pellets did you hit him with in the head & neck, or was it a pellet through his heart? I know it only takes one in the right place, but are relying on that one magic pellet? And again for reference, I don't take a holier-than-thou attitude.... but you started this thread and should have known there would be good & bad follow.
catman529 said:
I think I'm with you on that, I took a long shot (2 in a row actually) and missed a bird at the beginning of last season (my first season) and missed, learned I need to be confident in the shot before pulling the trigger. Now I don't want to shoot anything past 20 or 30 yards. But after 7 hours of waiting for a bird to come closer, I would definitely take the long shot, that's plenty of waiting. I don't know if I can even sit still that long... lol

I think the better word is CAPABLE not confident. If your gun is capable of making (x) yard shot, then you WILL/should be confident in making the shot.... now if you "miss" shooting through a sapling, heavy brush, or pull the shot.... then thats on you, not the equipment. Being capable at (x)yards is what you learn/prove from testing your gun/load/choke at various ranges so you KNOW when the time comes, you are capable of taking the bird cleanly.

If you have sat there 7 hours for a good shot within range, why not sit longer or come back again later? If you know you can't cleanly take him down at the longer distance, why take the chance with a wreckless shot? Just because you "miss" and he doesn't go down, doesn't mean you didn't hit him in the non-vital areas of the body with shot.

There isn't a time clock in turkey hunting, turkeys work on their own schedule.... Two + weeks ago on a Friday, I hunted 12hrs to get a turkey... had one gobble less than 40 yards, but the brush was so thick, I couldn't see him.... had to listen to him walk off.... in that last 3-4 hours of hunting, had a pair of jakes with 3-4" beards come by me 4 times looking for that "hen" they were hearing.... hunted from daylight to almost dark and went home empty handed. But it sure beat being at work!

Test your equipment and KNOW your limitations, you owe it to the game you are hunting and it also reflects on you as a hunter.

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