I don't understand the overt sensitivity that takes over every time anyone posts anything other than a pat on the back. Killing hens is a debatable topic. Especially now that the population statewide is undeniably dropping. So if you specifically target and kill a hen, then post it in a public form, why does everyone feign outrage when debate insues?
My comment was tounge in cheek, but it wasn't insulting. And it was true. Killing a hen, especially in the spring, eliminates that hen and a likely brood of a dozen or so. I don't think anyone disputes that, do they? I'm sure the population in your little pocket of the state will soldier on without that one hen, but that's not the point. It is just so counterproductive that I can't understand the desire to do it. I'm not mad, I'm not insulting anyone, and honestly I wish I had the wing bones. Is it really that terrible to have civil, respectful debate about debatable topics?