Pretty good article from Lindsay Thomas Jr. of National Deer Association (NDA - which used to be the QDMA). It discusses how quickly deer react to hunting pressure, using GPS collared deer. Basically, 24 hours after hunting season opens. The researchers found it took four days after hunting ceased before deer started to return to normal behavior. Because of this pattern, in areas where deer are being hunted just on weekends, Thursday and Friday were the best days to hunt because deer were finally returning to normal patterns after the previous weekend's hunting pressure.
A week may be too long for one or more hunters to saturate the average deer-hunting property. In this rutcation post-mortem, a new strategy emerges.
As I've said many times, looking at trail-camera data, I don't need to know what day hunting season opens. I can clearly see it in the data. About 48 hours after hunters start hunting, buck movement shifts dramatically more nocturnal.