I decided this year starting turkey season would require a little change. I have not set out to harvest a turkey with the use of stick n string and a couple calls in a long time.
So this year I made the challenge for myself one step farther. I decided, no decoys, and no blind, and a mature gobbler only.
Well this task set out on opening morning, and continued each day until this pass Weds.
It has taken me several all day hunts, to get the gobbler I set out to harvest. Saying the gobbler I wanted is exactly what I mean. I located this particular gobbler just prior to season opening. I have chased this same bird over a 500 acre area. I have been on this bird a couple Saturdays all day long and the majority of Sundays, and each afternoon after work. I have had this bird within shotgun range 8 times. I have had him in bow range 3 of these 8 times. Something had kept me from closing the deal on him each time. Mostly the old boss hen. She has busted me 4 times, the gobbler caught me twice, had him come all the way to the call and hung up behind a rose bush which didnt allow me an open shot. Had him come off a ridge to me but had 5 jakes and 3 hens within FEET of me not allowing me to draw back.
Long story short, after 15-20 miles on the boots chasing him and close to 50 hours, I was able to put a tag on him and claim him as my new archery trophy. I will be having this gobbler mounted. Just for record purposes, this turkey missed the archery ATYPICAL NWTF State Record in Tennessee by 3 points! SO I am very proud of my #2 in the state archery harvest! Thought I would share a picture of him with you all.
Thanks for taking the time to read my story Happy hunting, be safe and GOD Bless!