Lots of camo clothing, your preference of pattern. Good quality insulated outer layers, as well as base layers. I actually wear muck boots with very little insulation, and if it's really cold I'll add hand/foot warmers inside them. It's taken years to accumulate the several duffel bags of clothing I have. But, as for what I take in the woods, other than making sure I'm dressed for the weather, I have my rifle and ammo of course, a little bag containing my sharpfinger knife, grunt tube, 2 small flashlights, and a little rattle bag. I rarely use the tube and the bag, as they're there mostly in case I need to get the attention of a buck that I've already seen, as I don't blind call very often. That's pretty much it, and for sure my safety harness, unless I'm just hunting on the ground. It can be made too complicated, and that complication can lead to going less and getting burned out bc of all the hassle. Try to keep it as simple as you can so it doesn't become such a chore to go. Hope you have much success in the future!
Oh, and I wasn't kidding about the Imodium.
Oh, and I wasn't kidding about the Imodium.