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Quota hunt choices(wanted to do a poll)

I put in for both PI hunts. 0 pref points, so I know its not gonna happen. But you gotta start gathering those points when you can.
I'd always done Tower Shielding in the past. I guess I'm getting old and you couldn't pay me to go back to that zoo. There's a good chance I'll be putting in for the December Oak Ridge gun hunt.
no catoosa yet?thats the big buck hunt with only 2000 other deer hunters.My friends and me should draw this hunt
Chuck Swan and Fall Creek Falls. Like Chuck Swan because its close to home and see plenty of deer. Never been to Fall Creek Falls before but it is also close. Any suggestions for hunting it?
Poser said:
Vermin93 said:
Poser said:
PI doe hunt... again. My plan is to have that place wired before I start putting in for the buck hunt.

8-10 years is a long time. Isn't it possible that things will have changed substantially by the time you draw the PI buck hunt?

Yes, that's true, but I will have hunted it in high water, low water, extremely low water, average water, with beans and with corn. In the last 3 years, I have already hunted it in low water and average water and noted the difference in movement and bedding areas. This year is looking like extremely low water... Anyway, when the water drops, additional bedding areas open up. This will likely be my last year before starting to put in for the buck hunt.

I may be wrong and not trying to bust your bubble, but I think the mathematical odds of you drawing it if you haven't starting putting in are better for you to win the powerball. I would think alot of people will have to quit putting in or die before you'd get that hunt within the next 25 years....