Now is not the time

I've tried a little different tact this year. Normally, I start shooting 3-4 days a week about 3 months before the season opens. Without fail, I'll develop some bad habits and have to work my tail off trying to break myself from those habits.

As a test, and just not being very excited about hunting this year, I waited until 3 weeks ago to start shooting. I promised myself that if I shot the first group of 4 arrows well (2 field points and 2 different broadheads) that I would just shoot once or twice a week, not going through the normal cycle of getting worse for a long time and then finally getting back to where I started.

Well, when I shot the first group, all four arrows were in a 2" group @ 20 yards, so I knew the bow was still in good shape, my form was still true to how it ended last year, and I didn't have any bad habits to overcome ... yet. So, I just shoot once or twice a week now with the same 4 arrows to maintain what I haven't screwed up.
LT4Jesus said:
I've tried a little different tact this year. Normally, I start shooting 3-4 days a week about 3 months before the season opens. Without fail, I'll develop some bad habits and have to work my tail off trying to break myself from those habits.

As a test, and just not being very excited about hunting this year, I waited until 3 weeks ago to start shooting. I promised myself that if I shot the first group of 4 arrows well (2 field points and 2 different broadheads) that I would just shoot once or twice a week, not going through the normal cycle of getting worse for a long time and then finally getting back to where I started.

Well, when I shot the first group, all four arrows were in a 2" group @ 20 yards, so I knew the bow was still in good shape, my form was still true to how it ended last year, and I didn't have any bad habits to overcome ... yet. So, I just shoot once or twice a week now with the same 4 arrows to maintain what I haven't screwed up.

I would love to do that, but I just can't put the bow down. If I get home to late, I shoot blank bail in the garage for about and hour.
I shoot better when I shoot 3 times a week throughout the year . I only shoot about a dozen arrows per session.
But that is not what this thread is about . It's about the guy who digs the bow out of the closet for the first time , then finds out the string has stretched , or the sight has been bumped , or form is off because his muscles haven't been conditioned , especially on cold mornings in the woods .
Need I say more ?
That's why I shoot a crossbow. I absolutely LOVE to deer hunt - especially bowhunting. However, I have very little to no time to be proficient with my 1998 MQ1. I also have NO where to shoot it even if I had the time. I know my Excalibur takes much less prep time.