Purchasing 1st LADDER Stand

Another vote for primal. I have the 22' Mac daddy and it's very comfy. They also have jaws that wrap around the tree and hold the stand in place while you put a strap/chain on. I found that to be a nice safety feature.
One advantage with a two-man stand that I have not seen noted is that its extra width allows me to stand and hunt behind the tree easier. I have a couple of spots in particular in which deer occasionally cross behind me; it is easier to stand, peek around the tree, and shoot from either side of the 2-man stand than it is from the 1-man. (Hope this makes sense.)
2-man ladders are the bomb. I have 24 of them. Until you want to move them. Then they're a pisser, especially if you're moving several of them.
I've noticed that the Muddy, Big Game, and now X-Stand are all basically the same stand. I wonder who actually manufactures these?
I'm not sure but they absolutely came from the same manufacturer. Of the 3, the X-stand is best in my opinion.
I'm not sure but they absolutely came from the same manufacturer. Of the 3, the X-stand is best in my opinion.
Except neither the Big Game nor X-Stand have the lumbar support feature the Muddy does. Absolutely critical in my opinion (for us old guys).
I really like the X-Stand "The Duke." It's a 20-foot stand that's rock solid, comfortable and has a shooting rail. The best part is the "Jaw Safety System" it uses to secure it to the tree. If you are putting it up by yourself, this system is a must.

I have both the Muddy and Big Game stands and they are the exact same stand except this one has the system that lets you secure it to the tree before climbing.

It's $199 on Amazon right now:

Amazon product ASIN B00VJUTA9C

String Music: I have been looking at getting one of these. Most reviews Ive read are 4 or 5, but as with anything, there's always a few who complain and give it a 1. Most of the 1 score folks complaints are that the stand is noisy. Have you found that to be the case? Any cons you can share?
I like the 1.5 Big Game, also I put a chain fairly loosely around the tree just incase ratchet strap breaks
I just bought a 1.5 Big Game at Sportsman Warehouse this week. They are on sale for $143. I like the mesh seat and the extra space in the 1.5 without having to go to a buddy stand.
I put mine up alone . Probably best to put it about 3- 4 feet from the tree your going to put it on then walk it up into position , danger comes when you go up it to put rachet strap on it. Once you get the strap on the top part you've basically got it licked
I've got ladder stand that have been up year-round for 20 years. Straps break!

I try to get around to every stand every year and check the condition of all straps, but sometimes wear can't be easily seen. Although I'm not as concerned with 2-person ladders, as they all have to two ratchet straps, but the single-person ladders with single straps are a concern. Had a strap break on a single-person ladder just as a hunter was lining up a shot on a nice buck. Luckily, ladder didn't fall. But was a pretty scary experience for the hunter when the ladder seat suddenly dropped a foot just as he was raising his gun.
Did he get the buck?
Just purchased an X Stand "The Duke" last week. I got it put up yesterday with a little help from the wife. The most stable and safest ladder stand i've ever owned. Whoever designed it knew what they were doing and I suspect they were a hunter.
Three points that fasten it to the tree. It has the jaws at the top and another set at around shoulder height that lock it to the tree before you even have to climb up. The third point is a ratchet strap at the top which I think is redundant but strapped it anyway.
Only negative I found is that I wish it had one more ladder section. I like to be 20' from the platform to the ground and the Duke is 20' from the shooting rail to the ground. No biggie, I don't think the deer will notice.
I highly recommend the Duke and plan on replacing all my stands with it in the future,
Just purchased an X Stand "The Duke" last week. I got it put up yesterday with a little help from the wife. The most stable and safest ladder stand i've ever owned. Whoever designed it knew what they were doing and I suspect they were a hunter.
Three points that fasten it to the tree. It has the jaws at the top and another set at around shoulder height that lock it to the tree before you even have to climb up. The third point is a ratchet strap at the top which I think is redundant but strapped it anyway.
Only negative I found is that I wish it had one more ladder section. I like to be 20' from the platform to the ground and the Duke is 20' from the shooting rail to the ground. No biggie, I don't think the deer will notice.
I highly recommend the Duke and plan on replacing all my stands with it in the future,
My thoughts exactly. I like having the cable lock around the tree due to it being more weather- and critter-resistant. It's easy to check the strap for damage with it being right in front of the ladder. Peace of mind goes a long ways when climbing a stand in the dark.
Get A shooting rail and camo netting . You won't regret it. You tend to be exposed sitting in a open ladder stand. Wear your safty belt. A LOT of deer stand accidents happen from ladder stands. People tend to feel safer and more comfortable on a ladder stand. They fall asleep ,lean to far, slip climbing in, any # of unexpected things can happen.
I visited my farm this past weekend. The Muddy Skybox was very squeaky when I climbed it. The X-Stand Duke with rock solid and completely quiet when climbing it. I know which one I'll be using in the future.
I have a bunch of random stands but the most comfortable, well built and my favorite is Hawk.
One advantage with a two-man stand that I have not seen noted is that its extra width allows me to stand and hunt behind the tree easier. I have a couple of spots in particular in which deer occasionally cross behind me; it is easier to stand, peek around the tree, and shoot from either side of the 2-man stand than it is from the 1-man. (Hope this makes sense.)
Makes alot of sense

Im still debating a brand though