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Prices going up?

How do you know what fields they lease? Is there a way to get this info? I haven't seen anything like this at the WMAs I hunt.
Afaik there isn't, we just ran across these while scouting. I'd like to hear from the farmer, about how widespread the damage was.
From what I saw it looked like maybe a third of what was planted was eaten recently.
Just wait 15-20 years from now when less license revenue comes in. Lifetime will come back to bite TWRA. I bought mine. Should have bought it years before I did when it was $1200! Had my lifetime for about 7 years.
absolutely amen!! twra lost a couple of puplic huntting grounds in smt this yesr because of funds. im sure they will make up for it with bogas fees like wearing realtree instead of mossy oak. its coming!! watch and see.
absolutely amen!! twra lost a couple of puplic huntting grounds in smt this yesr because of funds. im sure they will make up for it with bogas fees like wearing realtree instead of mossy oak. its coming!! watch and see.
absolutely amen!! twra lost a couple of puplic huntting grounds in smt this yesr because of funds. im sure they will make up for it with bogas fees like wearing realtree instead of mossy oak. its coming!! watch and see.
no one??
Here is my complaint and who I am. I have worked in LE for over 29 years and still counting. I have watched so much wasted tax dollars on both the state and federal side as I have worked both. I am a tax payer and a sportsman too and have no problem rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's but take a few minutes and look at every state that surrounds Tennessee all the way to Florida. Virginia is the only state that is close to what Tennessee charges their residents for license. So we already pay substantially more than most and factually the increase doesn't get it for me, and doesn't add up either. I do know that the sportsman of Tennessee shouldn't have to contribute to lawsuits brought on by agencies that abuse their authority ( I have written a lot of search warrants and view the constitution as my guide to protect everyone equally and the debacle of placing cameras on personal property should never have happened and it cost a lot to defend… and rightfully they lost… because they were 100% wrong. Now they have to increase revenue somehow. There are other lawsuits currently pending as well but bottom line, the hunters and fisherman of TN shouldn't have to fund rogue behavior and what I mentioned above is exactly that. Two cents from a cop of almost 30 years that tries to be a good guy.. not a bully.
Here is my complaint and who I am. I have worked in LE for over 29 years and still counting. I have watched so much wasted tax dollars on both the state and federal side as I have worked both. I am a tax payer and a sportsman too and have no problem rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's but take a few minutes and look at every state that surrounds Tennessee all the way to Florida. Virginia is the only state that is close to what Tennessee charges their residents for license. So we already pay substantially more than most and factually the increase doesn't get it for me, and doesn't add up either. I do know that the sportsman of Tennessee shouldn't have to contribute to lawsuits brought on by agencies that abuse their authority ( I have written a lot of search warrants and view the constitution as my guide to protect everyone equally and the debacle of placing cameras on personal property should never have happened and it cost a lot to defend… and rightfully they lost… because they were 100% wrong. Now they have to increase revenue somehow. There are other lawsuits currently pending as well but bottom line, the hunters and fisherman of TN shouldn't have to fund rogue behavior and what I mentioned above is exactly that. Two cents from a cop of almost 30 years that tries to be a good guy.. not a bully.
I haven't seen the figures. How much did TWRA spend to defend that lawsuit?
I haven't seen the figures. How much did TWRA spend to defend that lawsuit?
I've got a lot of connections in the state and I can't get a definitive answer, which tells me a lot. We all know what the cost of attorneys fees are, and this went through several processes before they finally just let it go. I have heard that the individual that was the victim of the allegations only sued them for a dollar because he did not believe that the citizens should have to pay for their wrongdoing, which says a lot about his character.
I've got a lot of connections in the state and I can't get a definitive answer, which tells me a lot. We all know what the cost of attorneys fees are, and this went through several processes before they finally just let it go. I have heard that the individual that was the victim of the allegations only sued them for a dollar because he did not believe that the citizens should have to pay for their wrongdoing, which says a lot about his character.
I have done a lot of business with several state agencies over the years and without any lawsuits but with contracts and compliance I have always dealt with staff lawyers or state general counsel. I am not aware they needed to "hire" an attorney, that cost should be built in and that would explain why it's not an available piece of info
I've got a lot of connections in the state and I can't get a definitive answer, which tells me a lot. We all know what the cost of attorneys fees are, and this went through several processes before they finally just let it go. I have heard that the individual that was the victim of the allegations only sued them for a dollar because he did not believe that the citizens should have to pay for their wrongdoing, which says a lot about his character.
You obviously don't have great connections, or you wouldn't be so far off in virtually everything you posted.

1. If you do an analysis of the license costs and what the various licenses actually cover, you will find that TWRA is about in the middle of the pack in license costs like they have been for the past 30 years. They certainly aren't the cheapest, but they aren't the most expensive, either. And, you would also find that the states with the cheapest costs are getting directed funding from their state's General Funds. TWRA gets zero from the TN General fund.

2. I don't know the associated costs for defending the lawsuit. But, since it was done by the State Attorney General's office rather that private counsel, I suspect it is much less than you are thinking.

3. And, finally, contrary to your hit piece, there was zero "rogue" behavior on the part of the TWRA officers. They had the statutory authority to be on the property without warrant that was in effect since 1974. It passed TN constitutional muster when it was passed, and had not been challenge prior to this case. And, your US constitutional knowledge is pretty suspect. Under the US Constitution and the Open Fields Doctrine upheld by the US Supreme Court, there was zero legal requirement for the officers to obtain a warrant for that surveillance since it was well outside of any curtilage. When cases like this are worked, they are done with the assistance of state or federal attorney generals. From sitting in a pile of discussions with them on similar cases, there was not a legal reason at the time to obtain a warrant. The officers followed both statutes and court decisions that were in effect at that time.

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