Pretty Boy

He really did carry the mass into his horns. We also credit that to the mineral supplement program we have on the farm.
Do you care to tell us about your mineral supplement program. I have always provided mineral salt from Coop but never really thought much other than that.
Do you care to tell us about your mineral supplement program. I have always provided mineral salt from Coop but never really thought much other than that.
Great question 44 mag

IMO the following are the key elements that produce big bucks:
* Age - we try to shoot 5.5 year old bucks or older (exceptions will be made for big 4.5 year olds LOL)
* Genetics
* Nutrition
* Pressure
* Supplements

The supplement program that we use includes the following; 1 part stock salt, 2 parts Dicalcium Phosphate, 1 part Trace Mineral. Our mineral station are established within 50 - 100 yards of a stable water source. After speaking with someone who owns a trophy buck farm we replaced the Trace Mineral with high Selenium. Selenium is used in cattle and horse to support and grow heavy bone structure and other nutritional benefits. We have 2 established mineral stations on our farm and put the mineral mix in January and again in May/June. We are trying to get the product in does who start feeding fawns and through the heavy antler growth season.

We have harvested 4 deer in recent years that have 6" base circumference measurement with one with a 7" measurement.

Hopefully that helps.

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