Near or Far?

Swamphunter said:
Great posts Grizzly! Your delivery is much better than mine so maybe it will be taken to heart. I wish we would've had one of these magic guns Sunday morning. We would've killed that monster bird at 67 yards!

I'm on a roll I guess..... had my Frosted Flakes this morning..... I'm feeling GRRRRREAT!!!
Closest kill was 11 yds and furthest was around 30. I have only killed 4. Long shots do not impress me much as a hunter. It may be a great shot just not a great hunt. I guess I get that from bowhunting most of the time for deer.

Did not know there were this many high horses in the state.
REN said:
TeamMainStreet said:
Why is it that when guys come on here going on about shooting deer at 1500 yards with a 300 Weatherby Mag or som crap most say that if the shot was right and the deer aint moving and the wind aint blowing and yadda yadda yadda then yeah they would take that shot. Or the classic, " you gotta have a lotta trigger time to pull a shot like that but it can be done". Why is a long range rifle kill accepted by so many so easily but you guys wanna give other people down the road over a longer than normal shot on a turkey. Yea its not my first choice to shoot at those yardages and sometimes in the heat of the. moment less than desirable shots are made. I would rather cut ones head clean off at 10 yds but if I know my gun patterns at 40 yds and even beyond and Ive got a clear shot im gonna take it. Pshhh, turkey hunters, ill tell ya what.

I dont think a 1500yd shot on a deer and an 80yd shot are quite in the same boat, also a rifles whole purpose is to SHOOT FAR. A shotgun as limitations that are known by most. you can build a rifle to be a "sniper" shooter with the right ammo and optics. a better compairison would be people claiming to kill deer at 1000yds with a 30/30 and coreloks they bought at walmart. sure its possible but people would want to see the paper on that claim.

i just find it very odd that there are more then a few on here that claim to have patterned their gun and they know without a doubt what i does at these distances yet no one has any pics of the pattered shot especially when some seem to defy the odds of physics.

Dont take this the wrong way REN because I respect you as a good turkey hunter and a seemingly good person but I know without a doubt my rig can kill at 40 and 50. I have tested and have seen it do it. I havent taken multiple pics of patterns to post up because I dont have anything to prove to anybody and dont feel the need to. I enjoys your pics btw. I do not go looking for long range shots but if one is presented and I feel like I can make it I go for it. I also feel like the long range deer shot is very comparible to the turkey shot. As others have said only one pellet is all it takes. That is essentially all you have on a long range rifle shot. I have said before that I am not in the business of pleasing others. Im going to do it my way and if a longer shot is needed and I think its doable ima send it. Congrats on the awesome season also.
None taken bud and I'm not really referencing 40-50 yd shots. 60-80yds with lead is beyond far though an that's when people start to question the validity of it.
Grizzly Johnson said:
TeamMainStreet said:
Why is it that when guys come on here going on about shooting deer at 1500 yards with a 300 Weatherby Mag or som crap most say that if the shot was right and the deer aint moving and the wind aint blowing and yadda yadda yadda then yeah they would take that shot. Or the classic, " you gotta have a lotta trigger time to pull a shot like that but it can be done". Why is a long range rifle kill accepted by so many so easily but you guys wanna give other people down the road over a longer than normal shot on a turkey. Yea its not my first choice to shoot at those yardages and sometimes in the heat of the. moment less than desirable shots are made. I would rather cut ones head clean off at 10 yds but if I know my gun patterns at 40 yds and even beyond and Ive got a clear shot im gonna take it. Pshhh, turkey hunters, ill tell ya what.

I'm not a big fan of the long range deer shots either, or kids taking 200-400 yard shots on deer.... too many things could happen and end up with a wounded deer.... but there are far more deer than turkeys in this state. I'm not calling names in particular, but just because you/they can do it, doesn't mean you/they should do it..... it's one thing to shoot a metal plate that isn't moving, it's another thing to be shooting at a living, breathing, moving animal.

I am not a fan or supporter of them either GRIZbut like I told REN if I think it can be done I will take it. Im not telling anyone to take a long shot. Everone must know their limitations on themselves and what they are working with. If you are not comfortable with it pass on it. I just get tired of people talking down on others of this stuff. Man everybody aint perfect and stuff happens. I have never once said to myself "you know what ima shoot one at 80 yds today just to see if I can". I dont roll that way. Oh I love the Sims pad BTW.
REN said:
None taken bud and I'm not really referencing 40-50 yd shots. 60-80yds with lead is beyond far though an that's when people start to question the validity of it.

Understood. That is pushing the limits.
TeamMainStreet said:
I am not a fan or supporter of them either GRIZbut like I told REN if I think it can be done I will take it. Im not telling anyone to take a long shot. Everone must know their limitations on themselves and what they are working with. If you are not comfortable with it pass on it. I just get tired of people talking down on others of this stuff. Man everybody aint perfect and stuff happens. I have never once said to myself "you know what ima shoot one at 80 yds today just to see if I can". I dont roll that way. Oh I love the Sims pad BTW.

I'm not really saying not to do it IF you can do it responsibly.... because YOU have been responsible and TAKEN the time/steps to test YOUR equipment to find THE limitations. Joe Blow off the street doesn't know if you have or not.... he just "knows" what is said or read.... and want's to be like you. I'm just saying don't go around posting it or saying it in a hunting store, Wal-Mart, or other place it can be overheard by the wrong people. Some that hear may hear or read and go about their business or think "your" full of BS.... new hunters to the sport may take their dads gun, some shells, and choke, then go the the woods expecting to take the same long shots and kill a turkey. Yes, they MAY get lucky once and kill a turkey that way..... but how many birds will suffer or be lost until they are taught/learn the correct way of finding their equipments limitations.

I'm not talking from a high-horse or down to anyone, but we as hunters should be acting as an example to others, because whether we like it or not, the non-hunting public and animal activists have their eyes on us constantly. New people to the sport need to be taught the ways by responsible hunters and keep the tradition of hunting safe and rewarding.... whether an animal is taken or not.

Just as a general rule.... What whoever does is their business, keep it quiet and go about your business, more so if others may find it questionable. And even more on a public forum where ANY ONE of our words could bring a key word search hit up from the internet (Google, Yahoo, Bing....). Several "dramatic" discussions on this site could have been avoided if this rule was more widely used. You can tell a story in a way everyone gets the picture and still not give the questionable details that causes drama.
The farthest I've killed one was just shy of 60 and that's because I misjudged it and didn't have time to get the rangefinder out. I thought it was around 50 and knew I could kill him so I squeezed the trigger. Only after having to shoot him a second time and getting the rangefinder out did I realize I was further than I thought. That was using my 835, 3 1/2" Winchester Supreme #5's, and the factory extra full choke. The closest has been about 15 yards. Now all of that said I switched this year to 3 1/2" Hevi Shot Mag Blends and a jellyhead choke and haven't shot it past 40 but the pattern density was a ton better than before. I like knowing I can reach out and touch one if need be but prefer them 30 or closer because to me getting them in close is a huge part of the enjoyment for me.
Understood to the fullest Griz. And for what its eorth I was not calling you out on talking down to people. All of you comments have been pleasant, to the point and pretty much right on the money. Its the guys that go by Richard that I dont get along with. Good hunting to ya man.
TeamMainStreet said:
Understood to the fullest Griz. And for what its eorth I was not calling you out on talking down to people. All of you comments have been pleasant, to the point and pretty much right on the money. Its the guys that go by Richard that I dont get along with. Good hunting to ya man.

Just to say as well, I wasn't taking it that way from you..... just making it known to all. I realize everyone has an opinion, everyone is entitled to it as well. But thank you Sir.

But as with the life battles we must choose between everyday, we as hunters have to pick and choose those as well. As with the way the country is going, there are/will be sides.... when those sides are determined, we on our side must stand together and fight for the common good. Animal activists are working to ruin hunting just like the politicians are ruining our way of life, what we beieve in, and what we work hard for. When we start fighting amongst ourselves, they are winning.
One question on the 80 yard shot - Was it 80 yards by using a range finder or 80 yards by stepping it off?

If it was 80 steps, it is very possible because a normal step is only 30 inches long unless you are at least 6' 6" with extra long legs and if you are shorter than six feet tall, your stride may be even less than 30 inches. Then you add the contour of the land in (unless it is totally level) which would remove a few more yards. Therefore in my calculations, the 80 yard shot could very well be a mid fifty yarder. To me that is a bit too far but for some it isn't. I limit my shots to 45 yards which I have patterned my shotgun for. Mossberg 835, jellyhead choke, hevi 13 magblend shot.
The closest i've killed them have been within a hood length, and the farthest around 52 yds or so. IMO, there is a fine line between a turkey killer and a turkey shooter, with all of this long range talk. Just my .02 though...