
My Wednesday walk, I went through the bottom in a bedding area looking for sheds. I had one on my wrist when I pulled my hoodie off. Yep, it's time to be using permethrin, I need to mix some up.
Already? Dang! I spent 7 hours clearing out a new 3/4 acre plot in the timber yesterday with a saw and dragging off. I was more worried about snakes. Ticks suck!
Got one off me Saturday after running traps. My porch window on camper has a bunch of lady bugs trapped between window & screen. Couldn't find any bug spray & grabbed a bottle of Permthrin and sprayed them, all dead in 5 minutes. Curious to see if it keeps them out of there for a while
Just as a little follow up on the source of permethrin, I have had a couple of phone conversations with a product specialist from the company that makes the Martin's permethrin. He confirmed that they no longer make a water based concentrate. All of their product now is petroleum based.

For my (our) purpose he suggested I look into the equine fly spray solutions to see if I could find a water based there as well. I found this one that is water based:
When I checked back in with him concerning a chemical or two that is included as well as the permethrin, I got the standard (and very proper) notification from him that my intended use would be "off label". I suspect he had reflected on our conversation from the day before as well where we didn't go down that road. He was aware of the TSC product since he used to work for the company that makes it. He basically said that it was water based and probably wouldn't have as much residual scent as a petroleum based product. But, he did caution me that since a lot of the equine products are used by ladies, that such products likely have some "scent" added to them to make them smell better. I haven't been to TSC yet to get some, but I would suspect that the residual scent after it dries is less than the petroleum based products.

I can live with the after scent from the petroleum based concentrates on my turkey clothes, but, I really don't like it on deer hunting stuff. But, I like ticks even less. I have a trip to TSC coming up.

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