Well-Known Member
Among many TN sportsmen, we're seeing waterfowl hunting quickly replace their former deer hunting. Those who still want to do a lot of deer hunting are just doing so more in other states where their chances of taking an older buck with larger antlers are much higher than in TN.
Most of us Tennesseans are not currently in a CWD county, so the issue becomes when (not if) your particular county will be designated a CWD county. If you already border an existing CWD county, this is probably much sooner than later. Personally, I have long term been doing the majority of my TN deer hunting in Stewart & Obion counties, both of which now border a CWD county. So I see my personal days of being a "hunter-manager" in TN soon coming to an end once the CWD regulations hit my personal hunting areas.
CWD regs have already adversely effected me personally last year in that I had 4 of 5 hunting buddies cancel their plans to hunt with me in Henry County because CWD was found there. In times past, pre-CWD, no more than 1 or 2 of these friends would have not gone for whatever reason.
And to make it worse, had we killed a deer, it was then illegal to transport that deer beyond the boundaries of Henry County, and none of us lived in Henry County! As an aside, I've long term previously used Yoder Brothers in Henry County to process my deer. They are now closed for deer processing, and hunters, particularly those traveling from East TN to West TN, are going to find increasing challenges in processing & transporting any deer they may kill.
Most of us Tennesseans are not currently in a CWD county, so the issue becomes when (not if) your particular county will be designated a CWD county. If you already border an existing CWD county, this is probably much sooner than later. Personally, I have long term been doing the majority of my TN deer hunting in Stewart & Obion counties, both of which now border a CWD county. So I see my personal days of being a "hunter-manager" in TN soon coming to an end once the CWD regulations hit my personal hunting areas.
CWD regs have already adversely effected me personally last year in that I had 4 of 5 hunting buddies cancel their plans to hunt with me in Henry County because CWD was found there. In times past, pre-CWD, no more than 1 or 2 of these friends would have not gone for whatever reason.
And to make it worse, had we killed a deer, it was then illegal to transport that deer beyond the boundaries of Henry County, and none of us lived in Henry County! As an aside, I've long term previously used Yoder Brothers in Henry County to process my deer. They are now closed for deer processing, and hunters, particularly those traveling from East TN to West TN, are going to find increasing challenges in processing & transporting any deer they may kill.