Rage Broadhead

Radar said:
Any good ,sharp and strong broadhead placed in the vitals should produce a decent bloodtrail leading to recovered game .
Shot placement is everything . There are no magic broadheads on the market that will make up for poor shot placement .

And that right there sums up all you need to know about archery hunting.
I LOVE shooting Broadheads. My recommendation? the one you have confidence in. It is not uncommon for me to use an expandable or a fixed blade in the same day. I have my bow tuned to accommodate me and my "mood".

The problem in this thread is that everyone is right and nobody is wrong because a sharp Broadhead in the boiler room will kill a deer dead. Most of the BH listed I have shot. Some of the ones people swear by I do not like. Some BH that people say have caused them to lose deer I will use at a drop of a hat.

Replacement blades? I don't rely on anyone to carry them locally so I stock up a head of time. I have never seen slick trick blades in the local shops or rage blades, why? simple, the store does not want to sell you blades they want to sell you BH. Part of Bow Hunting is preparation and shooting and buying BH's should be done WAY in advance. Every year several threads will be started by stressed hunters trying to get their arrow to fly because they are not prepared. Last minutes should not be spent stressing over arrow flight but trying to negotiate for kitchen passes.
as said before,ANY broadhead will do the job on a well placed shot. it was the devastation on a VERY poor shot that impressed me so much with the rocket(now trophy ridge) miniblasters at just over half the cost of the rage.
Most posts I make are meant to help the hunters who may be looking for good advice or recommendations about things that I have experienced. I know that MANY readers on this forum have much experience in all types of hunting, while many more are still in their early years of bowhunting.

I write posts because I have been bowhunting for a quarter century. While I am certain that most do not care wether or not I have killed several P/Y bucks, or triple digit bow kills, I guess it is important to establish some form of "credentials" in an effort to gain confidence with those who read my posts.

I, like you I'm sure, TRULY desire to help save some of the frustration that I experienced in my earlier years while trying to learn effective harvest skills. Of all the "ingredients" combined to make CONSISTENTLY SUCCESSFUL and humanely as possible bow kills, I think NOT ONE THING is as important as the hunters broadhead. Afterall, in the end, THE BROADHEAD IS what ultimately KILLS the deer.

The sharpest...
most accurate...

(and maybe, at least in my case...affordable)

Have you guys looked at the ROCKET ARROWHEADS BUCKBLASTER! goodness, its' huge. Looking my new cabelas archery book now, it says they have a 2 3/4 inch cutting diameter.

Let the size wars begin!

I'm still gonna be shooting my muzzy's.
Truer words have never been spoken.

But in reality...what often happens is a far cry from a well placed shot! It isn't necessarily the fault of the bowhunter. Sometimes things just happen. A step taken, the un-seen branch or twig, wind, rain, you know what I mean. Sometimes things just happen!

When possible, the largest, sharpest hole put "almost anywhere" in a deer will put it down quicker than the counterparts smaller hole!

102 said:
Truer words have never been spoken.

But in reality...what often happens is a far cry from a well placed shot! It isn't necessarily the fault of the bowhunter. Sometimes things just happen. A step taken, the un-seen branch or twig, wind, rain, you know what I mean. Sometimes things just happen!

When possible, the largest, sharpest hole put "almost anywhere" in a deer will put it down quicker than the counterparts smaller hole!


I agree , but I have also seen dozens of threads about less than perfect shots that were blamed on broadheads .
Rage heads are good mechanicals , but I think they are over hyped . They don't perform miracles .
Again...right on.

Not only have I seen and read where hunters blame broadheads for losing deer, but also I've seen them lose deer because they thought they didn't need, or know, how lethal the shots they made really were.

There is NO CURE for poor preparation!


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