W. Seay,
Right ON! I never use the same head twice. THis is just one of the reasons I like the Stinger so well. I use it on a deer, send it back, and they send me new ones while I imagine they re-cycle (melt down or whatever) my old one. NO CHARGE!
Radar...I agree. THere are NO SHORTCUTS in bowhunting. My biggest pet peeve in bowhunting is guys try to take short cuts to help them kill their deer. In bowhunting, success or failure is often measured in inches.
And being measured by an inch or so translates to this:
it is true that big broadheads are no substitute for poor preparation, they can be a VERY good aid for proper preparation especially when the placement of the shot is less than perfect.
A bowhunter needs to shoot the biggest, most accurate, and sharpest head they can. As an example, a 6 inch razor sharp hole will produce SEVERE and FATAL damage to a deer hit marginally while a 1/2 inch, razor sharp hole, even through BOTH lungs, will still kill the deer.
Now reverse the two holes. A 6 inch hole through the boiler room is a dead deer QUICK! But that 1/2 inch hole in the guts will take MUCH longer than the 6 inch gut shot!