I don't understand. I don't care how many the straps the stand comes with, ALL my stands get extra straps. I buy many extra ratchet straps, buying extra ratchet straps is a small price to insure safety. No way am I getting in any ladder stand that only has 1 ratchet strap where the seat is. I also purchase some way larger capacity straps and each stand gets one of those along with 2 or 3 or more ratchet straps. On top of not wanting to have any ratchet strap issues, I will not use a stand that makes any noise. And all straps are checked every year and any bolted parts are checked to be tight every year. Between KY and TN, I keep up "maintenance" on right at 50 stands. Also, I am now using climbing sticks more and more, but all climbing sticks have the straps they came with plus 3 extra ratchet straps and lock on stands get extra straps also.
As far as hanging ladder stands by your lonesome, so long you can the ladder stand up and into a comfortable position, before it is raised, hang longer straps from the platform and attach to something solid closer to the ground once the ladder is up, I will do this even when having extra people to hold the ladder, ratchet strapping the seat/platform of the ladder stand to something closer to the ground, goes along with the stabilizing bar being strapped to the tree and the X straps. Then you can climb up and safely attach the top of the stand to the tree.