There wasn't enough fuel on the ground to carry a fire prior to the herbicide application. This area was heavily thinned 15-17 years ago. The previous group tried to create a "oak savannah" by thinning the trees, leaving several oaks per acre. But, they never ran fire through it or made any effort to maintain it. It grew up into a tangled mess with briars, almost impenetrable. It held no nutritional value and our turkeys couldn't move through it at all. We used a helicopter to apply aeriel herbicide to the 65 acres in the bottom of the hollows in the fall of 2021, then let it sit. With the back burn, the total fire was 160ish. We used our existing roads as our breaks. Our goal is to keep it in early successional by running fire through it every 2-3 years after seeing the response. I saw turkeys using it the same day we burned, and it is already starting to green up.....