Pretty Boy


Dec 30, 2008
Reaction score
Chapel Hill
Boys- repaint the head and add some wings, drives them even more crazy. a little early for the tom decoys, but last three days they have been all over it. late in the afternoon is the best, have run from it early in the morning. prolly going to leave him at the house during juvy, but he will work later in season. good luck!
Rite on Hoss- more red with a touch of blue.but as you know when you see a white head that tom has had it, she has got him. he's all yours. good luck.
I added more red, some blue, and some purple to my B-Mobile's head. It worked awesome last year!
TurkeyBurd said:
1 shot = 3 dead burds. best i've ever seen. come on, 2755 posts go to class. lol
man im in class now but im still postin i love laptops, but ya that three in one shot was pretty cool thanks for carryin me my first time you ruined me on turkey hunting but i got to thank ya for puting up with me all the time and helpin me out!your the man when it comes to burd hunting!!
the one said:
TurkeyBurd said:
1 shot = 3 dead burds. best i've ever seen. come on, 2755 posts go to class. lol
man im in class now but im still postin i love laptops, but ya that three in one shot was pretty cool thanks for carryin me my first time you ruined me on turkey hunting but i got to thank ya for puting up with me all the time and helpin me out!your the man when it comes to burd hunting!!

I'm curious, explain how you can legally take 3 with one shot?
Fall Hunting. 3 burds per county-up to 5 counties.15 burds total. Possible to kill all 15 burds in the same day. If you have the Sportsman or Lifetime you may re-enter at no cost and receive all you want until they run out. Not sure if all counties in the state allow this. I've known of some folks/teams killing up to 30 in a day. All legal with the proper permits.

Gray Ghost said:
the one said:
TurkeyBurd said:
1 shot = 3 dead burds. best i've ever seen. come on, 2755 posts go to class. lol
man im in class now but im still postin i love laptops, but ya that three in one shot was pretty cool thanks for carryin me my first time you ruined me on turkey hunting but i got to thank ya for puting up with me all the time and helpin me out!your the man when it comes to burd hunting!!

I'm curious, explain how you can legally take 3 with one shot?
Gray Ghost said:
the one said:
TurkeyBurd said:
1 shot = 3 dead burds. best i've ever seen. come on, 2755 posts go to class. lol
man im in class now but im still postin i love laptops, but ya that three in one shot was pretty cool thanks for carryin me my first time you ruined me on turkey hunting but i got to thank ya for puting up with me all the time and helpin me out!your the man when it comes to burd hunting!!

I'm curious, explain how you can legally take 3 with one shot?

here is how fall turkey permit!
the one said:
Gray Ghost said:
the one said:
TurkeyBurd said:
1 shot = 3 dead burds. best i've ever seen. come on, 2755 posts go to class. lol
man im in class now but im still postin i love laptops, but ya that three in one shot was pretty cool thanks for carryin me my first time you ruined me on turkey hunting but i got to thank ya for puting up with me all the time and helpin me out!your the man when it comes to burd hunting!!

I'm curious, explain how you can legally take 3 with one shot?
Im glad that people love to jump on a guy cause they think they know rules when they dont but since your so curious here ya go brother and next time check you twra hand book!

I didn't jump on anybody, hothead, I just asked a simple question. Wouldn't mind to be able to pull the trigger on a couple I could line up legally, myself.

Another thing, I never heard of anyone using decoys to fall hunt, although I guess it makes sense. I always heard of busting up the flock and calling them back - I don't do the fall hunt because it's prime time deer hunting.

Looks like it's really someone else who thinks they know it all. And you know just what you can do with that permit...BROTHER.
Turkeyburd, thanks for your reply. I knew no one was dumb enough to admit taking 3 illegally on this forum, so that's why I asked...I wasn't sure.
In our area of the state, when they draw, your limit is one bird period. And there's never leftover fall tags here that I've found out about.

Anyways...Thanks for asking about Mothwing - It's a small camo company started here in NETN that's been out a few years. They have several different patterns. Matter of fact they just came out with an awesome new Spring pattern. Check it out and tell me what you think - go to
What can i do with that permit?The only reason i got hot is cause everytime i talk about feeding or anything else there is always someone that makes a comment that its not legally right so im sorry did not know that was a serious question on how you can take three legally so once more im sorry! Im usually not the one to jump someone i just thought it was a shot at me sayin that im aunethical hunter!
It's ok.

But you're a smart, level headed guy who doesn't jump to conclusions, so I'll bet if you think about it long and hard you'll figure out what you can do with the permit. :D
I know what to do with the permit and thats cute since im the hothead and your sure not. I was trying to be the bigger person and admit i was wrong for what i did but i can see your going to be the little person and not let it go so its fine good luck to ya this upcoming bird season! sorry to upset ya so much over something that was a non issue once you explained it to me!