Official 2011 Turkey Head BUSTIN' Thread!


Nothing really to the story on this one and I really don't feel like typing alot this evening but we will see where my fingers take me. I got to my lease and hiked up "The Mountain" and got to the listening spot, was up for a slow start as I didnt hear many. All of the sudden the coyotes started up and then the birds followed, I had 3 right above me on up the mountain, so I decided to hammer down and go after em right then and there, it was no waiting for others to gobble I had to go if I was gonna go. I finally reach the top and to my surprise they was much closer than I had planned on them being but O well I'm here already I think to myself. All 3 gobbling great on the limb...I see this tree and think thats the one I'm sitting on it. Well it was a crappy set so I decided to move literally 15 ft up the hill to another tree and right when my right butt cheek hit the leaves he flew off, and I said under my breath thats just great you got a lil cocky this morning sir and greed never wins! Other 2 on the limb still but flew down quikly there after gobbled 1 time a piece over the ridge going away from me, ITS OVER I think to myself but still yelp a lil and try to fire em up...They wasn't having it. I sit there waiting and fixin eat a granola bar and they gobbled on the saddle above the truck...ROUND 2 see ya I leave in a flash, to my surprise they gobbled almost everyone of my steps over there figurativly speaking, when I got to the saddle they had worked over the top on the otherside. I'm thinking PERFECT SET UP Gents...picked a tree while they was gobbling there butts off down below me within 100 yards. Got set up and gave em some soft yelps and I never heard em which was unusual for them cause they was blowing the woods down...I'm thinking there coming. All of the suddden I see 2 blue heads coming up the hill towards me then blow up in strut, gobble walk closer strut, the sabordinate gobbler came in actually closer than the strutter but I couldnt get on him and was focused on the strutter anyways. He steps out in my opening I cut at him he stands and I squeeze one off I'm thinking about 30 yards, he turns a back flip and was flopping... I run down to him and he gets up and pumps twice and was flying out of my life forever, then just drops out of the sky down the hill from 30 feet??? I hustle on to the bottom and see him laid up on a rock head bloody and nasty but how is he still alive??? I tried to ease in and grab him and finish him but he gets up again and I let him get out to about 15 yards walking and give him another shot. By far one of my most memorable hunts to date! I was blessed and lucky to get him.

21.2 lbs
9 3/8 inch Paintbrush
1 inch spurs



Browtinebrute01 called in this one this morning also for his Brother in law Cody!
The whole crew photo op :grin:
April 9, 10.15 AM
NEF Pardner 12 gauge 28" barrel
Winchester Supreme high velocity 3" #6 turkey load
5 yard shot
~1" beard
Stub spurs
14.2 lb

Calling done with a homemade bamboo 2-reed tube call. Cluck and purrs got em in.

Here's my only bird so far this year, but it's my personnal best and more than likely going to be my best for a while... :D



