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Ohio Buckeye nuts?


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2021
Englewood, TN
I found these while scouting Cherokee NF. Y'all know if deer eat these? This is the first time I've come across these in the woods here.


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I would fact check this rather than taking it as 100% truth. My dad passed down country wisdom to me that may or may not have been fact, but according to him, half of the buckeye was poisonous and the other half wasn't. We had a large one on the creek where I grew up and I found a lot of buckeyes that were half eaten by squirrels. A lot! Take this for what it's worth.
I would fact check this rather than taking it as 100% truth. My dad passed down country wisdom to me that may or may not have been fact, but according to him, half of the buckeye was poisonous and the other half wasn't. We had a large one on the creek where I grew up and I found a lot of buckeyes that were half eaten by squirrels. A lot! Take this for what it's worth.
That's what I've been lead to believe.
I would fact check this rather than taking it as 100% truth. My dad passed down country wisdom to me that may or may not have been fact, but according to him, half of the buckeye was poisonous and the other half wasn't. We had a large one on the creek where I grew up and I found a lot of buckeyes that were half eaten by squirrels. A lot! Take this for what it's worth.
How could you tell.which half to eat ?
Dad also took me snipe hunting!

There's your answer 😂 My dad fooled me with the same poison trick except on a chestnut oak acorn. Said one side is poison but the other side is the sweetest nut I'd ever taste. It was the most bitter thing I'd ever touched to my tongue........until he got me again on the "sweet-tart" green persimmons. But the worst was hedge apples. He told me the apple was inside that I had to squeeze the shell open to get to it. Didn't get my hands clean for a week.
There's your answer 😂 My dad fooled me with the same poison trick except on a chestnut oak acorn. Said one side is poison but the other side is the sweetest nut I'd ever taste. It was the most bitter thing I'd ever touched to my tongue........until he got me again on the "sweet-tart" green persimmons. But the worst was hedge apples. He told me the apple was inside that I had to squeeze the shell open to get to it. Didn't get my hands clean for a week.
My dad was very, very smart. Not highly educated, but smart. He also loved a good practical joke, and was very good at that. He wasn't a hunter, but took me hunting. He wasn't a fisherman, but took me fishing. He was a huge influence on my life and taught me to work hard and always be ethical. But that buckeye story…..
My dad was very, very smart. Not highly educated, but smart. He also loved a good practical joke, and was very good at that. He wasn't a hunter, but took me hunting. He wasn't a fisherman, but took me fishing. He was a huge influence on my life and taught me to work hard and always be ethical. But that buckeye story…..

Sounds like a good man and very good father. World needs more of them. But you can't blame him for the pranks. I can imagine my dad slaving away at his job making the time pass by telling co-workers about it and laughing. No doubt they all gave one another ideas.

I got my dad back good a couple times. He came to visit when I was living in NM and I took him down to an historical part of town that dated way back to the Spaniards. They hang bundles of various colored peppers as street decoration. Lord only knows how long some of them have been hanging or what they've been though, but my dad didn't immediately realize they were only decorations and asked why they were hanging like that. I told him shop owners hang them out for the locals to snack on as they walk past. So naturally as expected he snaps off a couple and eats them, getting most of one down before spitting the rest out. Lord have mercy for three days he didn't leave the toilet 🤣 My wife & I still laugh about it today.
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Sounds like a good man and very good father. World needs more of them. But you can't blame him for the pranks. I can imagine my dad slaving away at his job making the time pass by telling co-workers about it and laughing. No doubt they all gave one another ideas.

I got my dad back good a couple times. He came to visit when I was living in NM and I took him down to a wife still historical part of town that dated way back to the Spaniards. They hang bundles of various colored peppers as street decoration. Lord only knows how long some of them have been hanging or what they've been though, but my dad didn't immediately realize they were only decorations and asked why they were hanging like that. I told him shop owners hang them out for the locals to snack on as they walk past. So naturally as expected he snaps off a couple and eats them, getting most of one down before spitting the rest out. Lord have mercy for three days he didn't leave the toilet 🤣 My wife & I still laugh about it today.
Memories that will last forever! That generation cared about others and knew the value of a dollar! I strive to be half the man that Dad was.
Oh man that brings back memories. Grew up in WV and had a few buckeye trees around the property. A .22 and a handful of ammo would keep me occupied for a while.Those things would pretty much explode when hit. Made for some great target practice. Iron sights btw. Always enjoyed shooting them until my mom would come out and show me up instantly.