Quota WMA draw results

Just got chuck swan Nov 10/11, anyone know if you can still squirrel hunt there when there is no quota hunts running ?
Would like to go in and scout a couple of weeks before.
Well, I am going to get drawn for about whatever hunt I would like next year.
I have 11 points now and this was my last year for the Presidents Island draw.😭
I am getting out of everybody else's way (before I die trying) and you are welcome.:)
Catoosa gun and muzzleloader the very next weekend. Weather was a disaster on the hunts I had last year. Hopefully this year will be clear sky's no rain.
We drew.....nothing yet. :)

I'm surprised nobody has started this thread yet as we wait on the results. LBL is promised on the 8th I believe. TN has already been a week.
I just received notification that I had been selected for the Williamsport Big Game Quota Hunt. Never hunted there. Any advice greatly appreciated.