rifle with scope, ammo, orange vest, orange cap/knit beanie, insulated waterproof boots, clothes to keep you warm (depending on how cold - base layer, mid layer, outer layer), sharp knife, flashlight, something to pull/drag (or quarter out if that's what you prefer), something somewhere to sit comfortably (can be ground stand or blind or shooting house or whatever works for you).
appropriate license, hunter safety cert, smart phone to report harvest or otherwise paper tag. You can get license online and should see hunter safety automatically once you login. If not, call TWRA and they can locate old hunter safety for you.
If you need it, carry:
cough drops
shooting stick (I guess you wont need it unless long range)
binocular (no need unless long range)
ear plugs
backpack for extra stuff
rattling horns, deer call (for mature buck hunters)
toilet paper
use toe warmers/shoe shield for extreme cold weather. A cold feet will end your hunting quickly.
stay away from all fancy attractants and stuff. Tried many of these and no difference to hunting. Use a scent free detergent to wash clothes and sun dry in permethrin in summer (
https://www.tndeer.com/threads/permethrin-mix-rates-i-know-someone-will-ask.390952/). Chewy.com was the cheapest i found permithrin last year.
i use a jet sled to haul deer and transport it (no truck). It's very handy but not bare minimum. i also keep a big bottle of water in car to wash hands if field dressing.
Many suggestions above are under the assumption you will be rifle hunting, which starts in Nov, and it's cold from then until Jan..