Rage Broadhead

Everything I've read about the Rage broadheads has made them sound like excellent broadheads, but how do you afford to shoot these things? I just looked up their prices. It would cost me $110 just for a seasons worth ((2) 3 packs @ $39.99/pack and a pack of practice heads $29.99). I always like to try new things, but this is 25% of what my bow cost.
I wouldn't worry with buying the practice heads. Myself and everyone I know who shoots the rage 2 blade head says they fly exactly like the field points.I think one practice head comes with the pack of three.They are a little pricey but to me they are well worth it!
stik said:

There aint a broadhead out, thats not overpriced these days.

I have used the Rage. And they are good but dont really give me that WOW factor.

I have also seen them fail. One on a turkey never opened ( still killed the bird) and once on a deer. Blades came off ( deer found the next day)

I still like fixed blades.

Shuttle T
Slick Trick
NAP Nitrons
Grim Reaper Hades are all good heads
After spending thousands of dollars on hunting every year, I dont see the sense in skimping on something as important as $100 worth of broadheads!No matter what head you prefer, just make sure it is a quality head and that you are efficient with your rig.
BigWes50 said:
Radar said:
6" hole ? :) I get your point on making a wider cutting path .
The one negative with having wider cut is the reduced penetration because of increased blade angle and width of the blades tends to decrease penetration due to the increase in friction .
The blades are cutting a wider path , yet they are slowing the penetration at the same time . It's a tradeoff .
Good discussion . ;)

A fast shooting bow over 300fps this wouldn't be an issue!
It would depend on the mass weight of the arrow as well . Speed is only part of the equation .
yes i fully stand by rage mechanical broad heads... muzzy was tough for me to let go of but the 2" hole it leaves is amazing and the entry exit hole provides a great blood trail.. the rear deployment is the key that way if you hit the deer it has to open ..
So obviously money is an issue to some guys, certainly ME.
Last year I tagged 11 bow killed deer, the year before, 13, the year before 17...my broadhead cost...ZERO! ZILCH! NADA!

Guys, I am telling you...after using all kinds of broadheads, some of the MOST expensive and some knock-offs, I found a GREAT broadhead and broadhead company in Magnus Stingers. I have killed MANY deer, some HUGE ones with these heads without a single failure. I called the company and spoke with their Senior sales rep. about their lifetime guarantee. He said lierally and I quote, "We (Magnus) do not care if you use our broadhead to open a paint can, if it breaks or dulls, we will replace it FREE". That is a direct quote. I spoke with him on the phone again last week, he said the company is still growing.

What a gimmick...to have so much confidence in your product that you guarantee it for LIFE!

They expect you (me) to box them up and ship them back after passing through a deer and into the dirt. I could sharpen and re-use but hey, they send me a new one...FREE.

So every year I buy a pack or two to add to my arsenal, and head to the woods. Every year I lose 1 or more heads and my kid does too. I can now go all year with my supply and send them all back for replacements and free t-shirts and hat ( a bonus for sending in pics of your buck kills). Adn it costs...NOTHING!

BTW, make no mistake, these are exceptional heads. IMO the BEST performing cut on contact fixed 4-blade out there.

BTW Radar, good point about penetration, but in most cases, that is rarely a problem with todays equipment.

i haven't shot the rages personally. but i am definately planning on trying them this year.

for those of you concerned about having to buy new heads all the time, you can buy just the replacement blades instead of new heads, save you a little money.

And have any of you that used them had any trouble with them opening from the force of the shot itself? if that makes sense.
Stumpy said:
i haven't shot the rages personally. but i am definately planning on trying them this year.

for those of you concerned about having to buy new heads all the time, you can buy just the replacement blades instead of new heads, save you a little money.

And have any of you that used them had any trouble with them opening from the force of the shot itself? if that makes sense.

I have never seen replacement blades for Rage heads at most proshops that sell them ? I would hope that most hunters would not reuse them once they pass through a deer if replacement blades are not readily available .
they are little bit of a pain in the quiver though, pretty much my only stipulation. Killed two with them last season, and have no problems with them.
Oh yeah baby!!

I toom these two deer. The Doe blood drainage was unreal!!

I got to see the impact real good on the Scrub buck and when the arrow hit him it looked as if someone tipped over a gallon of milk from the store but it was red!! Iyt is like running a sword threw them! Fastest ethical harvest I have ever witnessed! They have no idea what happened. The lights just go out in seconds!

Radar said:
Any good ,sharp and strong broadhead placed in the vitals should produce a decent bloodtrail leading to recovered game .
Shot placement is everything . There are no magic broadheads on the market that will make up for poor shot placement .
The Rage broadheads are good broadheads , but they aren't going to make up for a poor shot or a poorly tuned bow.

Very well said! The rage advertising is now saying "expand your kill zone" I think this is terrible, but I see their angle.

I can pro form them for less than I get muzzys so Im going to try them. Im hoping for a slightly quartering shot (towards or away I dont care) so I can shoot for the off shoulder and compare to how my muzzys whould have done. Well see how they perform.
Radar, I am with you, I have a hard time believing the rages would out penetrate most fix blades...for the reasons you listed above your last post. What do you make of the video clip of the three in the gelatin? Just a one time occurance, hookey what? I do know that in watching videos the rages do not seem to give pass throughs with nearly the % of shots as fixed blades.
BowGuy84 said:
Radar, I am with you, I have a hard time believing the rages would out penetrate most fix blades...for the reasons you listed above your last post. What do you make of the video clip of the three in the gelatin? Just a one time occurance, hookey what? I do know that in watching videos the rages do not seem to give pass throughs with nearly the % of shots as fixed blades.

Gelatin is a much different substance than hide , bone and meat . Test parameters can also be favored towards Rage heads to skew results as well . Independent tests might yield completely different results .
I will say I have used Rage heads and killed deer with them . Like BigCountry said , they didn't produce that wow factor for me .
LOL @ BigJ who once was a big Slick Trick promoter , now that boo is with rage , he shows no loyalty at all to Slick Trick . :D
I just shoot whatever works for me . Rage heads are disposable heads , I want durable heads . It gets too expensive to replace Rage heads when I want to kill allot of deer .
I assure you that a razor sharp, cut on contact fixed blade will out perform ANY mechanical in penetration. But I TRULY believe that the only difference on good hits will be how far the fixed blade penetrates the ground after the pass through. This I speak from experience!

102 said:
I assure you that a razor sharp, cut on contact fixed blade will out perform ANY mechanical in penetration. But I TRULY believe that the only difference on good hits will be how far the fixed blade penetrates the ground after the pass through. This I speak from experience!


I agree , most good hits will yield the same outcome . I have shot deer broadside on level ground , and never found the arrow after the shot on many occasions . I think most members on this forum speak from experience in regards to broadhead performance . It's all about what each hunter has confidence in using from past experience or from practice .
Not true Radar. I love tricks and have posted that forever. Probably the best fixed blade on the market! And oh yeah! Boo is shooting Blitz from Rocky Mountain.
Big J said:
Not true Radar. I love tricks and have posted that forever. Probably the best fixed blade on the market! And oh yeah! Boo is shooting Blitz from Rocky Mountain.
Rocky Mountain owns Rage too , right ?