Yes, I've done quite a bit of pattern testing with the aforementioned.
TLRanger said:
Just guessing but looks like Winchesters would have about 10% fewer than lead, hevi shot 20% fewer, and Federal 30% fewer.
That's about right. No, I've never actually counted the pellets in the shells, but we can know very close what it takes to make up an ounce of each type shot.
Even though a 2-oz load of any of these will have fewer pellets than a 2-oz load of pure lead pellets, all have produced denser patterns than the same size shot (i.e. #6 v.s #6) from pure lead loads. However, the overall diameter of the patterns may be slightly smaller, particularly with the Hevi-13 offerings. These shells seem to be producing a denser 20" center at the expense of fewer pellets hitting between 20" and 30" from the aim point.
TLRanger said:
Doesn't really matter because I am satisfied with the Winchesters.
I've also been very partial to the Winchesters.
For turkey hunting, the Winchester Extendeds may be the best overall "value" considering price (at least among the heavier than lead offerings). They are also more "readily available" than any the others. They are great shells.
However, in part because they're offered with a 2 1/4-oz load (instead of 2 oz in the Winchesters, or 1 7/8 oz in the Federals), the Hevi-13's have produced the denser patterns, comparing same-size shot, i.e. #6 to #6. The Hevi-13 "Blend" will produce a denser pattern than straight #6's of any make I've tried. The Hevi-13 #7's produce greater density than the "Blend".
What I like about the very small "heavy" shot is very clean kills (I always take a head shot or no shot). To me, part of the "game" is getting that head shot, and not messing up the meat. I'm not in to long-range turkey shooting, and most of mine have been taken under 25 yards, but last year I did drop a big strutter at 46 yards with a load of #7's. I had previously passed this particular bird on previous hunts, and with that set-up, he would not come closer. Twice, he had just strutted away from the same place. Third time, a load of #7's at 46 yards, and don't think there was anything but instant dead turkey.