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Prices going up?

Not sure I agree with the "species specific" license because, for example, who wants to buy a bear license just in case they were to happen across one during archery season. I would assume all species and all methods would be included in the sportsman's license which is what I get every year any way, but how long will it be before they change that? Should have bought the lifetime when it was first available. Now I'm closer to 65 than I would save much on it…
This is great! The funding for our wildlife agency isn't going to fall out of the sky! I'm all for paying more in license fees so our wonderful and totally competent wildlife resources agency can continue to misappropriate further funds and pad the pockets of the select few in the buddy-buddy circle.
I will gladly pay 50 cents a day for everything the sportsman's license offers me

110% all day every day. And I'm happy for the opportunity. I've lived, hunted, and fished in many states and I rank TN right up there with any of them in terms of opportunity and public land & fishery management. It's the only state I've ever lived where if I wanted to I could buy a license & easily live year round entirely off the wildlife. I'm happy to be here and happy to pay the more than reasonable price increase due to inflation. It's still a dang good bargain.
This is great! The funding for our wildlife agency isn't going to fall out of the sky! I'm all for paying more in license fees so our wonderful and totally competent wildlife resources agency can continue to misappropriate further funds and pad the pockets of the select few in the buddy-buddy circle.
you must be thinking of the local politicians you have elected in Knox county, show me some links showing where TWRA has done those things your accusing them of.
Just wait 15-20 years from now when less license revenue comes in. Lifetime will come back to bite TWRA. I bought mine. Should have bought it years before I did when it was $1200! Had my lifetime for about 7 years.
you must be thinking of the local politicians you have elected in Knox county, show me some links showing where TWRA has done those things your accusing them of.
Not to mention them lying about CWD testing, them cherry picking contractors to build duck blinds on WMA's that were astronomically more expensive than what a majority of local bidders put in for (doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize why that was), and of course the countless accounts of under the table logging that has been reported and unreported involving them. https://tennesseelookout.com/2022/0...akeup-at-tennessee-wildlife-resources-agency/
1 thief out of how many personal? Where is the proof of wrong doing on the duck blind builds? never seen the first document over local crooks not getting to build them, something went on about the CWD testing but haven't seen the results from the lawsuits yet?, it's pretty easy to spout hearsay but harder to prove fault. What company has never had a bad employee?
Not to mention them lying about CWD testing, them cherry picking contractors to build duck blinds on WMA's that were astronomically more expensive than what a majority of local bidders put in for (doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize why that was), and of course the countless accounts of under the table logging that has been reported and unreported involving them. https://tennesseelookout.com/2022/0...akeup-at-tennessee-wildlife-resources-agency/
1 is countless? I can count to 1. And that 1 is gone now.
1 is countless? I can count to 1. And that 1 is gone now.
The only reason they were caught in the first place is because of a citizen questioning where the numerous 100+ year old white oak logs had come from when seen at an out of county sawmill miles away from Cheatham. Wouldn't have been caught in the first place if that wasn't the case. You seriously think this is the only case this has happened where an uncontracted logging buddy was told to "make it worth their while" on a WMA? This is the government we are talking about.
Indicted and fired are hardly "buddy buddy" and "lining your pockets"
From what I remember being reported (the link that TWRA had which now says "not found") there was a total of 42 blinds built at 30k a piece totaling over $1.2 million not to mention over 2k each to brush them........... multiple different local guys that put in bids for the project were well under half of what that winning bid was (keep in mind the guy that won the bid was based out of state). I guess if you've got the money, spend it! The gas card scandal was not an example of their buddy buddy system. You asked for links of any wrongdoing on TWRA's part, and I sent them.
I still buy the Sportsmans License every year for the convenience even though I probably don't get my moneys worth out of it as I haven't been hunting game other than deer lately. Should probably re-think that strategy, especially considering how east it is to get a license these days.