One and likely done.

Southern Sportsman":2uhvzk65 said:
I don't understand the overt sensitivity that takes over every time anyone posts anything other than a pat on the back. Killing hens is a debatable topic. Especially now that the population statewide is undeniably dropping. So if you specifically target and kill a hen, then post it in a public form, why does everyone feign outrage when debate insues?

My comment was tounge in cheek, but it wasn't insulting. And it was true. Killing a hen, especially in the spring, eliminates that hen and a likely brood of a dozen or so. I don't think anyone disputes that, do they? I'm sure the population in your little pocket of the state will soldier on without that one hen, but that's not the point. It is just so counterproductive that I can't understand the desire to do it. I'm not mad, I'm not insulting anyone, and honestly I wish I had the wing bones. Is it really that terrible to have civil, respectful debate about debatable topics?
just as I don't understand why people can't just say congratulations or roll on instead of opening their mouths when there is no need because their opinions don't make a hill of crap anyways!
knightrider":1bdvq1c0 said:
Southern Sportsman":1bdvq1c0 said:
I don't understand the overt sensitivity that takes over every time anyone posts anything other than a pat on the back. Killing hens is a debatable topic. Especially now that the population statewide is undeniably dropping. So if you specifically target and kill a hen, then post it in a public form, why does everyone feign outrage when debate insues?

My comment was tounge in cheek, but it wasn't insulting. And it was true. Killing a hen, especially in the spring, eliminates that hen and a likely brood of a dozen or so. I don't think anyone disputes that, do they? I'm sure the population in your little pocket of the state will soldier on without that one hen, but that's not the point. It is just so counterproductive that I can't understand the desire to do it. I'm not mad, I'm not insulting anyone, and honestly I wish I had the wing bones. Is it really that terrible to have civil, respectful debate about debatable topics?
just as I don't understand why people can't just say congratulations or roll on instead of opening their mouths when there is no need because their opinions don't make a hill of crap anyways!
Agree with you 100% knightrider. Too many people have to be holier than thou. The turkey is already dead. No need in arguing about it now.
Gobbler88":25mikfwy said:
knightrider":25mikfwy said:
Southern Sportsman":25mikfwy said:
I don't understand the overt sensitivity that takes over every time anyone posts anything other than a pat on the back. Killing hens is a debatable topic. Especially now that the population statewide is undeniably dropping. So if you specifically target and kill a hen, then post it in a public form, why does everyone feign outrage when debate insues?

My comment was tounge in cheek, but it wasn't insulting. And it was true. Killing a hen, especially in the spring, eliminates that hen and a likely brood of a dozen or so. I don't think anyone disputes that, do they? I'm sure the population in your little pocket of the state will soldier on without that one hen, but that's not the point. It is just so counterproductive that I can't understand the desire to do it. I'm not mad, I'm not insulting anyone, and honestly I wish I had the wing bones. Is it really that terrible to have civil, respectful debate about debatable topics?
just as I don't understand why people can't just say congratulations or roll on instead of opening their mouths when there is no need because their opinions don't make a hill of crap anyways!
Agree with you 100% knightrider. Too many people have to be holier than thou. The turkey is already dead. No need in arguing about it now.

I dont see it as "holier then thou" honestly. Thats just me though. Just because someone questions or debates something doesnt mean they think they are better than the other. shooting hens is a sensitive subject, and not just on this small message board. Some have opinions on it and being this is a message board they express them. I dont see anything some have said that is degrading or getting personal with the OP.

I have no dog in this personally, but lets at least call a spade a spade. People have opinions on shooting hens, jakes, spikes and fawns. Some have biological reasons for the opinions and some just talk out of their A. As long as you are not attacking someone and just stating your opinion on the subject then fine by me.

We dont HAVE to live in a world where everyone agrees with everything.
knightrider":2hyju26q said:
Southern Sportsman":2hyju26q said:
I don't understand the overt sensitivity that takes over every time anyone posts anything other than a pat on the back. Killing hens is a debatable topic. Especially now that the population statewide is undeniably dropping. So if you specifically target and kill a hen, then post it in a public form, why does everyone feign outrage when debate insues?

My comment was tounge in cheek, but it wasn't insulting. And it was true. Killing a hen, especially in the spring, eliminates that hen and a likely brood of a dozen or so. I don't think anyone disputes that, do they? I'm sure the population in your little pocket of the state will soldier on without that one hen, but that's not the point. It is just so counterproductive that I can't understand the desire to do it. I'm not mad, I'm not insulting anyone, and honestly I wish I had the wing bones. Is it really that terrible to have civil, respectful debate about debatable topics?
just as I don't understand why people can't just say congratulations or roll on instead of opening their mouths when there is no need because their opinions don't make a hill of crap anyways!

Education. That's what this place is for. What others read on here does make a difference. I have learned a lot from a few individuals here and I manage my land a lot different now because of it. For example, I killed a bird off my main property opening day. I am going to let it rest for a couple weeks to let them breed instead of killing a second one early in the season. I don't have near the birds I use to but I still have 3-4 using it right now. Now could some of the education be communicated a little bit different? Sure but it is what it is.
I agree with REN, it is not that. Just because something is legal does not mean you should do it. Whether it is shooting a bearded hen or any hen I would no do it, period. I have several bearded hens on my farm along with UTs transmitter turkeys and have not killed a turkey now in three years to do my part to help the population. Just because the limit is four do you just have to be the first to post you killed your four? We in these times should practice some restraint, I don't see anyone going hungry.
knightrider":14j3y78u said:
Southern Sportsman":14j3y78u said:
I don't understand the overt sensitivity that takes over every time anyone posts anything other than a pat on the back. Killing hens is a debatable topic. Especially now that the population statewide is undeniably dropping. So if you specifically target and kill a hen, then post it in a public form, why does everyone feign outrage when debate insues?

My comment was tounge in cheek, but it wasn't insulting. And it was true. Killing a hen, especially in the spring, eliminates that hen and a likely brood of a dozen or so. I don't think anyone disputes that, do they? I'm sure the population in your little pocket of the state will soldier on without that one hen, but that's not the point. It is just so counterproductive that I can't understand the desire to do it. I'm not mad, I'm not insulting anyone, and honestly I wish I had the wing bones. Is it really that terrible to have civil, respectful debate about debatable topics?
just as I don't understand why people can't just say congratulations or roll on instead of opening their mouths when there is no need because their opinions don't make a hill of crap anyways!
Obviously it does or you and others wouldn't waste your time bitching about an opinion on a forum. It's just an opinion there was no attack. Seems like you need to have a drink and relax
Gobbler88":1z2k2du0 said:
knightrider":1z2k2du0 said:
Southern Sportsman":1z2k2du0 said:
I don't understand the overt sensitivity that takes over every time anyone posts anything other than a pat on the back. Killing hens is a debatable topic. Especially now that the population statewide is undeniably dropping. So if you specifically target and kill a hen, then post it in a public form, why does everyone feign outrage when debate insues?

My comment was tounge in cheek, but it wasn't insulting. And it was true. Killing a hen, especially in the spring, eliminates that hen and a likely brood of a dozen or so. I don't think anyone disputes that, do they? I'm sure the population in your little pocket of the state will soldier on without that one hen, but that's not the point. It is just so counterproductive that I can't understand the desire to do it. I'm not mad, I'm not insulting anyone, and honestly I wish I had the wing bones. Is it really that terrible to have civil, respectful debate about debatable topics?
just as I don't understand why people can't just say congratulations or roll on instead of opening their mouths when there is no need because their opinions don't make a hill of crap anyways!
Agree with you 100% knightrider. Too many people have to be holier than thou. The turkey is already dead. No need in arguing about it now.
Having an opinion isn't"holier than thou" that's enlightening.

From where I sit if more people had voiced opinions over the years maybe counties like Lawrence and others wouldn't be wondering where all the turkeys went. Maybe if someone had spoken out when pics of piles of hens were being shown a few years back maybe we'd all have more birds.

Expressing a counter opinion doesn't make a person elitist etc. it's just a differing view. When you post stuff on a forum you better be ready for some to not agree all the time
Setterman":n433axy6 said:
poorhunter":n433axy6 said:
And disagreement does NOT equal hate...unless you're a liberal.
Ain't that the truth. The liberal way shout down any view that's not yours.
I ain't a liberal brother. In my opinion, if a man buys his license, I think he should be able to shoot what he wants. And I don't hate anybody because they disagree with me. In my opinion, if the limit was reduced to 2, we'd see a difference but you don't see me commenting about people that kill more than 2. As far as turkeys in Lawrence County, we have problems greater than killing a bearded hen. It just boils down to no matter what you do, people are gonna gripe about it. That's the route I was taking with that comment.
Congrats on getting the bird.

I have mixed emotions on it. I don't shoot hens anymore and I do believe there is an issue with the population. Some areas are not being hit hard, but others are. Percy Priest used to have a ton of birds, but not so much anymore. I do think that it is a habitat issue more than anything. My personal land used to have a flock of 30-40 birds and they are still there, but habitat change there too, has the birds dispersed and I have not heard a bird gobble this year and hardly heard any all last year. I've heard people saying "either you have birds or you don't" and that is what I am seeing. 5 years ago they were pretty much everywhere and you had a chance whenever you went, but that is not the case anymore.

I wish they'd make it illegal to kill hens, but understand why bearded hens are legal.

Again congrats on the bird. I doubt it will do irreparable damage, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Setterman":3l8fjovf said:
poorhunter":3l8fjovf said:
And disagreement does NOT equal hate...unless you're a liberal.
Ain't that the truth. The liberal way shout down any view that's not yours.

Can we not blame the turkey decline on Obama?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Bone Collector":2nnx7zv7 said:
. . . . . but understand why bearded hens are legal.
Since no one else has mentioned this . . . . . . .

"Visible" beard was initially the simple criteria for easily sorting out males from females.
Although bearded hens are not rare, the majority of hens do not have a beard.
Those that do, they appear to be just as broodworthy as those which don't.

Allowing bearded hens to be legal was never meant to encourage the killing of hens.
Rather, it was allowed as legal so that the more inexperienced hunters wouldn't be harshly penalized for making a mistake.
I wonder if bearded hens are viewed by toms as the Rapunzel's of the turkey world, or more like the bearded lunch lady who used to serve you mashed potatoes from an ice cream scoop kind of ladies??
Wondering out loud here... If someone wants to kill a bearded hen simply because it's a novelty do they get it mounted? If not it sort of seems pointless.
Mike Belt":3cjiy3fh said:
Wondering out loud here... If someone wants to kill a bearded hen simply because it's a novelty do they get it mounted? If not it sort of seems pointless.

Not necessarily, they could just memorialize it with pictures on social media and talk forums. It's free and easy and reaches the masses.
For some of you, your biggest spring time goal is killing gobbler(s). Preferably the most dominant, right? Are these birds not the most beneficial for breeding? How many hens will an old tom breed roughly?
With that, yall get on a hunting forum and bicker, leave sly remarks and debate what someone does legally...
You claim you care and are passionate but continue targeting beards and pulling the trigger.
How much habitat improvement and predator control have you done?
Maybe you should spend some time debating with the committee and not a hunter doing as he / she pleases within the laws through the license they purchased and in this case on the land they purchased. Give me a freaking break.
Hate to be judgemental but I see some of you as hypocritical and yes, "holier than thou".
Congratulations on the bearded hen. A memory your fond of and a digital picture will indeed last longer than taxidermy work no matter what the naysayers believe.

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BDS05":3nk8h5u1 said:
For some of you, your biggest spring time goal is killing gobbler(s). Preferably the most dominant, right? Are these birds not the most beneficial for breeding? How many hens will an old tom breed roughly?
With that, yall get on a hunting forum and bicker, leave sly remarks and debate what someone does legally...
You claim you care and are passionate but continue targeting beards and pulling the trigger.
How much habitat improvement and predator control have you done?
Maybe you should spend some time debating with the committee and not a hunter doing as he / she pleases within the laws through the license they purchased and in this case on the land they purchased. Give me a freaking break.
Hate to be judgemental but I see some of you as hypocritical and yes, "holier than thou".
Congratulations on the bearded hen. A memory your fond of and a digital picture will indeed last longer than taxidermy work no matter what the naysayers believe.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

I can only speak for me, but I do only target male birds and kill quite a few. However, by the time I or most hunters that don't hunt with plastic turkeys get the chance on a breeder the breeding is done.

I do kill,predators and lots of them, the issue is I hunt vast public grounds and I'm one guy. Same goes for habitat improvement, I can't do anything on public land, if you didn't know it's illegal to do that. On my land in Georgia it is managed to perfection for all wildlife.

Seems to me that you're casting a bunch of stones towards folks who are far more serious about turkeys on all levels than those poppin hens.