Rage Broadhead


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2003
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Have any of girls or guys tried the rage mechanical?
How would you rate them, the pros and cons.

Tn Deer Members reviews in my opinion would be better than the marketing of the TV pro staffers.

I haven't used them personally but a couple of my buddys use them and love them. They leave an awsome entry and exit wounds on the animals I've seen shot with them. I just can't retire my old Muzzys just yet, they have done a good job for me over the years.
I have tried them .They are good heads for a mechanical head , but I still prefer a low profile fixed blade heads such as the Slick Trick or G5 Striker.
Fixed blade heads are stronger when contacting bone .
Note: I don't want to start an argument on fixed blade vs. Mechanical heads , because there are merits of using both .
I'll let you know this fall. I've been faithful to Muzzy for over 20 years. But after seeing results of some of my close friends encounters with the Rage heads; I have decided to try them this year.
I have them but haven't had the chance to use them yet, everybody tells me they are the absolute best
I shot the two blades last year and they cut one heck of a hole but if you miss which i love to do it will tear them up.Like muzzy 3 blade 100 grains as well
Absolutely devastating! I have used many broadheads and these are by far the most devastating! I have never seen that makes such a large entrance and exit wound. They blast right thru bone and still penetrate 3 inches into the ground. The only other broadhead I would consider using would be the slick trick.the rage 2 blade is what I use and Love! I would not use the rage 3 blade. They do not perform near as well as the 2 blades.
Awesome head. They work GREAT!

I used them, and several other mechs and fixed over several years and wrote reports for various sites. I settled on the Magnus Stinger because I kill multiple deer each year and they have a lifetime guarantee. As far as product support, they are simply THE BEST!. THey are the sharpest heads I have ever used. THe fact that they cut on impact helps with the big bodied, bruiser bucks (and does) we hunt up North.

I also shoot Stingers. $24 for a 3 pack, lifetime warranty. You can go outside and intentionally smash them with a hammer. Call them and tell them what you did and they will send you a replacement. That's service. I also like the fact that I can practice with them on my hunting arrows, hit it with a sharpener, and then hunt with it without having to remove it from the arrow.
Any good ,sharp and strong broadhead placed in the vitals should produce a decent bloodtrail leading to recovered game .
Shot placement is everything . There are no magic broadheads on the market that will make up for poor shot placement .
The Rage broadheads are good broadheads , but they aren't going to make up for a poor shot or a poorly tuned bow.
What I love about the rage 2 blade is that it still does the job quickly even on a marginal shot because of the large entrance and exit wound it creates!The rage blades don't last as long as most of the fixed heads, but I DON'T CARE BECAUSE I WILL NEVER USE THE SAME HEAD TWICE. In my opinion, once a head has been used it has done it's job and I won't use it again.Many people use the same head for 3,4,5 kills and that is their right but I just don't care to do that.
W. Seay,
Right ON! I never use the same head twice. THis is just one of the reasons I like the Stinger so well. I use it on a deer, send it back, and they send me new ones while I imagine they re-cycle (melt down or whatever) my old one. NO CHARGE!

Radar...I agree. THere are NO SHORTCUTS in bowhunting. My biggest pet peeve in bowhunting is guys try to take short cuts to help them kill their deer. In bowhunting, success or failure is often measured in inches.

And being measured by an inch or so translates to this:
it is true that big broadheads are no substitute for poor preparation, they can be a VERY good aid for proper preparation especially when the placement of the shot is less than perfect.

A bowhunter needs to shoot the biggest, most accurate, and sharpest head they can. As an example, a 6 inch razor sharp hole will produce SEVERE and FATAL damage to a deer hit marginally while a 1/2 inch, razor sharp hole, even through BOTH lungs, will still kill the deer.

Now reverse the two holes. A 6 inch hole through the boiler room is a dead deer QUICK! But that 1/2 inch hole in the guts will take MUCH longer than the 6 inch gut shot!

6" hole ? :) I get your point on making a wider cutting path .
The one negative with having wider cut is the reduced penetration because of increased blade angle and width of the blades tends to decrease penetration due to the increase in friction .
The blades are cutting a wider path , yet they are slowing the penetration at the same time . It's a tradeoff .
Good discussion . ;)
Ive killed 35 plus deer with them and havent lost one yet. Killed a 200 pound plus deer in Kansas with a shot threw the shoulder.They work great on a steep angle or shooting at something quartering away.
I agree there are definitely broadheads that are durable enough to use multiple times such as the slick tricks, muzzies etc but I just won't use the rage broadheads more than once.I agree the rage 2 blades perform VERY well on steep angles!