Opinion on blood trail?


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2009
Reaction score
Dickson, Tennessee
A friend of my son shot a buck this evening and has just given up on the blood trail until tomorrow morning. He sent us these to pics. One appears to have a small piece of lung in it. Said the deer mule kicked then fell on his front legs at the impact. Around 150 yd shot. 6.5 creedemore 140 ballistic silvertip.


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It's all just a guess, but I'm thinking it might be a heart shot. Often times deer run farther than usual and don't always leave a good blood trail with a heart shot. Yes you will hit lung if you hit the heart. It should be a dead deer, hope he finds it.
Should have added this earlier. Im just now getting all the info. He shot around 4:45 lost blood trail after around 50 yds. Looked for a little over 2 hours without finding him. Individual that shot the deer is a young man that might have tried to rush the recovery and is overlooking the fine details however im not certain of that. Just pure speculation on my part. With that kind of blood though you wouldn't think it would be to hard to find
. A spray bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide is always in my gear for evening hunts. Biggen for the wall I'd consider calling someone from Tn Blood Trailing net work.
I'd say he wouldn't have to worry about jumping that one up. If he wants the meat, I'd say get some experienced help if possible and good lights and go get him before the coyotes claim another one.
Thats the biggest problem. As bad as i want to. Im not able to go help tonight. The young man involved is a good kid and an outdoorsman. However he doesn't have much "experienced " help in his life if you know what i mean. My oldest son is going to help him tomorrow. Hopefully they're able to make a recovery
Thats the biggest problem. As bad as i want to. Im not able to go help tonight. The young man involved is a good kid and an outdoorsman. However he doesn't have much "experienced " help in his life if you know what i mean. My oldest son is going to help him tomorrow. Hopefully they're able to make a recovery
I wish him the very best of luck, and the rottenest of luck to the danged yotes. I'm sure there are no shortage of folks on this site that would love to help, but as is my case, I'm on the other end of the state. He ain't getting much sleep tonight! Lol. I commend your son for lending a hand. Let us know how it turns out and post a pic or two if possible. Prayers for a successful search.