NWTF Convention!

What's opinions on Turkeys for tomorrow?
TFT is research based with the bulk of their proceeds going towards funding research projects. TFT didn't get hung up on theories such as the dominant gobbler theory. They've only presented the peer-reviewed FACTS and help to fund great research projects. The podcast they fund, Wild Turkey Science, is an excellent and informative podcast. The hosts analyze all the info/research findings and tell us what the literature does and doesn't show.

TFT isn't focused on recruiting more turkey hunters and commercializing turkey hunting for profit. Major wins. TFT helped make NWTF rethink their organization and now NWTF is starting to throw a lot more money into research as well. TFT's competition did help get NWTF back on a better trajectory. The more research dollars the better, as maybe eventually we can get some of our lost hunting opportunities back as more and more studies show the dominant gobbler theory is just that, a theory.

I don't care for TFT partnering with hunting influencers and YouTubers for some of their raffles, but I get it. You gotta do what you gotta do to raise money. I have a lot more faith in my dollar going to the right place when its given to TFT than I do NWTF.
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Quit paying my dues when they gave The Hunting Public "Communicator of the Year" award in 2022. THP and those like them have caused more loss of public land turkey hunting opportunity than any anti-hunting organization ever will.
You always speak absolute truth!

THP caused regulations that has personally hurt my enjoyment of hunting on my local WMAs and such.
TFT is research based with the bulk of their proceeds going towards funding research projects. TFT didn't get hung up on theories such as the dominant gobbler theory. They've only presented the peer-reviewed FACTS and help to fund great research projects. The podcast they fund, Wild Turkey Science, is an excellent and informative podcast. The hosts analyze all the info/research findings and tell us what the literature does and doesn't show.

TFT isn't focused on recruiting more turkey hunters and commercializing turkey hunting for profit. Major wins. TFT helped make NWTF rethink their organization and now NWTF is starting to throw a lot more money into research as well. TFT's competition did help get NWTF back on a better trajectory. The more research dollars the better, as maybe eventually we can get some of our lost hunting opportunities back as more and more studies show the dominant gobbler theory is just that, a theory.

I don't care for TFT partnering with hunting influencers and YouTubers for some of their raffles, but I get it. You gotta do what you gotta do to raise money. I have a lot more faith in my dollar going to the right place when its given to TFT than I do NWTF.

Still the good guys from what I can tell. They promote research on turkeys. Not more hunters.
Haven't been in a few yrs. Got a lil big for me or I got a lil big for them. Just can't take the crowds. Last time I think I bought 2 mounts for trail cams and some overpriced caramel apple deals for the wife and girls. I enjoyed the company of the fellas I went with but the convention itself got old. Especially the price for ammo there
Haven't seen it advertised yet, usually first or second week in February but don't know if it is same time this year.I got a letter wanting me to join a few weeks ago!
I have been emails for a few weeks from NWTF about the convention and trying to get me to get registered. If you are a NWTF member, check your email.
Quit paying my dues when they gave The Hunting Public "Communicator of the Year" award in 2022. THP and those like them have caused more loss of public land turkey hunting opportunity than any anti-hunting organization ever will.
Serious question.
How has THP caused loss of hunting opportunities? I'm just not edumacated on this topic.
Serious question.
How has THP caused loss of hunting opportunities? I'm just not edumacated on this topic.
You lose opportunity when you cannot find a place to park on public land. They have pimped out our wildlife and limited public land to the point of no return. The only solution is more access to more land. I hope with this large License price increase it equals more funds for aquireing more public land. But I'm not holding my breath.
Never heard of her, but like the other 99% of organizations across the fishing and hunting world I have no doubt it's just another scam to grab money from people who want a new sticker for their truck
Speaking of that I seen your new truck decal.
Serious question.
How has THP caused loss of hunting opportunities? I'm just not edumacated on this topic.
You lose opportunity when you cannot find a place to park on public land. They have pimped out our wildlife and limited public land to the point of no return. The only solution is more access to more land. I hope with this large License price increase it equals more funds for aquireing more public land. But I'm not holding my breath.
That and they also caused some West TN WMAs to go to quota for turkeys after they made that video telling the world how great TN turkey hunting was.

Pressure, especially out of state pressure, rose to the point that the public land in that area went to quota.

That is a direct loss of public land access because of these people pimping out our wildlife.
That and they also caused some West TN WMAs to go to quota for turkeys after they made that video telling the world how great TN turkey hunting was.

Pressure, especially out of state pressure, rose to the point that the public land in that area went to quota.

That is a direct loss of public land access because of these people pimping out our wildlife.

I live around some of yanahli and it was unreal the traffic and trucks I saw a fews years ago opening weekend of turkey season. I don't hardly hunt public for turkeys any more. But I have never been so happy to have private after seeing it. It was 4 or 5 times atleast from what opening day of deer season looks like at some of the gates and parking areas. I saw trucks where I have never seen them before.
I live around some of yanahli and it was unreal the traffic and trucks I saw a fews years ago opening weekend of turkey season. I don't hardly hunt public for turkeys any more. But I have never been so happy to have private after seeing it. It was 4 or 5 times atleast from what opening day of deer season looks like at some of the gates and parking areas. I saw trucks where I have never seen them before.
Luckily for the future of hunting, it seems like the, "hunters are declining" jig is up. More and more hunters are realizing that is an absolute lie used to defend aggressive hunter recruitment and it's all about dollars. We need to send them the message with our wallet and not renew our memberships or buy their products.

The only thing on the decline is access, whether that be private land or publicly accessible land. And I agree with TimberJack that having to abandon a public spot you used to hunt because now a days it's full of cameras, ladder stands, and orange vests equals losing access. That is no longer a productive hunting spot.

NWTF and groups like it don't care if this continues to happen as long as their memberships increase. All about the dollar.
You lose opportunity when you cannot find a place to park on public land. They have pimped out our wildlife and limited public land to the point of no return. The only solution is more access to more land. I hope with this large License price increase it equals more funds for aquireing more public land. But I'm not holding my breath.
Has TWRA made any statements that indicate they plan to use this revenue increase to acquire more public land?
I've hunted some on public land but very little,I have been blessed to have good hunting spots on private land but good luck to anyone who must hunt public!
Well, individual hunter success on public is also declining, as well as turkey population.
That's unfortunately true. And crowding more people into less public land isn't going to help that issue.

And since you're in Mississippi I'm sure you're hoping Dave Owens keeps blowing up your state with videos, huh? I heard he got his windows smashed in after showing an OnX screenshot of what WMA in Mississippi he was in. I don't condone damaging someone's vehicle, but I can certainly understand the frustration from the locals.
That's unfortunately true. And crowding more people into less public land isn't going to help that issue.

And since you're in Mississippi I'm sure you're hoping Dave Owens keeps blowing up your state with videos, huh? I heard he got his windows smashed in after showing an OnX screenshot of what WMA in Mississippi he was in. I don't condone damaging someone's vehicle, but I can certainly understand the frustration from the locals.

THP is MUCH worse. I think they have made it so bad they actually come down and hunt private more than public now to avoid the zoo.
THP is MUCH worse. I think they have made it so bad they actually come down and hunt private more than public now to avoid the zoo.
Well yea once they've ruined the public land they move to private. Give it a few years and leases for turkey hunting there will be out of reach for most.

Make sure you smash that subscribe button! And donate to NWTF because they are THPs biggest fanboys.

Serious question.
How has THP caused loss of hunting opportunities? I'm just not edumacated on this topic.
THP hasnt personally caused any problems at all, its all those that watch their shows and try to replicate what they do that has put more pressure on public lands across the Country. You cant blame those guys for being smart enough to make a living doing what they love simply by filming it. I do understand that TWRA may have actually paid them to film some deer hunts on Tn public land???
THP hasnt personally caused any problems at all, its all those that watch their shows and try to replicate what they do that has put more pressure on public lands across the Country. You cant blame those guys for being smart enough to make a living doing what they love simply by filming it. I do understand that TWRA may have actually paid them to film some deer hunts on Tn public land???
Even worse. TWRA paid them to specifically make a video telling everyone that TN is one of their favorite states to hunt turkeys.

The next season, out of state turkey license sales skyrocketed and I believe some West TN WMAs went to quota for turkeys because of how much the pressure increased.

And you also lost two turkeys in your bag limit over the last few years. What THP does benefits nobody but THP and screws everyone else.